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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00004 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.584 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00004
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000045
DEEX 0.0942
BRIDGE.AEG 0.00068
8bcac014 sent 114,769 BRIDGE.XSH to
f00d9bbf cancel order
8c7d8cb9 wants 28.3 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,289 BRIDGE.XSG
48001446 cancel order
ca62a6c5 wants 1.195 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,289 BRIDGE.XSG
ca93fea4 issue 6,289 BRIDGE.XSG to
bdff153e cancel order
44bf9c50 wants 122.9 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,818 BRIDGE.XSH
f819fba3 cancel order
ff3fd39b wants 1,217 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,818 BRIDGE.XSH
b3827502 cancel order
b234574c cancel order
a7221cd6 wants 29.5 BRIDGE.BTC for 590 BRIDGE.DFS
d8450d08 paid 0.0253 BRIDGE.BTC for 569 BRIDGE.DFS
f765437d wants 591 BRIDGE.DFS for 0.02627 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000978 BRIDGE.BTC for 22 BRIDGE.DFS
6c49308f cancel order
d1556b56 wants 723 BRIDGE.DFS for 0.02627 BRIDGE.BTC
65aca665 wants 0.0263 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,983 BRIDGE.AEG
virtual paid 5,983 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.0263 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
de2f57f3 cancel order
b39696db wants 629 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.001465 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001465 BRIDGE.BTC for 649 BRIDGE.XSH
f51e5dee wants 14,956 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,171 BRIDGE.XSH
e6aead39 cancel order
db3dd3bc wants 0.2435 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,864 BRIDGE.XSH
virtual paid 250 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00053 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 443 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00094 BRIDGE.BTC
309e3453 cancel order
3589ae78 wants 598 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,983 BRIDGE.AEG
1020638e cancel order
13834a08 wants 538 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,983 BRIDGE.AEG
5cdaf58f cancel order
1418f6d4 paid 0.00363 BRIDGE.BTC for 439 BRIDGE.AEG
95a27923 wants 1,109 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,544 BRIDGE.AEG
48059cc0 wants 4,741 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.0392 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001533 BRIDGE.BTC for 189 BRIDGE.AEG
virtual paid 0.00595 BRIDGE.BTC for 734 BRIDGE.AEG
virtual paid 0.02003 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,421 BRIDGE.AEG
virtual paid 0.00807 BRIDGE.BTC for 975 BRIDGE.AEG
c0f5ba3c paid 0.000371 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.8 BRIDGE.AEG
a0773df2 wants 940 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.00793 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00793 BRIDGE.BTC for 940 BRIDGE.AEG
c520637c wants 295.7 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.002395 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002025 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.AEG
04d0145c wants 4,422 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,864 BRIDGE.XSH
5b22aefb cancel order
7593f9a5 wants 4,204 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,864 BRIDGE.XSH
6b4610df cancel order
9e156225 wants 5,961 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,864 BRIDGE.XSH
172047e1 cancel order
71276532 wants 4,962 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,864 BRIDGE.XSH
ba9df088 cancel order
e9296019 wants 59,040 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,864 BRIDGE.XSH
df9cf969 cancel order
8b3eb8ac wants 5,755 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,864 BRIDGE.XSH
15b3946b cancel order
f90a2bad wants 13,784 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,864 BRIDGE.XSH
f2001fb2 cancel order
3128a6d3 wants 1,976 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,864 BRIDGE.XSH
a19453d3 cancel order
70a8c690 wants 1,746 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,865 BRIDGE.XSH
709271ca cancel order
b20b33ba wants 6,651 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,865 BRIDGE.XSH
bed72cca cancel order
c142d82c wants 10,866 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,865 BRIDGE.XSH
14e3ab3a cancel order
6cfcfb27 wants 10.91 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,865 BRIDGE.XSH
780b9a47 cancel order
3c7d9d7d wants 1,034 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,865 BRIDGE.XSH
b8e1c135 cancel order
ee7f374e wants 5,973 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,865 BRIDGE.XSH
5bea4b16 cancel order
33ea0968 wants 3,515 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,865 BRIDGE.XSH
b2e10457 cancel order
40f1dd21 wants 60.7 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0001856 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001856 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.7 BRIDGE.XSH
b686b5cf wants 0.0001866 BRIDGE.BTC for 140.2 BRIDGE.MDC
virtual paid 140.2 BRIDGE.MDC for 0.0001866 BRIDGE.BTC
cca22e14 cancel order
e274e90e wants 3,387 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
23aef937 wants 0.0778 BRIDGE.BTC for 140.2 BRIDGE.MDC
1ccdc553 cancel orders (2)
b2f0b9b8 wants 0.0778 BRIDGE.BTC for 140.2 BRIDGE.MDC
96112f3b wants 4,374 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
9b7018b8 cancel order
5775ae57 wants 4,420 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
839c8e04 cancel order
96a781bd wants 2,044 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
29fe2461 cancel order
66086fa2 wants 4,076 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
58d8c244 cancel order
2d6dc622 wants 4,305 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
fd12b82d cancel order
0951dbaa wants 4,030 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
df81bfd5 cancel order
cab54c4b wants 2,882 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
f540a990 cancel order
beec622c cancel order
4474e7e7 wants 16.83 BRIDGE.BTC for 140.2 BRIDGE.MDC
d7ef8158 cancel order
ca6c7e7c wants 10,332 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
4837408d cancel order
c293270d wants 6.08 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
4c0611c3 cancel order
0aad5ca3 wants 5,878 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
e2f7bf06 cancel order
1a7eb13e wants 2,327 BRIDGE.BTC for 45,454 BRIDGE.XSH
d02262bb cancel order
e9a99112 wants 1,137 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
818ce0c9 cancel order
22ea9608 wants 3,444 BRIDGE.BTC for 114,804 BRIDGE.XSH
03dbf371 wants 0.43 BRIDGE.BTC for 140.2 BRIDGE.MDC
ecdaedf7 sent 0.1188 BRIDGE.BTC to
352a5248 wants 0.0901 BRIDGE.BTC for 15,000 BRIDGE.XSH
virtual paid 15,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0901 BRIDGE.BTC
63910f42 cancel order
61de5855 paid 137.3 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.000826 BRIDGE.BTC
5a2ca4d5 paid 845 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00509 BRIDGE.BTC
0a03289d paid 451 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.002714 BRIDGE.BTC
0181d447 paid 0.41 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00000247 BRIDGE.BTC
61505f1e paid 377 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
d562e965 paid 308 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.001854 BRIDGE.BTC
7d9d4bdf wants 0.1204 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.XSH
virtual paid 633 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00381 BRIDGE.BTC
8b7214e4 paid 206 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00124 BRIDGE.BTC
8b1e7d10 paid 1,232 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00742 BRIDGE.BTC
98b415b7 paid 616 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00371 BRIDGE.BTC
c16f0233 cancel order
c1edec43 wants 80.9 BRIDGE.BTC for 134,611 BRIDGE.XSH
0edf6598 wants 140.5 BRIDGE.MDC for 0.01602 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01602 BRIDGE.BTC for 140.5 BRIDGE.MDC
d587d7e1 cancel order
cd8dd9a0 wants 1,198 BRIDGE.BTC for 134,611 BRIDGE.XSH