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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.01824 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.024 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.01824
90ec0f8f cancel order
441bb67f wants 96 BTS for 6,618 BRIDGE.PPO
c141c694 wants 6,150 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000615 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000615 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,834 BRIDGE.PPO
04827c6c cancel order
ea0433e0 cancel order
1649f077 cancel order
8105b464 wants 0.00382 BTS for 0.0383 BRIDGE.UFO
c916e74a cancel order
703a7bbe wants 10.28 BTS for 367 BRIDGE.NOS
01f5367d cancel orders (4)
3c4d9934 wants 1,246 BRIDGE.XBR for 0.0000623 BRIDGE.BTC
e4d17e71 cancel order
f6ad3dc1 paid 0.0144 BRIDGE.CRCO for 0.00000076 BRIDGE.BTC
f5fddf7c wants 4,520 BTS for 67.3 BRIDGE.NOS
5bba710d cancel order
3ba56238 wants 0.00000076 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0144 BRIDGE.CRCO
2dfc7e85 wants 1,230 BRIDGE.XBR for 0.0000615 BRIDGE.BTC
12115812 paid 0.3004 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0000619 BRIDGE.BTC
285906b7 wants 0.0000619 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.3004 BRIDGE.NRG
39d776c4 cancel order
36ef3aef wants 0.0000616 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2946 BRIDGE.NRG
54e4e9bb cancel order
955d5ba0 wants 0.00002557 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1139 BRIDGE.NRG
61586141 cancel order
e20fc3d2 wants 0.0000467 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1139 BRIDGE.NRG
34cc8704 cancel order
f2e2e2b8 wants 0.0000325 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1139 BRIDGE.NRG
69f480f5 cancel order
4cbced9d wants 766 BTS for 0.0851 BRIDGE.NRG
d366decd cancel order
923498d5 wants 851 BTS for 0.0851 BRIDGE.NRG
b34df5d4 cancel order
d30c2a4b cancel order
4597cc76 wants 0.00689 BTS for 0.0383 BRIDGE.UFO
b21b0f33 cancel order
8ce1b4c1 wants 0.00689 BTS for 0.0383 BRIDGE.UFO
8604ef1c wants 0.000037 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0851 BRIDGE.NRG
3c98d398 wants 6,726 BTS for 67.3 BRIDGE.NOS
9034bae4 cancel order
65401ad6 wants 6,726 BTS for 67.3 BRIDGE.NOS
2f1876c7 wants 0.00000383 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO
4ebcc2e4 cancel order
25db7ecd wants 6,726 BTS for 67.3 BRIDGE.NOS
bbe9eb38 wants 100,000 BTS for 100 BRIDGE.NOS
c441aea6 cancel order
98d2453e cancel order
953eb6f3 wants 10,000 BTS for 100 BRIDGE.NOS
3fdb53ed wants 10,000,000 BTS for 100 BRIDGE.NOS
6fd0db28 wants 1,000,000 BTS for 100 BRIDGE.NOS
9c31bcb5 wants 67,264 BTS for 67.3 BRIDGE.NOS
0e5afd93 cancel order
bbc4d37a wants 367,264 BTS for 367 BRIDGE.NOS
29a258f5 sent 2,341 BRIDGE.CROP to
93e0d298 cancel order
e84ddf67 wants 0.2107 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,341 BRIDGE.CROP
e6d62728 paid 0.0000837 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,325 BRIDGE.CROP
5da78e76 paid 0.00000074 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.56 BRIDGE.CROP
259fa645 wants 2,345 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.0000844 BRIDGE.BTC
902a75fd cancel order
d892d342 wants 2,738 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.0000844 BRIDGE.BTC
6eeda982 cancel order
f58745fc wants 2,738 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.0000844 BRIDGE.BTC
f550bb40 cancel order
29a3a854 wants 2,738 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.0000844 BRIDGE.BTC
e0ae1718 cancel order
53873933 wants 2,738 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.0000844 BRIDGE.BTC
64f5b2f0 cancel order
fdf8ae8f paid 74.5 BRIDGE.QBIC for 0.0000707 BRIDGE.BTC
2a39ec6f wants 0.0000707 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.5 BRIDGE.QBIC
f546863c cancel order
5b0ecc5e wants 451 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.0000139 BRIDGE.BTC
29cd4ed0 wants 0.00001392 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.UFO
virtual paid 293.7 BRIDGE.UFO for 0.00001392 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
62bf3166 cancel order
6f67ccae wants 0.0000804 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.5 BRIDGE.QBIC
4d906997 paid 0.00000368 BRIDGE.BTC for 368 BRIDGE.NOS
01ef4a07 cancel order
9b048cd3 wants 0.0000708 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.5 BRIDGE.QBIC
967caf95 cancel order
9c29bdae wants 0.00001468 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.UFO
e70c97af cancel order
b1b68cb5 wants 0.00001762 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.UFO
d0a156de wants 0.0000797 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.5 BRIDGE.QBIC
a5bd05e4 cancel order
377369a0 wants 0.0000708 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.5 BRIDGE.QBIC
01117e60 cancel order
64b41c9d cancel order
d7bb2b47 wants 0.0000797 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.5 BRIDGE.QBIC
4fbff421 wants 0.00001468 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.UFO
1dad25c2 cancel order
4432b4d2 wants 0.00001468 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.UFO
9e9058cb sent 21,110 BRIDGE.DC to
2f4b5143 cancel order
bb1f7f01 cancel order
afcdf6d6 cancel order
7eb025c4 cancel order
4dca2499 wants 0.00095 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,110 BRIDGE.DC
f571902b cancel order
4d3e4a99 wants 0.2 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.DC
