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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.374 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.915 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.369
virtual cancel order
91fbc1ca wants 8.83 BTS for 6,077 TRUMPTWEET
40b5ead8 sent 470 TRUMPTWEET to
90c3c793 sent 20 BTS to
34129622 sent 20 BTS to
6ae80c97 sent 7.88 USD to
a745ccfe sent 56.3 CNY to
e61a7deb cancel orders (10)
bf3a87ef wants 0.516 USD for 3.66 CNY
bf3a87ef wants 5.8 CNY for 0.807 USD
0aecffa9 wants 0.519 USD for 3.64 CNY
0aecffa9 wants 5.83 CNY for 0.803 USD
6a35ed03 wants 0.521 USD for 3.62 CNY
6a35ed03 wants 5.87 CNY for 0.798 USD
cd67e0e8 wants 0.524 USD for 3.6 CNY
cd67e0e8 wants 5.9 CNY for 0.794 USD
49205472 wants 0.527 USD for 3.58 CNY
49205472 wants 5.93 CNY for 0.79 USD
231e0036 paid 0.0545 BTS for 0.0033 USD
8c430296 wants 56.3 CNY for 130 BTS
virtual paid 130 BTS for 56.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
2b0113d8 cancel order
2e4c6cf4 paid 130 BTS for 7.88 USD
d12edcf6 wants 56.4 CNY for 130 BTS
9b452ddb wants 7.88 USD for 130 BTS
a04fac65 sent 3 BTS to
81267ae3 paid 0.00002007 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.484 BTS
b187ecd9 wants 2.484 BTS for 0.00002007 BRIDGE.BTC
616026a6 paid 17.2 BTS for 1,264 TRUMPTWEET
8f56051c wants 1,264 TRUMPTWEET for 17.2 BTS
38a85e01 paid 0.0000625 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 TRUMPTWEET
9d8c7418 cancel order
bf3114d5 paid 0.0000396 BRIDGE.BTC for 269.7 TRUMPTWEET
4f7941f1 paid 0.0001258 BRIDGE.BTC for 857 TRUMPTWEET
cb585800 paid 0.0000561 BRIDGE.BTC for 382 TRUMPTWEET
7d3a0ad5 paid 0.00001115 BRIDGE.BTC for 76 TRUMPTWEET
eb71d2fb sent 0.0000356 BRIDGE.BTC to
b0ee4d11 wants 500 TRUMPTWEET for 0.0000625 BRIDGE.BTC
a3d0a12c wants 1,721 TRUMPTWEET for 0.0002527 BRIDGE.BTC