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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight29.7 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.817 BTS
Registrar-50% -
Referrer130% -


Asset Balance
BTS 29.7
ZEPH 1,013,093
DEEX 0.0971
TESLACOM 0.00001
virtual cancel order
7177577e wants 10,130 BTS for 1,013,093 ZEPH
f0289565 sent 109,950 ZEPH to
72afe39b paid 11,601 BTS for 125,000 ZEPH
bddb295e sent 333 COVFEFE to
19e6d58c cancel order
62d993ee cancel order
a485a9ff wants 125,000 ZEPH for 11,601 BTS
3cea9914 cancel order
6b276a2e wants 125,000 ZEPH for 11,599 BTS
1e439784 cancel order
ea824507 wants 125,000 ZEPH for 11,598 BTS
e04e227f cancel order
d2084000 wants 63,844 BTS for 500,000 ZEPH
7755ebee cancel order
9b1e7290 wants 125,000 ZEPH for 11,486 BTS
b886e4a5 cancel order
f58d71bc paid 259.5 BTS for 2,845 ZEPH
9a6dd1e8 wants 130,000 ZEPH for 11,856 BTS
5c6548b2 cancel order
76da04f2 wants 130,000 ZEPH for 11,855 BTS
f0e26e50 wants 2,000 BTS for 21,932 ZEPH
virtual paid 21,932 ZEPH for 2,000 BTS
61681d4f cancel order
93c86de9 wants 100,000 ZEPH for 9,117 BTS
fd6dce70 cancel order
a12051a2 wants 100,000 ZEPH for 9,009 BTS
2ab87245 wants 34,650 BTS for 250,000 ZEPH
5ca87a1b paid 25,035 BTS for 250,000 ZEPH
400c22a2 wants 79,944 BTS for 500,000 ZEPH
359fa8e1 wants 250,000 ZEPH for 25,035 BTS
999693bf paid 4,622 BTS for 45,867 ZEPH
830888a9 paid 8,276 BTS for 82,133 ZEPH
2b252894 paid 12,293 BTS for 122,000 ZEPH
ad85d8c8 sent 100,000 ZEPH to
2629422b wants 250,000 ZEPH for 25,190 BTS
a12a5336 cancel order
cb2e9c34 sent 10,000 ZEPH to
6395f405 paid 435,286 ZEPH for 60,057 BTS
6c2f25af wants 68,985 BTS for 500,000 ZEPH
f47d73e1 cancel order
bcaae93a wants 4,992 ZEPH for 553 BTS
virtual paid 553 BTS for 4,992 ZEPH
c0c9c189 wants 126,233 ZEPH for 13,886 BTS
virtual paid 438 BTS for 3,986 ZEPH
virtual paid 13,447 BTS for 122,248 ZEPH
5adc546d wants 69,244 BTS for 500,000 ZEPH
b8002713 cancel order
e79e06c3 cancel order
73399cfc cancel order
1f2f3da8 wants 27,858 BTS for 200,000 ZEPH
79c809bf cancel order
cf7dd68c wants 30,706 BTS for 200,000 ZEPH
37ebcb2d wants 99,687 ZEPH for 11,470 BTS
virtual paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0001 ZEPH
virtual paid 8,427 BTS for 75,000 ZEPH
virtual paid 2,876 BTS for 25,000 ZEPH
2895ca8c paid 166.8 BTS for 1,450 ZEPH
virtual cancel order
87beff6e wants 50,000 ZEPH for 5,556 BTS
virtual paid 5,556 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH
virtual cancel order
1cb5e103 wants 50,000 ZEPH for 5,495 BTS
virtual paid 5,495 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH
19d107de wants 37,167 BTS for 250,000 ZEPH
cbb42504 wants 34,722 BTS for 250,000 ZEPH
273c1476 cancel order
33824f87 cancel order
1ddc0ca1 cancel order
688f2273 cancel order
51ad486d wants 16,684 BTS for 111,762 ZEPH
59e51c75 wants 7,490 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH
e2862d92 wants 37,497 BTS for 250,000 ZEPH
e9382dc1 wants 14,889 BTS for 100,000 ZEPH
7a8b542e cancel order
73eed7ef cancel order
2a376857 cancel order
ce13172b wants 181.7 BTS for 0.001943 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000473 OPEN.BTC for 4.45 BTS
virtual paid 0.000476 OPEN.BTC for 44.6 BTS
virtual paid 0.000636 OPEN.BTC for 59.6 BTS
virtual paid 0.000784 OPEN.BTC for 73.3 BTS
b1ac9680 wants 23,955 BTS for 158,446 ZEPH
9e17a355 wants 1,208 ZEPH for 124.7 BTS
virtual paid 124.7 BTS for 1,208 ZEPH
dca30192 wants 157,556 ZEPH for 16,228 BTS
virtual paid 2,397 BTS for 23,270 ZEPH
virtual paid 13,832 BTS for 134,289 ZEPH
e3e02687 wants 19,861 BTS for 129,041 ZEPH
c0b32246 paid 13,965 BTS for 129,302 ZEPH
83757e49 wants 129,302 ZEPH for 13,965 BTS
bd40916e cancel order
363e98bc wants 130,903 ZEPH for 13,965 BTS
4f143928 cancel order
0d9437bd wants 34,517 BTS for 224,266 ZEPH
e8cc1e32 wants 135,317 ZEPH for 13,965 BTS
bb877859 paid 14,759 BTS for 124,518 ZEPH