ea0d3b6f cancel order
b7dc531e wants 0.0444 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,110 BRIDGE.DC
2041f251 cancel order
74b0f18e wants 0.000944 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,110 BRIDGE.DC
9ec5d793 cancel order
eab69225 cancel order
e079be81 wants 0.000367 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.5 BRIDGE.QBIC
48e88f05 wants 0.0001465 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.UFO
139ef248 cancel order
796ed77a cancel order
16adcb46 cancel order
4de1fe0e cancel order
b3a4d3e8 cancel order
55c1c928 wants 0.000138 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.UFO
29c832ef cancel order
9cd5de25 wants 0.00002907 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.UFO
7da9676e cancel order
b43dfc06 wants 0.294 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.UFO
420bb6bb cancel order
301f39cb wants 368 BRIDGE.NOS for 0.00000368 BRIDGE.BTC
265ba967 cancel order
4468d71a wants 0.469 BRIDGE.DOGEC for 0.00000368 BRIDGE.BTC
f95a2fbb paid 2.833 BRIDGE.QBIC for 0.00000368 BRIDGE.BTC
6f5946ae wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.QBIC
716e5c72 cancel order
52d67b8c wants 0.0004 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.QBIC
e046c750 cancel order
6cee9af1 wants 0.00000368 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.833 BRIDGE.QBIC
e2ccb064 wants 0.0000185 BRIDGE.BTC for 142.4 BRIDGE.UFO
ca67040e wants 0.0000771 BRIDGE.BTC for 110.1 BRIDGE.DC
b8ada32c cancel order
9789c17e cancel order
0d4fdecf cancel order
281f2ed2 wants 0.00000895 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.48 BRIDGE.QBIC
aa302fea cancel order
71a4e6a3 wants 0.000025 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.QBIC
da3a0379 wants 0.0000406 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.QBIC
116c9dc9 cancel order
43a7e11d wants 0.00000439 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.198 BRIDGE.QBIC
e7b2145f wants 0.00004 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.QBIC
bec3783d cancel order
32c85b8c cancel order
30042798 wants 0.00025 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.QBIC
b4825258 cancel order
e7776f62 cancel order
33e7b7d0 wants 0.0000066 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.86 BRIDGE.QBIC
efb18b39 wants 0.0000694 BRIDGE.BTC for 90.1 BRIDGE.DC
edfe79c0 cancel order
a8e9a9aa wants 0.0008 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.DC
24e75d96 cancel order
c533d986 wants 0.00001244 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.16 BRIDGE.DC
cf3d6da6 cancel order
a5c315e1 wants 0.00000969 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.16 BRIDGE.DC
51a344f1 wants 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.DC
a3daaeac wants 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.DC
7d6391c5 wants 0.00001484 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.94 BRIDGE.QBIC
55bc94d9 wants 0.00001184 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.78 BRIDGE.QBIC
9074872c wants 0.000123 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.6 BRIDGE.QBIC
545cb783 paid 0.00000471 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.2 BRIDGE.DC
733fe6b8 wants 36.2 BRIDGE.DC for 0.00000471 BRIDGE.BTC
a3abd680 wants 0.00000471 BRIDGE.BTC for 94.3 BRIDGE.UFO
virtual paid 94.2 BRIDGE.UFO for 0.00000471 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
209855eb cancel order
9f9ca575 wants 0.00000527 BRIDGE.BTC for 94.3 BRIDGE.UFO
bc58aa58 wants 0.00086 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,074 BRIDGE.DC
fbcdf8d3 cancel order
70f0f3da wants 0.0171 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.DC
45fad6f7 wants 0.000827 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,074 BRIDGE.DC
c5214123 cancel order
f851f6f8 wants 0.01686 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,074 BRIDGE.DC
ddceca64 cancel order
8006bc36 wants 0.01802 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,074 BRIDGE.DC
d6381074 cancel order
9c57da90 wants 0.01802 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,074 BRIDGE.DC
92fad5ea cancel order
40ae92dd wants 0.01812 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,074 BRIDGE.DC
ce988929 sent 3,258 BRIDGE.HIGHT to
ca26ca85 wants 2,326 BRIDGE.HIGHT for 0.0000326 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000326 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,256 BRIDGE.HIGHT
3c5184ca cancel order
e4afa1f1 wants 0.0000326 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.66 BRIDGE.MCT
virtual paid 6.66 BRIDGE.MCT for 0.0000326 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
bd7f7311 wants 0.00000017 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.7 BRIDGE.HIGHT
7996a871 wants 5.71 BRIDGE.HIGHT for 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.72 BRIDGE.HIGHT
539f18f4 cancel order
7d1ee387 paid 4.61 BRIDGE.TRP for 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC
818e8c65 wants 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.61 BRIDGE.TRP
ea0b3f0d wants 0.0000466 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.66 BRIDGE.MCT
19545bb1 cancel order
f31765ba wants 0.0000503 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.66 BRIDGE.MCT
429a52b2 cancel order
13d5fc19 sent 4,339 BRIDGE.HIGHT to
320bd274 wants 0.0000503 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.66 BRIDGE.MCT