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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid2.79 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.AEG 0.0001073
BRIDGE.CDM 117,746
BRIDGE.IFP 0.00406
71f157aa issue 112,010 BRIDGE.CDM to
49a412bf issue 2,269 BRIDGE.CDM to
56688cde issue 107 BRIDGE.PRJ to
b537cf40 sent 82 BRIDGE.PRJ to
d29c3e01 issue 926 BRIDGE.CDM to
87f70997 issue 1,994 BRIDGE.CDM to
28fcffe6 issue 81 BRIDGE.PRJ to
e3cbff3b issue 1.49 BRIDGE.PRJ to
139dbee5 sent 25 BRIDGE.PRJ to
48a223cf sent 26,000 BRIDGE.CDM to
4e4f2538 sent 23 BRIDGE.PRJ to
efac7215 sent 14,000 BRIDGE.CDM to
b8799314 sent 15 BRIDGE.PRJ to
e2d0cd5d sent 10,000 BRIDGE.CDM to
1ee2de60 sent 17,000 BRIDGE.CDM to
647b5129 sent 20 BRIDGE.PRJ to
04e80909 sent 13 BRIDGE.PRJ to
c761d879 sent 13,770 BRIDGE.CDM to
c88e4557 sent 10 BRIDGE.PRJ to
20222a15 wants 6.35 BRIDGE.PRJ for 0.00402 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00402 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.35 BRIDGE.PRJ
21ce946e cancel order
930dda9e paid 0.000875 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.483 BRIDGE.PRJ
15a49c07 wants 10 BRIDGE.PRJ for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001324 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.244 BRIDGE.PRJ
2b90f65c paid 1,338 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.00234 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
658058b8 wants 0.0000833 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,081 BRIDGE.ADN
virtual paid 2,081 BRIDGE.ADN for 0.0000833 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
86b2579c wants 0.000951 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,464 BRIDGE.IFP
virtual paid 1,464 BRIDGE.IFP for 0.000951 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a732b723 wants 0.002514 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,436 BRIDGE.AEG
virtual paid 98 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.0001715 BRIDGE.BTC
1d3981ca wants 0.002684 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,095 BRIDGE.TRTT
virtual paid 938 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 157 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.000385 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
9842ffd1 sent 13,000 BRIDGE.CDM to
70ef1ff7 sent 7,500 BRIDGE.CDM to
f3dd9ff2 sent 1,200 BRIDGE.AEG to
6496ebe2 sent 2,050 BRIDGE.ADN to
e0b0c316 wants 605 BRIDGE.ADN for 0.00454 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00454 BRIDGE.BTC for 605 BRIDGE.ADN
91e532a7 cancel order
dc1096ba wants 984 BRIDGE.ADN for 0.00724 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0027 BRIDGE.BTC for 367 BRIDGE.ADN
a1d9bc48 cancel order
25c6ad65 sent 550 BRIDGE.IFP to
3472b8af wants 449 BRIDGE.IFP for 0.00984 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00984 BRIDGE.BTC for 449 BRIDGE.IFP
d48ced8e sent 5,040 BRIDGE.CDM to
f6562ee5 paid 0.00698 BRIDGE.BTC for 980 BRIDGE.ADN
f1a1476d wants 3,100 BRIDGE.CDM for 0.002635 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002635 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,104 BRIDGE.CDM
a90eb9c1 wants 2,100 BRIDGE.ADN for 0.01495 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00073 BRIDGE.BTC for 102.5 BRIDGE.ADN
fb337100 cancel order
d5053761 wants 3,100 BRIDGE.CDM for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
58f9fd15 sent 1,560 BRIDGE.CDM to
a7bec4a3 sent 1,865 BRIDGE.CDM to
3d862a6d paid 0.00521 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,880 BRIDGE.CDM
f5728d9e wants 1,880 BRIDGE.CDM for 0.00521 BRIDGE.BTC
f5b453b8 cancel order
80bc38e9 sent 1,097 BRIDGE.AEG to
84ddf05c sent 1,097 BRIDGE.TRTT to
6f3eb6e3 paid 0.00732 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,075 BRIDGE.AEG
40830eb1 sent 109 BRIDGE.IFP to
204eaf3f paid 0.00017 BRIDGE.BTC for 25 BRIDGE.AEG
86d6149f paid 0.00594 BRIDGE.BTC for 110 BRIDGE.IFP
675d0c07 paid 0.00324 BRIDGE.BTC for 840 BRIDGE.TRTT
2351f72f paid 0.001003 BRIDGE.BTC for 260 BRIDGE.TRTT
98f9df55 wants 110 BRIDGE.IFP for 0.00594 BRIDGE.BTC
be2fb9fd wants 1,100 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
c6f3b263 wants 1,100 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.00749 BRIDGE.BTC
fc86cc86 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.CDM for 0.00378 BRIDGE.BTC
8ad1d2b5 sent 3,902 BRIDGE.CDM to
e8e49d3d paid 0.01356 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,919 BRIDGE.CDM
4b50eed5 wants 3,919 BRIDGE.CDM for 0.01356 BRIDGE.BTC