330c2b1b wants 13,965 BTS for 0.1486 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.1486 OPEN.BTC for 13,965 BTS
f3c6dc90 wants 124,518 ZEPH for 14,759 BTS
0948f5a8 sent 0.1503 SPARKDEX.BTC to
c31985a6 cancel order
8a63813e wants 123,457 ZEPH for 14,759 BTS
8d105185 paid 99,056 ZEPH for 14,759 BTS
cf37d076 wants 14,759 BTS for 99,056 ZEPH
1b3c769f cancel order
45cfdfdc wants 14,780 BTS for 99,056 ZEPH
56a54337 paid 16,050 BTS for 133,660 ZEPH
7c7fd173 wants 133,660 ZEPH for 16,050 BTS
62d84729 cancel order
41fbbfd8 cancel order
a206ba83 paid 6,273 BTS for 65,798 ZEPH
d1933417 wants 141,008 ZEPH for 12,789 BTS
2d2d6c7e wants 100,000 ZEPH for 9,533 BTS
0d990022 cancel order
e6c8520d wants 246,113 ZEPH for 22,322 BTS
f8a62a37 cancel order
a5528e71 paid 27,537 ZEPH for 2,876 BTS
virtual paid 115,456 ZEPH for 12,057 BTS
21d6a80c paid 1,523 ZEPH for 159 BTS
664308cc wants 3,035 BTS for 29,060 ZEPH
1def3b77 wants 79,716 ZEPH for 7,230 BTS
1793788c cancel order
0091dac3 wants 14,561 ZEPH for 1,521 BTS
virtual paid 1,521 BTS for 14,561 ZEPH
virtual paid 14,561 ZEPH for 1,521 BTS
69fa0bdd wants 14,561 ZEPH for 1,521 BTS
virtual paid 1,521 BTS for 14,561 ZEPH
virtual paid 14,561 ZEPH for 1,521 BTS
62427505 paid 14,379 ZEPH for 1,502 BTS
eedb106c paid 182 ZEPH for 19 BTS
7ed00b26 wants 62,951 ZEPH for 5,710 BTS
3424c86a paid 54,668 ZEPH for 5,709 BTS
474e1f54 wants 22,328 BTS for 213,805 ZEPH
ab41902d cancel order
923acc27 wants 10,489 BTS for 100,000 ZEPH
f2355ab3 cancel order
8d323c2b cancel order
90dfd03b wants 4,994 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH
fbf00c02 wants 11,572 BTS for 113,805 ZEPH
4352380c cancel order
aba563b3 cancel order
7b88da23 cancel order
ada1d245 wants 61,586 BTS for 51,805 ZEPH
35ddc470 wants 65,328 BTS for 60,000 ZEPH
9b42c0b8 cancel order
1ffb8035 wants 211,178 BTS for 111,805 ZEPH
fa9b3397 wants 100,858 BTS for 102,000 ZEPH
3f36d319 cancel order
a9af7006 cancel order
684abd02 paid 1,043 BTS for 10,969 ZEPH
52e5ba1d wants 17,832 BTS for 150,000 ZEPH
37edb228 cancel order
e9d570ac paid 9,518 BTS for 100,131 ZEPH
7d49b143 wants 5,824 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH
003256c6 cancel order
2d409805 wants 5,831 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH
edefc42b cancel order
6a017edc wants 5,832 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH
b731ac8b cancel order
e8098659 wants 111,100 ZEPH for 10,560 BTS
9e8efc7c cancel order
13529721 wants 111,100 ZEPH for 10,560 BTS
271415cf cancel order
0603a4e3 wants 5,944 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH
63d41e31 wants 5,833 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH
47f8e5fb cancel order
07f99eae wants 111,100 ZEPH for 10,560 BTS
1c67d0b8 cancel order
716f911d cancel order
f98716b6 wants 111,166 ZEPH for 10,561 BTS
61482fb8 paid 0.0001 ZEPH for 0.00001 BTS
cb76ed1c paid 44,526 ZEPH for 5,154 BTS
7fe73f29 paid 0.0001 ZEPH for 0.00001 BTS
8ad78bbe paid 47,605 ZEPH for 5,407 BTS
c36c07c5 wants 9,273 BTS for 77,922 ZEPH
d870af8f paid 7,341 BTS for 78,081 ZEPH
d0567a13 wants 78,081 ZEPH for 7,341 BTS
54a8e8fb cancel order
bb18c4fd wants 79,778 ZEPH for 7,341 BTS
e4f2abc4 cancel order
b45c7b39 cancel order
1f04eaae wants 33,868 ZEPH for 2,737 BTS
80addcff paid 9,701 ZEPH for 1,102 BTS
9317d636 paid 7,673 ZEPH for 872 BTS
3df20e75 paid 1,983 ZEPH for 225 BTS
49ca1d30 paid 4,736 ZEPH for 538 BTS
3f411f5a wants 8,144 BTS for 71,699 ZEPH
d6c85322 wants 50,159 ZEPH for 4,605 BTS
1b001881 cancel order
84c9aaa4 cancel order
c4cf5eb8 paid 16,049 ZEPH for 1,858 BTS
2477cd01 paid 1,573 ZEPH for 182 BTS
e2ab6217 paid 2,292 BTS for 25,357 ZEPH
b5b9f95e paid 4,422 BTS for 46,488 ZEPH
d44f39a1 wants 30,862 ZEPH for 2,472 BTS
97223abd wants 7,194 BTS for 62,148 ZEPH
dafdf547 cancel order
4f8372eb cancel order
e68a200f wants 7,196 BTS for 62,149 ZEPH
f562ab06 cancel order
e0e0b5bf wants 5,859 BTS for 50,000 ZEPH