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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid68.7 BTS
d2af891d sent 1,307 BTS to
b42db6fb wants 2.47 BTS for 1.21 CNY
virtual paid 1.21 CNY for 2.473 BTS
f26b9cb8 cancel order
35c6dce0 wants 2.473 BTS for 1.21 CNY
1934771d wants 14.84 BTS for 7.26 CNY
virtual paid 7.26 CNY for 14.84 BTS
6d86bd60 wants 9.69 CNY for 20 BTS
virtual paid 20 BTS for 9.69 CNY
1f33368b wants 97.5 BTS for 47.8 CNY
280f0d2c paid 47.8 CNY for 97.5 BTS
7f4129f3 wants 23.75 CNY for 359,918 BTSUCN
virtual paid 359,917 BTSUCN for 23.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
1e844ea4 paid 359,918 BTSUCN for 23.75 CNY
6891c318 wants 23.75 CNY for 359,918 BTSUCN
8c224d25 wants 1,214 BTS for 575 CNY
82d942c9 paid 575 CNY for 1,214 BTS
3a4adae9 wants 15.73 CNY for 239,945 BTSUCN
virtual paid 239,944 BTSUCN for 15.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
12611f84 cancel order
f1c9a640 wants 31.7 CNY for 479,890 BTSUCN
240dc4da wants 20.97 CNY for 319,926 BTSUCN
virtual paid 319,926 BTSUCN for 21.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
a13598d4 wants 28 CNY for 426,568 BTSUCN
virtual paid 426,568 BTSUCN for 28.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
cc479724 wants 37.3 CNY for 568,757 BTSUCN
virtual paid 568,756 BTSUCN for 37.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
184203ed cancel order
c39ac754 wants 75.1 CNY for 1,137,515 BTSUCN
9c3f69a0 cancel order
354182fa wants 75.1 CNY for 1,137,515 BTSUCN
8fed5e8e wants 49.7 CNY for 758,343 BTSUCN
virtual paid 758,341 BTSUCN for 50 CNY
virtual cancel order
8d190745 cancel order
a8565541 wants 100.1 CNY for 1,516,686 BTSUCN
682ddf3c wants 66.3 CNY for 1,011,124 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,011,123 BTSUCN for 66.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
55fb4ad1 cancel order
c8725a8f wants 133.5 CNY for 2,022,247 BTSUCN
fb953765 wants 88.4 CNY for 1,348,165 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,348,164 BTSUCN for 88.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
6a78f6e1 cancel order
caa38b2c wants 178 CNY for 2,696,329 BTSUCN
75238a4e cancel order
2e38f541 wants 466 CNY for 7,059,235 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,666,577 BTSUCN for 116.5 CNY
959b6cad sent 0.2 CNY to
7ed35472 cancel order
8a5d0e8c wants 116.5 CNY for 1,764,809 BTSUCN
c34a4787 sent 4 CNY to
869fa8be cancel order
d4511afa wants 116.5 CNY for 1,764,809 BTSUCN
8baf3f57 cancel order
3449971d wants 116.5 CNY for 1,764,809 BTSUCN
5709362c cancel order
2bbb74fa wants 233 CNY for 3,529,618 BTSUCN
4dd13cc2 wants 154.3 CNY for 2,353,078 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,353,078 BTSUCN for 155 CNY
virtual cancel order
938516f1 wants 0.424 CNY for 6,459 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,459 BTSUCN for 0.426 CNY
virtual cancel order
d23a48df cancel order
783e710e wants 155.4 CNY for 2,354,693 BTSUCN
3dad92b7 cancel order
094d40d4 wants 155 CNY for 2,354,693 BTSUCN
214bef0d cancel order
12c32f15 wants 311 CNY for 4,709,386 BTSUCN
a9db7c62 cancel order
4797d3f3 wants 622 CNY for 9,418,773 BTSUCN
45e1f826 cancel order
50b2b584 wants 622 CNY for 9,418,773 BTSUCN
bf38952c sent 268 BTS to
2d031fde paid 138.2 CNY for 268 BTS
d68544a0 wants 268 BTS for 138.2 CNY
a282d69e wants 31.6 CNY for 444,945 BTSUCN
virtual paid 444,944 BTSUCN for 32.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
4a032107 wants 32.5 CNY for 444,944 BTSUCN
virtual paid 444,943 BTSUCN for 32.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
0134044b wants 11 CNY for 150,685 BTSUCN
virtual paid 150,684 BTSUCN for 11.12 CNY
virtual cancel order
02e045df wants 24.63 CNY for 346,857 BTSUCN
virtual paid 346,856 BTSUCN for 25.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
eed5152d wants 32.5 CNY for 462,476 BTSUCN
virtual paid 462,476 BTSUCN for 34.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
