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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.00078 BTS
Lifetime fees paid420 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00078
TORRENTBIT 98,999,999,990
BTTORRENT 98,075,890,591
7d2ad289 sent 0.00411 BRIDGE.BTC to
894a2d43 wants 0.00411 BRIDGE.BTC for 374 BTS
virtual paid 374 BTS for 0.00411 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a62d95f3 cancel order
174f813a wants 0.00413 BRIDGE.BTC for 374 BTS
ecc014d9 cancel orders (10)
49d28c4b sent 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC to
f99b911b paid 280,000 BTTORRENT for 0.0028 BRIDGE.BTC
cac5e75b paid 199,976 BTTORRENT for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
aad51022 sent 0.389 BRIDGE.BTC to
c37941bf paid 39,024,663 BTTORRENT for 0.39 BRIDGE.BTC
c4979f6b sent 0.0084 BRIDGE.BTC to
4d3216ae paid 223,461 BTTORRENT for 0.002235 BRIDGE.BTC
f1ff4b9a paid 100,000 BTTORRENT for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
19eae87b paid 518,728 BTTORRENT for 0.00519 BRIDGE.BTC
e057223a sent 0.00914 BRIDGE.BTC to
2a7900e9 update asset BTTORRENT
13da8658 paid 465,503 BTTORRENT for 0.00466 BRIDGE.BTC
ad3ca3ab paid 450,000 BTTORRENT for 0.0045 BRIDGE.BTC
6dd50523 sent 0.0437 BRIDGE.BTC to
584bd1c5 paid 200,000 BTTORRENT for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
6be307b2 paid 2,472,379 BTTORRENT for 0.0247 BRIDGE.BTC
ab93b7f7 update asset BTTORRENT
90905b44 paid 7,062 BTTORRENT for 0.0000706 BRIDGE.BTC
cf42f382 paid 169,055 BTTORRENT for 0.00169 BRIDGE.BTC
3f34f6a2 paid 169,055 BTTORRENT for 0.00169 BRIDGE.BTC
1840d3cd paid 42,264 BTTORRENT for 0.000423 BRIDGE.BTC
89ddf66e paid 42,264 BTTORRENT for 0.000423 BRIDGE.BTC
1bb72780 wants 201 BTS for 0.00221 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00045 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.1 BTS
virtual paid 0.00176 BRIDGE.BTC for 160 BTS
21467e23 paid 500,070 BTTORRENT for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
368968cc paid 1,092 BTTORRENT for 0.00001092 BRIDGE.BTC
a994e132 paid 500,970 BTTORRENT for 0.00501 BRIDGE.BTC
956741c3 cancel order
415a37ec paid 499,970 BTTORRENT for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
5b9d8b23 sent 0.002055 BRIDGE.BTC to
fa4e39fd paid 204,943 BTTORRENT for 0.00205 BRIDGE.BTC
32fbde98 paid 1,000 BTTORRENT for 0.00001 BRIDGE.BTC
3eb52b81 sent 0.01065 BRIDGE.BTC to
4ae12c2a sent 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC to
a52e3e57 wants 44 BTTORRENT for 0.00000044 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000044 BRIDGE.BTC for 44 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 44 BTTORRENT for 0.00000044 BRIDGE.BTC
4a997eee paid 10,000 BTTORRENT for 0.0001 BRIDGE.BTC
7be57928 sent 0.046 BRIDGE.BTC to
08289ce1 update asset BTTORRENT
198cad2a wants 200 BTS for 0.00221 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00221 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BTS
22860ce3 paid 3,121 BTTORRENT for 0.0000312 BRIDGE.BTC
05cc9864 paid 766,551 BTTORRENT for 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC
bf4e7d9b paid 3,700,000 BTTORRENT for 0.037 BRIDGE.BTC
6e5ca661 wants 22 BTTORRENT for 0.00000022 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000022 BRIDGE.BTC for 22 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 22 BTTORRENT for 0.00000022 BRIDGE.BTC
0579c2cb wants 0.00000022 BRIDGE.BTC for 22 BTTORRENT
718547e9 paid 365,254 BTTORRENT for 0.00365 BRIDGE.BTC
a1380828 sent 0.0509 BRIDGE.BTC to
4c209e1e paid 5,099,976 BTTORRENT for 0.051 BRIDGE.BTC
5f3e9c7e sent 5,000,000 BTTORRENT to
b653506f sent 0.216 BRIDGE.BTC to
baa9dae6 paid 17,500,000 BTTORRENT for 0.175 BRIDGE.BTC
1d3025cb paid 7,392 BTTORRENT for 0.0000739 BRIDGE.BTC
e829de67 paid 2,945,223 BTTORRENT for 0.02945 BRIDGE.BTC
793fddc2 paid 1,094,493 BTTORRENT for 0.01094 BRIDGE.BTC
7e312483 paid 100,000 BTTORRENT for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
821f666a sent 0.377 BRIDGE.BTC to
5fbf0a73 paid 37,727,600 BTTORRENT for 0.377 BRIDGE.BTC
d7eb6515 cancel order
65a562ae wants 0.06 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,000,000 BTTORRENT
99c8df60 cancel order
516e392c wants 1.02 BRIDGE.BTC for 102,000,000 BTTORRENT
0b9eb461 paid 422 BTTORRENT for 0.00000422 BRIDGE.BTC
23ce6e20 wants 22 BTTORRENT for 0.00000022 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000022 BRIDGE.BTC for 22 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 22 BTTORRENT for 0.00000022 BRIDGE.BTC
04e2a29d paid 60,759 BTTORRENT for 0.000608 BRIDGE.BTC
6390f88e paid 10 BTTORRENT for 0.0000001 BRIDGE.BTC
0a9ca23d wants 0.00000011 BRIDGE.BTC for 11 BTTORRENT
78c2b731 wants 0.00000033 BRIDGE.BTC for 33 BTTORRENT
90c5f58f sent 500,000,000 BTTORRENT to
fe091989 sent 200,000,000 BTTORRENT to
edb544a0 sent 80,000,000 BTTORRENT to
bb1df1f4 sent 10,000,000 BTTORRENT to
f9b2213e sent 10,000,000 BTTORRENT to
7194fa46 sent 10 BTTORRENT to
59c8fcf6 sent 0.00528 BRIDGE.BTC to
19e7dbf5 paid 515,114 BTTORRENT for 0.00515 BRIDGE.BTC
348926c2 wants 99 BRIDGE.BTC for 165,008,334 BTTORRENT
