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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight10.05 BTS
Lifetime fees paid538 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 10.05
52162d55 sent 10 BTS to
18b90cf8 sent 61.6 BTS to
59a41681 cancel order
716ca1f6 cancel order
5bfa636f cancel order
3827f0b9 cancel order
f9831cf5 cancel order
f3193ffa wants 13.5 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01535 BRIDGE.BTC
b9078c4e wants 12.23 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0139 BRIDGE.BTC
9c9b499e wants 11.18 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC
8d49de3a wants 11.7 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01343 BRIDGE.BTC
e7a43d27 wants 12.14 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0139 BRIDGE.BTC
f568b9d3 cancel orders (5)
31e22a85 wants 13.46 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01535 BRIDGE.BTC
027029c9 wants 12.77 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0147 BRIDGE.BTC
d25b2bb9 wants 13.7 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01567 BRIDGE.BTC
a855df89 wants 13.27 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0152 BRIDGE.BTC
6a440ab2 wants 11.53 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01327 BRIDGE.BTC
7267fe49 cancel orders (4)
10ffa240 wants 26.06 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.018 BRIDGE.BTC
a8930090 wants 27.6 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
c4764bcc wants 26.86 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0188 BRIDGE.BTC
499cd0bd wants 28 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
14f8e3e4 cancel orders (4)
7f474ff2 wants 42.1 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
725cdbcb wants 47.4 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
583428d3 wants 43 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0186 BRIDGE.BTC
ba29d46d wants 34 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.016 BRIDGE.BTC
5923b5a4 cancel order
1ad47ce6 cancel order
9a592c89 cancel order
35e7366f wants 19.33 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
aebcf35f wants 18.97 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
c4596e8e wants 18.98 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
8419314a cancel orders (3)
8c8014a5 wants 19.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
257c1b98 wants 19.2 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
7d1c3ef8 wants 19.22 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
771961f3 cancel order
59112970 cancel order
4387042e cancel order
a068c9b6 wants 19.18 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
d858b03b wants 19.43 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
d2964035 wants 19.23 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
417dc1ed cancel orders (3)
23b2c013 wants 19.64 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
55985cc7 wants 19.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
039c8182 wants 19.07 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
e0a38303 cancel order
d5bd7f15 cancel order
fb830c18 cancel order
dc5adcb7 wants 19.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
087e36a5 wants 19.27 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
ab86d2f1 wants 19.63 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
d122076a cancel order
5c3f1356 cancel order
a1af2bdc cancel order
4a943844 wants 19.03 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
d8cfba74 wants 19.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
68320a51 wants 19.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
172a16ce cancel orders (3)
47397675 wants 19.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
6f234015 wants 19.27 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
5039b0f1 wants 19.16 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
998592a0 cancel order
890360d0 cancel order
700a186d cancel order
285a570a wants 19.06 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
900323ba wants 19.44 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
4db62e8b wants 19.16 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
06f8a80b cancel orders (2)
9b8042a6 cancel order
0b86e881 wants 19.13 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
bbbaf73e wants 19 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
fa16ce21 wants 19.2 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
ffa33fdc cancel order
be6b8831 cancel order
e31cc609 cancel order
e63a15fb wants 18.25 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
af2ed311 wants 18.42 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
2e16b77b wants 18.23 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
ee01e711 cancel order
73374c68 cancel order
b30d6927 cancel order
2c670b85 wants 18.4 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
39cc6b54 wants 18.54 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
5b9664c3 wants 18.8 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
1c040feb cancel orders (3)
7ef4c0db wants 18.95 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
a118f745 wants 18.43 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
8a2cb664 wants 18.74 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
61811953 cancel order
0cc1c36e cancel order
09c1a085 cancel order
bb87a017 wants 18.85 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
b835f134 wants 18.82 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
93519c4a wants 18.4 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
e9ddc928 cancel order
8a638ca1 cancel order
bbc6799e cancel order
eb222db6 wants 18.4 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
1055100e wants 18.4 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
29084a98 wants 18.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
daf8fbdb cancel orders (3)
59fec939 wants 18.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
d8070ab9 wants 18.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
374ab719 wants 18.94 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
4fbe931e cancel order
5aab8fdd cancel orders (2)
d0c09efb wants 18.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
9d4d2196 wants 17.82 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
def7cc0c wants 18.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
f1533bb1 cancel order
9e39df79 cancel order
118e8434 cancel order
ee457dee wants 18.27 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
5ba1da84 wants 17.73 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
03999e37 wants 17.66 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
faf8bd13 cancel orders (3)
e1b71fd6 wants 17.9 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
7d98a38d wants 17.65 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
f9796c82 wants 18.18 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
85343f28 cancel order
bd3b15b6 cancel order
9572908a cancel order
0e3545c0 wants 17.77 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
01cf1a38 wants 17.67 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
d89d4692 wants 17.82 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
8245ecf1 cancel orders (3)
33ae7892 wants 17.8 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
9e7a5294 wants 17.84 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
78c79477 wants 17.68 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
94daada0 cancel order
fe212124 cancel order
2e6e3547 cancel order
6a8a83b9 wants 17.96 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
0c25fa4c wants 18.15 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
770554ec wants 17.65 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
1b7e6d63 cancel order
175a6482 cancel order
49fe80da cancel order
6cb76282 wants 17.65 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
a19e3ea2 wants 18 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
eab84f4c wants 17.66 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC
6e5f51fb cancel order
ca2d959a cancel order
7a1f9eb2 cancel order
5d6f9a8f wants 18.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
8b098663 wants 17.8 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
9182066d wants 18.17 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
44b78bc9 cancel order
50eea0b2 cancel orders (2)
a6cd9366 wants 17.83 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
18c0dd0d wants 18.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
958f69ab wants 18 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
320372f0 cancel order
4e5699c0 cancel orders (2)
e8f1014a wants 17.9 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
8f9e46f3 wants 18.24 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
4cbf95de wants 18.06 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
8d77785a cancel order
1a7a3ea3 cancel orders (2)
1cc34b8e wants 17.9 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
db7a9cb1 wants 18.14 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
ed3e59c3 wants 18.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC
bea53ab5 cancel order
9be0029f cancel orders (2)
1bc77d36 wants 18.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC
56f9cf23 wants 17.94 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
fce34d25 wants 17.72 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.019 BRIDGE.BTC