ce885643 sent 130 BTS to
343cbf64 wants 25.74 BTS for 12.61 CNY
virtual paid 12.61 CNY for 25.74 BTS
224e7b40 wants 104.7 BTS for 51.3 CNY
virtual paid 51.3 CNY for 104.7 BTS
e03cfafe wants 67.5 CNY for 924,951 BTSUCN
virtual paid 136,407 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
virtual paid 788,543 BTSUCN for 57.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
36fb2731 sent 445 BTS to
64e1979b wants 220.5 BTS for 59.8 CNY
virtual paid 59.8 CNY for 223 BTS
e8c7dd6c wants 221 BTS for 59.9 CNY
virtual paid 59.9 CNY for 223.4 BTS
9286b805 wants 98.2 CNY for 1,636,451 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,169,706 BTSUCN for 73.7 CNY
virtual paid 466,743 BTSUCN for 28 CNY
virtual cancel order
8500f202 sent 10 CNY to
1b48108c wants 25.6 CNY for 284,601 BTSUCN
virtual paid 284,600 BTSUCN for 28.46 CNY
virtual cancel order
f5930a0f cancel order
5cde02a1 wants 28.46 CNY for 284,601 BTSUCN
9a50fb4b cancel order
766bac88 wants 28.46 CNY for 284,601 BTSUCN
1ee795dc sent 855 BTS to
7af0a36f wants 855 BTS for 163.2 CNY
virtual paid 163.2 CNY for 855 BTS
2b766bb1 wants 163.3 CNY for 1,484,150 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,484,149 BTSUCN for 163.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
2cd27fbd sent 1,120 BTS to
0e164914 wants 720 BTS for 107.3 CNY
virtual paid 107.3 CNY for 720 BTS
fa0328da wants 100.1 CNY for 498,050 BTSUCN
virtual paid 498,050 BTSUCN for 107.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
88a056a0 wants 377 BTS for 64 CNY
virtual paid 64 CNY for 400 BTS
e42bb288 wants 57.2 CNY for 284,600 BTSUCN
virtual paid 284,600 BTSUCN for 64 CNY
virtual cancel order
24527d61 sent 1,111 BTS to
fc1a656f wants 810 BTS for 128 CNY
virtual paid 128 CNY for 810 BTS
a8bfffa6 wants 128 CNY for 569,200 BTSUCN
virtual paid 569,200 BTSUCN for 128 CNY
virtual cancel order
19edfae7 wants 304.6 BTS for 53.3 CNY
virtual paid 3.27 CNY for 19.1 BTS
virtual paid 50 CNY for 291 BTS
067fa7be wants 51.2 CNY for 213,450 BTSUCN
virtual paid 213,450 BTSUCN for 53.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
9a1e0451 sent 284,600 BTSUCN to
4c6f4c67 cancel order
ae81109a wants 71.2 CNY for 284,600 BTSUCN
f4253b43 cancel order
458a350b wants 71.2 CNY for 284,600 BTSUCN
d8cd72b9 sent 1,840 BTS to
4e351dd2 cancel order
6307e824 wants 71.2 CNY for 284,600 BTSUCN
bbbd8834 wants 1,794 BTS for 215 CNY
virtual paid 215 CNY for 1,806 BTS
86cf97dd wants 202 CNY for 782,650 BTSUCN
virtual paid 782,650 BTSUCN for 215.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
de3c7b35 sent 3,600 BTS to
7ac3e31b sent 20,000 BTS to
24d767de wants 679 BTS for 85.3 CNY
virtual paid 85.3 CNY for 710 BTS
df2c5a1c wants 74 CNY for 142,300 BTSUCN
virtual paid 142,300 BTSUCN for 85.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
20fe9251 wants 2,623 BTS for 298.5 CNY
virtual paid 223.6 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 74.9 CNY for 670 BTS
45cd2c42 wants 256 CNY for 213,450 BTSUCN
virtual paid 213,450 BTSUCN for 299 CNY
virtual cancel order
8069b15e wants 3,836 BTS for 480 CNY
virtual paid 480 CNY for 4,128 BTS
38f1fea3 wants 480 CNY for 284,600 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,888 BTSUCN for 180.5 CNY
virtual paid 177,712 BTSUCN for 300 CNY
virtual cancel order
5926bdf7 wants 2,636 BTS for 334 CNY
virtual paid 253.4 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 81 CNY for 640 BTS
92938b9e wants 335 CNY for 142,300 BTSUCN
virtual paid 37,554 BTSUCN for 88.4 CNY
virtual paid 104,746 BTSUCN for 246.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
d4001dd9 wants 2,530 BTS for 335 CNY
virtual paid 265 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 70.7 CNY for 534 BTS
635a1032 wants 336 CNY for 142,300 BTSUCN
virtual paid 142,300 BTSUCN for 336 CNY
virtual cancel order
847d9f31 wants 2,199 BTS for 340 CNY
virtual paid 340 CNY for 2,229 BTS