7663b96f cancel order
8356ef44 cancel order
2421a60f wants 99 BRIDGE.BTC for 165,008,334 BTTORRENT
b0e745fe wants 22.4 BRIDGE.BTC for 56,009,402 BTTORRENT
1cd68d2a wants 94.5 BRIDGE.BTC for 270,009,500 BTTORRENT
a4cc6df8 cancel order
5bc6a638 wants 210 BRIDGE.BTC for 600,009,500 BTTORRENT
9635370d wants 75.2 BRIDGE.BTC for 250,600,903 BTTORRENT
85fb8712 wants 3.2 BRIDGE.BTC for 320,009,800 BTTORRENT
06da5196 wants 2.7 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,500,093 BTTORRENT
ce2ee00f wants 15.3 BRIDGE.BTC for 34,009,800 BTTORRENT
a5bb8215 wants 33.9 BRIDGE.BTC for 120,905,670 BTTORRENT
18eeed40 cancel order
a119b2dc cancel order
f2cc2696 cancel order
35716168 cancel order
d4fdc3ef cancel order
785988f5 cancel order
c48e64da wants 5.6 BRIDGE.BTC for 560,094,000 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 3 BTTORRENT for 0.00000006 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000006 BRIDGE.BTC for 3 BTTORRENT
60c47d39 wants 0.00054 BTS for 0.012 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 0.012 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.00054 BTS
975ad67e wants 0.585 BRIDGE.BTC for 19,500,805 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000003 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000003 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTTORRENT
260c4eaf paid 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BTTORRENT
375ae4e5 wants 3 BTTORRENT for 0.00000006 BRIDGE.BTC
86fc08d0 wants 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000003 BRIDGE.BTC
479329ef wants 2 BTTORRENT for 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC
5cf65d59 wants 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC
9966cf17 wants 1.475 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,405,800 BTTORRENT
a54008b9 wants 0.89 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,902,034 BTTORRENT
2b279c04 wants 0.0274 BRIDGE.BTC for 304,500 BTTORRENT
72edba90 wants 0.0406 BRIDGE.BTC for 506,890 BTTORRENT
4d4e353c wants 0.963 BRIDGE.BTC for 16,043,450 BTTORRENT
61837da3 cancel orders (8)
1f117101 wants 0.868 BRIDGE.BTC for 86,800,705 BTTORRENT
e376ff53 cancel order
6d50bf4c paid 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 0.00000007 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTTORRENT
99548b91 wants 0.756 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,400,506 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000009 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000009 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTTORRENT
b4bba045 paid 0.00000024 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 0.00000011 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 0.0000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTTORRENT
d03586ea wants 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000013 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000013 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000013 BRIDGE.BTC
22cdd66c wants 3 BTTORRENT for 0.00000018 BRIDGE.BTC
3d78a156 wants 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000007 BRIDGE.BTC
3dd68f68 wants 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC
c7f9b43b wants 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000009 BRIDGE.BTC
4f884139 wants 1 BTTORRENT for 0.0000001 BRIDGE.BTC
4b81d00c wants 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000011 BRIDGE.BTC
5087dd76 wants 2 BTTORRENT for 0.00000024 BRIDGE.BTC
6b1836f3 wants 0.0386 BRIDGE.BTC for 203,050 BTTORRENT
084f1c3b wants 0.0907 BRIDGE.BTC for 504,093 BTTORRENT
adb1683a wants 1.927 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,045,022 BTTORRENT
2dbc2cc3 wants 0.136 BRIDGE.BTC for 907,040 BTTORRENT
84a7864b wants 0.841 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,009,403 BTTORRENT
d57f6fec wants 0.599 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,607,093 BTTORRENT
23a88ca6 update asset BTTORRENT
25ed58cb fund BTTORRENT fee pool with 60 BTS
becfdfb0 claim 39 BTTORRENT from fee pool
1a50c967 update asset BTTORRENT
6f4cf067 cancel orders (11)
0423e52f wants 0.712 BRIDGE.BTC for 35,609,800 BTTORRENT
c84fe28a wants 1.56 BRIDGE.BTC for 156,089,045 BTTORRENT
77d92873 paid 0.0000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 0.00000004 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTTORRENT
494b37e8 wants 1 BTTORRENT for 0.00000004 BRIDGE.BTC
2c9caf40 wants 2 BTTORRENT for 0.0000001 BRIDGE.BTC
0fe5c2fc wants 0.486 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,093,450 BTTORRENT
88bfcf55 paid 0.00000808 BRIDGE.BTC for 101 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 0.0000161 BRIDGE.BTC for 230 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 0.00001098 BRIDGE.BTC for 183 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 0.0000051 BRIDGE.BTC for 102 BTTORRENT
virtual paid 0.0000051 BRIDGE.BTC for 102 BTTORRENT
eaf6c06e cancel order
968d4fb7 wants 102 BTTORRENT for 0.0000051 BRIDGE.BTC
73198b90 wants 102 BTTORRENT for 0.0000051 BRIDGE.BTC