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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight179 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.84 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 179
BADCOIN 10,000
TIREX 0.21
ef1bad16 paid 352 CNY for 148 BTS
676b6f78 wants 148 BTS for 352 CNY
e9c471da sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
881bf1ae paid 45.1 CNY for 24.25 BTS
66eea95d paid 1.39 CNY for 0.747 BTS
5345d067 wants 25 BTS for 46.5 CNY
699fdab7 cancel order
49eaabcd wants 25 BTS for 46.3 CNY
57d5d148 cancel order
fbfc37ee wants 20 BTS for 30 CNY
499c2bd0 wants 1 BTS for 2.65 CNY
virtual paid 2.65 CNY for 1.001 BTS
8aa24b5e wants 1 BTS for 2.65 CNY
virtual paid 2.65 CNY for 1 BTS
65f2601e cancel order
f77d8d21 cancel order
5e4dd300 paid 5.3 CNY for 2 BTS
3f863aa4 wants 2 BTS for 5.3 CNY
a13ee645 paid 0.2984 CNY for 0.1 BTS
2fb4e6f1 paid 3.15 CNY for 1 BTS
ddc9979b wants 1 BTS for 3.15 CNY
90a6e3b1 wants 1 BTS for 3.15 CNY
1ba4df5f paid 3.15 CNY for 1 BTS
db43123b wants 0.1 BTS for 0.2984 CNY
eec3d3d7 wants 0.01 BTS for 0.014 CNY
97504aad wants 0.01 BTS for 0.0138 CNY
5ecefb68 sent 9,949 CNY to
cf73ca7a sent 9,950 CNY to
9e7d573b sent 1,801 CNY to
960763ef sent 995 CNY to
70228332 sent 2,984 CNY to
d6b5c564 sent 49,750 CNY to
638759cd sent 10,000 CNY to
832d4694 sent 9,950 CNY to
06873b67 sent 40,500 CNY to
b3bf1f63 sent 39,800 CNY to
f880d627 sent 10,000 CNY to
1e66de88 sent 29,850 CNY to
46311806 sent 17,932 CNY to
9564ffcc sent 99,902 CNY to
38a82f22 sent 50,077 CNY to