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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0165 BTS
Lifetime fees paid331 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0165
BRIDGE.ALQO 0.000614
NOBLE 0.0002
BRIDGE.FRAG 0.0000792
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025
e199ca5b sent 9.2 BTS to
8c12756f sent 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC to
9dcc6e1c cancel order
200b29d6 wants 131 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
5f62d249 cancel order
75588b4a wants 132.3 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
2ccd3aff cancel order
0fe44582 wants 132.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
d1e83116 cancel order
c13e46e9 wants 132.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
2e9f5737 cancel order
6c2a2e86 wants 132.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
e1ab1f0e cancel order
0c6c8eb3 wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
ca7c4d2c cancel order
a45a10c3 wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
01530af5 cancel order
c28c357b wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
3d3542ac cancel order
f836ae5d wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
7e56e4d7 cancel order
74ec885c wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
a5953995 cancel order
32014cf6 wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
36a796e5 cancel order
a00673fe wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
7c88bd7c cancel order
32dde052 wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
9a5f8fe7 cancel order
1153bc68 wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
88dbbda1 cancel order
cbeeb1cc wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
5ac7a4e7 cancel order
c96d9d8f wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
75cf4804 cancel order
45b07c10 wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
75931abc cancel order
2cbedbb2 wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
9ba8192f cancel order
759e399f wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
873733a7 cancel order
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3258650b wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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c473f37e cancel order
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765bc6e3 cancel order
ad3a3591 wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
ef0d985a cancel order
5bbfcac4 wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
75324a6d cancel order
6c06d5a5 wants 132.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
1942f823 cancel order
b89c5573 wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
79d1f407 cancel order
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75168150 cancel order
6c64e41e wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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a36a8f36 wants 132.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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9acea7fc wants 135.3 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
6364cd30 cancel order
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b1a6fee9 cancel order
00704304 cancel order
cd7db539 wants 135.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
5a57ba90 cancel order
04f8f7ed wants 135.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
3782580e wants 135.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
ed564e67 cancel order
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7da4cfd6 cancel order
69544430 wants 135.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
4185ddf1 cancel order
6e470b12 wants 135.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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9c126b16 wants 135.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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1ade153a wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
1032d2b7 cancel order
b87215e5 wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
00beb049 cancel order
e545cca1 wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
9646e24c cancel order
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20663a70 cancel order
2a97155d wants 136.2 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
308e2315 wants 136.2 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
66b2047c cancel order
bf73c4ef wants 136.2 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
117f5709 cancel order
84440e96 wants 136.3 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
b6d554a1 cancel order
2014c64d wants 136.3 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
5e03c6fc cancel order
1d5ab833 wants 136.3 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
497a9e69 cancel order
5f02f991 wants 136.3 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
0fcdd380 cancel order
51efd878 wants 136.3 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
5238038d cancel order
bf3b69c2 wants 136.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
62a97599 cancel order
e6afb943 wants 136.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
00871d59 cancel order
60727eba wants 136.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
029d8ceb cancel order
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8c607038 cancel order
6b6e1dea cancel order
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8df6a691 wants 136.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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29e540e4 wants 136.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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25e50f49 cancel order
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5821ef31 cancel order
7cd42479 wants 135.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
78bce9bf cancel order
0974f7c2 cancel order
2a47611b wants 135.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
b4995b87 wants 135.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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645cb63e wants 135.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
facf8c94 cancel order
71b576c7 wants 135.7 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
9048bc21 cancel order
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67deb969 wants 135.7 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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ea693255 wants 135.8 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
74bc7cfe cancel order
480d7aed wants 135.8 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
7fd41049 cancel order
dc87f3b2 wants 135.8 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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d30d8661 cancel order
8d408f3d wants 135.9 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
b433c121 wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
5e57fd0a cancel order
429c5994 wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
9c84293c cancel order
5a635e5d wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
818c8f78 cancel order
48dfa442 wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
04fbc082 cancel order
e9d72d3e wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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94c52cbb wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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2b49bb7c wants 136 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
3d0cb543 cancel order
4989d5cd wants 136.2 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
17f3425f cancel order
67ac0a9c wants 136.2 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
67fefa14 cancel order
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c8b03516 wants 136.3 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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67fc2e36 wants 136.3 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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1c5b836a cancel order
1fd806d7 cancel order
1f69d2f3 wants 136.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
c8c36a9c wants 136.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC
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9b52abd5 wants 136.5 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00597 BRIDGE.BTC