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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight3.24 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.655 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 3.24
DEEX 21.34
APPLECOM 0.00001
58c4dbcf update account/votes
5a1c3d09 update account/votes
fbbd9a5b update account/votes
49cdb106 sent 10,500 DEEX to
5065a756 paid 0.00001 AMAZONCOM for 0.206 BTS
e7f0eb9a wants 0.206 BTS for 0.00001 AMAZONCOM
57ebe330 sent 0.1 DEEX to
f9e8967f sent 10 LAMBO to
55bba6a6 update account/votes
f96ef42d sent 1 BTS to
db52a321 cancel order
0c8c9296 cancel order
06aa2c4f wants 435 USD for 5,000 DEEX
58fc356b wants 500 USD for 5,000 DEEX
66a734ca cancel order
09febc3e wants 175 DEEX for 70 BTS
virtual paid 11.8 BTS for 29.97 DEEX
virtual paid 58.2 BTS for 147.7 DEEX
75db640d paid 12.82 USD for 71.4 BTS
dfc5e48f wants 71.4 BTS for 12.82 USD
80e7af9f cancel order
0e2620cd wants 71.5 BTS for 12.82 USD
110af929 cancel order
b89dc1db wants 71.5 BTS for 12.82 USD
045e8fcb paid 85.6 DEEX for 12.84 USD
adbdc975 wants 1,500 USD for 10,000 DEEX
5b92bc99 sent 2 BTS to
a16ec980 cancel order
b8f25426 cancel order
2674b3c1 wants 1,250 USD for 5,000 DEEX
6ee33e0b wants 1,400 USD for 5,000 DEEX
cdd0c963 cancel order
264626c5 wants 1,250 USD for 5,000 DEEX
ea4f487b cancel order
dd15e78f wants 1,250 USD for 5,000 DEEX
fcb2296e cancel order
ae068058 cancel order
3d82cda2 cancel order
b7c36a5b cancel order
eb2329de cancel order
92be3a30 cancel order
8508d6b1 sent 2,000 DEEX to
671d1bef wants 9,000 BTS for 3,000 DEEX
e42cb199 wants 2,000 BTS for 1,000 DEEX
c054f4cb wants 399,800 USD for 1,999 DEEX
10329d1e wants 19,980 USD for 999 DEEX
6cdb7a64 wants 1,998 USD for 999 DEEX
e02600d1 wants 480 USD for 999 DEEX
39972575 cancel order
569d19cc cancel order
dca12594 paid 2,085 BTS for 3,203 DEEX
f56ca07f wants 3,203 DEEX for 2,085 BTS
509b3470 cancel order
4686b516 wants 3,410 DEEX for 2,080 BTS
442bfb8d cancel order
a310df65 wants 3,059 DEEX for 2,080 BTS
b0dc5235 cancel order
aec1e59f wants 3,159 DEEX for 2,085 BTS
c305de35 cancel order
e59e40f8 wants 3,470 DEEX for 2,086 BTS
8694211f cancel order
250866ec paid 6 BTS for 9.23 DEEX
bff3d6fb wants 100,000 DEEX for 2 BTS
c79bde6c cancel order
7df38331 wants 2,000,006 DEEX for 2 BTS
5e542d3a sent 1 DEEX to
981b1490 wants 600 USD for 2,000 DEEX
3599c79f wants 9.23 DEEX for 6 BTS
62733f53 paid 1,070 BTS for 1,529 DEEX
9180b904 wants 1,529 DEEX for 1,070 BTS
ff9628ba wants 1,467 DEEX for 1,350 BTS
virtual paid 1,350 BTS for 1,467 DEEX
c9871e98 cancel order
454bf02f wants 1,901 DEEX for 1,350 BTS
78feda3a cancel order
8bd3e89a wants 1,941 DEEX for 1,359 BTS
5d3aee74 wants 1,000 USD for 2,000 DEEX
173b80ea paid 220 BTS for 244.4 DEEX
90631903 wants 244.4 DEEX for 220 BTS
434afea0 cancel order
7c54853f cancel order
830f2153 cancel order
2c604b1a cancel order
37503bdb cancel order
44c41e63 cancel order
8ab12e32 cancel order
68f7bfff wants 930 BTS for 750 DEEX
5f867074 paid 67.5 BTS for 61.3 DEEX
fa3f621b wants 768 DEEX for 844 BTS
virtual paid 777 BTS for 706 DEEX
f3f76d2d cancel order
b916bd89 wants 1,105 DEEX for 1,050 BTS
9835b760 cancel order
bb04a0ff wants 1,154 DEEX for 1,050 BTS
93fc29ba cancel order
61d699a2 wants 1,249 DEEX for 1,074 BTS
7cdd63d9 wants 10,000 USD for 100 DEEX
337f4ce5 wants 1,000 USD for 100 DEEX
c79f7543 wants 5,000 USD for 1,000 DEEX
0e80932a wants 150 USD for 100 DEEX
502241a5 wants 1,000 USD for 1,000 DEEX
ee5904e6 wants 970 USD for 1,000 DEEX
6fab4148 wants 41.9 DEEX for 54.4 BTS
virtual paid 54.4 BTS for 41.9 DEEX
d3a31719 wants 54.4 BTS for 13.27 USD
virtual paid 13.27 USD for 54.4 BTS
4eeeed5e cancel order
80e5b1fa cancel order
63f788ef paid 13.3 DEEX for 13.3 USD
68e9acc4 wants 168 USD for 168 DEEX
70a75292 wants 400 BTS for 20 DEEX