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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid0.641 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.EVOS 0.0000092
BRIDGE.BIH 0.0001527
d0c3f891 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
8ea2c209 sent 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO to
99bf5122 sent 0.0713 BRIDGE.BTC to
6ec2cf9d wants 0.01786 BRIDGE.BTC for 430 BRIDGE.BIH
virtual paid 430 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01786 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c9ec9ce3 cancel order
9c845bb9 issue 59.9 BRIDGE.BIH to
a95bd059 wants 0.0634 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,525 BRIDGE.BIH
virtual paid 1,154 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.048 BRIDGE.BTC
d366c6c7 wants 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC for 48.1 BRIDGE.BIH
virtual paid 48.1 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
c6195953 wants 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC for 48.1 BRIDGE.BIH
virtual paid 48.1 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
9b143277 cancel order
ee2e36c3 wants 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC for 192.6 BRIDGE.BIH
51e3c971 wants 0.0013 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.3 BRIDGE.BIH
virtual paid 31.3 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.0013 BRIDGE.BTC
e44775a0 wants 0.00029 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.75 BRIDGE.BIH
virtual paid 6.75 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.00029 BRIDGE.BTC
02b28bf2 cancel order
8ddd3204 wants 0.0926 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,659 BRIDGE.BIH
ef79532e cancel order
7840b970 wants 0.0967 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,659 BRIDGE.BIH
bd90de9b cancel order
f70ae14e wants 0.093 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,658 BRIDGE.BIH
7f804f54 sent 0.017 BRIDGE.BTC to
6d6da334 wants 0.01334 BRIDGE.BTC for 348 BRIDGE.BIH
virtual paid 348 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01334 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
98d0c24d cancel order
1df3fad9 wants 0.014 BRIDGE.BTC for 348 BRIDGE.BIH
33105d5d paid 33.9 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.0013 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
fa302757 wants 0.00341 BRIDGE.BTC for 89 BRIDGE.BIH
virtual paid 55.1 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.002112 BRIDGE.BTC
53ce59d3 cancel order
06258b76 wants 0.021 BRIDGE.BTC for 437 BRIDGE.BIH
97f39e6a cancel order
0e581dc7 wants 0.0212 BRIDGE.BTC for 437 BRIDGE.BIH
da7e44e2 cancel order
9b38dd6f wants 0.02106 BRIDGE.BTC for 437 BRIDGE.BIH
090e83e3 cancel order
1ac87ac2 wants 0.0215 BRIDGE.BTC for 437 BRIDGE.BIH
0a3e3002 cancel order
936e1972 wants 0.02156 BRIDGE.BTC for 437 BRIDGE.BIH
6f9fe144 cancel order
c002de1b wants 0.02084 BRIDGE.BTC for 390 BRIDGE.BIH
1cef351b cancel order
9d9e8d6a wants 0.02097 BRIDGE.BTC for 390 BRIDGE.BIH
ed2feeaf cancel order
5d446488 wants 0.0275 BRIDGE.BTC for 390 BRIDGE.BIH
56cb2a9f cancel order
025de8a6 sent 70.4 ESCODEX.BIH to
973c140f cancel order
a23cc8dd wants 0.0295 BRIDGE.BTC for 204.3 BRIDGE.BIH
5dc6e9a6 cancel order
94184219 cancel order
87390e1f wants 0.02384 BRIDGE.BTC for 144.5 BRIDGE.BIH
af859383 wants 0.01838 ESCODEX.BTC for 71 ESCODEX.BIH
5dfbec31 cancel order
5109ba13 wants 0.00492 ESCODEX.BTC for 19 ESCODEX.BIH
043c6a46 wants 0.0099 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.BIH
4dabd4d7 cancel order
e78b47d3 wants 0.0337 BRIDGE.BTC for 204 BRIDGE.BIH
b772c01a cancel order
182a9897 wants 0.0475 BRIDGE.BTC for 204 BRIDGE.BIH
10964d6e cancel order
876a8371 wants 0.0643 BRIDGE.BTC for 204 BRIDGE.BIH
31cd2faf cancel order
02b5c9bd wants 0.0516 BRIDGE.BTC for 160 BRIDGE.BIH
594b4bf4 sent 0.0253 BRIDGE.BTC to
b2c96f4a wants 0.00466 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.EVOS
virtual paid 20 BRIDGE.EVOS for 0.00466 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
6dc95862 paid 36 BRIDGE.EVOS for 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC
75a789ee wants 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC for 36 BRIDGE.EVOS
aa3059bd paid 60 BRIDGE.EVOS for 0.0126 BRIDGE.BTC
a7e54665 wants 0.0126 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.EVOS
4b070c47 cancel order
f2498d5d wants 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC for 59 BRIDGE.EVOS