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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00042 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.22 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00042 0
DEEX 0.0488 0
ZALUPA 0.003 0
BRIDGE.RVN 0.0018 0
BRIDGE.GIN 0.0000138 0
BRIDGE.MANO 0.0000481 0
BRIDGE.AEX 0.001067 0
BRIDGE.STM 17,996 11,194
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.00271 0
740e9910 cancel order
1eeb4eaa sent 333,757 BRIDGE.PGN to
e4e093aa issue 5,578 BRIDGE.STM to
73730a31 issue 267 BRIDGE.STM to
63b3be5f issue 223.4 BRIDGE.STM to
48dd24ff issue 152 BRIDGE.STM to
65b5340c issue 322 BRIDGE.STM to
48f26a73 issue 163 BRIDGE.STM to
e672360f issue 86.3 BRIDGE.STM to
d8695ca2 wants 0.0308 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,194 BRIDGE.STM
202ecdd1 cancel order
a5f911b8 wants 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,194 BRIDGE.STM
b054a405 cancel order
dc6cb3b2 wants 0.025 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,086 BRIDGE.STM
5f9e0e1a cancel order
015280ed wants 0.1227 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,086 BRIDGE.STM
ff47b9ec cancel order
cd82479f wants 0.01196 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,305 BRIDGE.STM
c0689faa cancel order
8c4fa17c cancel order
79b9babd wants 0.0889 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,450 BRIDGE.STM
fcb6d0e0 cancel order
3c4e41a6 cancel order
1572871b cancel order
a2de0a84 cancel order
49c54395 cancel order
84c8eb32 wants 0.00066 BRIDGE.BTC for 600 BRIDGE.STM
441a5482 wants 0.00055 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.STM
a3b27255 wants 0.00111 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.STM
1b8b406b wants 0.00112 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.STM
03259504 wants 0.00113 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.STM
6f306b85 cancel order
d7f0e685 cancel order
6e45e1cb cancel order
4707b41a cancel order
f2b4d2ab wants 0.000345 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.STM
f79c5593 wants 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.STM
ceee0b7b wants 0.00123 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.STM
50cee325 wants 0.00125 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.STM
ee066d9e sent 2,000 BRIDGE.STM to
fece93c1 cancel order
fa41a48d wants 0.00634 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,074 BRIDGE.STM
a1fcb77a cancel order
918052d3 cancel order
5a2d8737 paid 0.000491 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,044 BRIDGE.STM
43d009f3 wants 0.0002175 BRIDGE.BTC for 174 BRIDGE.STM
2a16d0ba wants 1,044 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000491 BRIDGE.BTC
e22d1184 paid 56.7 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000068 BRIDGE.BTC
06b790aa paid 333 BRIDGE.STM for 0.0004 BRIDGE.BTC
4f27cc91 paid 19.8 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00002375 BRIDGE.BTC
38687e1b wants 0.000492 BRIDGE.BTC for 410 BRIDGE.STM
b26c69ed cancel order
724ce85d wants 0.0002324 BRIDGE.BTC for 189 BRIDGE.STM
9273af63 wants 0.02926 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,657 BRIDGE.STM
d89331f2 wants 1.02 BRIDGE.BTC for 334,435 BRIDGE.PGN
30619245 cancel order
67b18c3c cancel order
5b03754c wants 0.000782 BRIDGE.BTC for 329 BRIDGE.STM
41d7445c wants 0.00285 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,197 BRIDGE.STM
68fe3269 cancel order
897445ec wants 0.00727 BRIDGE.BTC for 897 BRIDGE.STM
6507c0fa cancel orders (2)
6dca4ce4 cancel order
bfa88f91 wants 0.0002176 BRIDGE.BTC for 117.6 BRIDGE.STM
e30af99d wants 0.001054 BRIDGE.BTC for 570 BRIDGE.STM
dfc9e465 wants 0.0234 BRIDGE.BTC for 334,406 BRIDGE.PGN
a39347d7 sent 473 BRIDGE.STM to
0a79ede9 cancel orders (3)
ffd0690f wants 0.000823 BRIDGE.BTC for 101.6 BRIDGE.STM
1ddb82d5 wants 0.00113 BRIDGE.BTC for 139.6 BRIDGE.STM
c7af4e37 wants 0.002824 BRIDGE.BTC for 349 BRIDGE.STM
35d86c2b cancel order
9f23cb57 paid 0.000527 BRIDGE.BTC for 135.6 BRIDGE.STM
22ea7710 wants 0.00175 BRIDGE.BTC for 213.4 BRIDGE.STM
7cf5c9d3 cancel order
319bf6b6 cancel order
06efa537 wants 135.6 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000527 BRIDGE.BTC
f37e398a wants 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC for 106 BRIDGE.STM
fde872cf wants 0.000883 BRIDGE.BTC for 107.2 BRIDGE.STM
80e050c3 cancel order
09ab97c9 paid 19.53 BRIDGE.STM for 0.0001613 BRIDGE.BTC
2986cd89 paid 44.5 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000368 BRIDGE.BTC
87eccd2d wants 0.001416 BRIDGE.BTC for 171.4 BRIDGE.STM
d3a86eab sent 93.1 BRIDGE.QNO to
d505a055 sent 1,058 BRIDGE.STM to
22aae81c cancel order
82ac74cf cancel order
e9b1123d wants 0.0345 BRIDGE.BTC for 989 BRIDGE.STM
100aa09b cancel order
38850d44 wants 0.03023 BRIDGE.BTC for 864 BRIDGE.STM
ac6ae01f cancel order
80f3bacc wants 0.01295 BRIDGE.BTC for 864 BRIDGE.STM
87c4c772 cancel order
26fd2ccb wants 0.01512 BRIDGE.BTC for 864 BRIDGE.STM
3fc7a2e4 paid 0.00355 BRIDGE.BTC for 866 BRIDGE.STM
5f731ac1 wants 866 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00355 BRIDGE.BTC
806b7ccf cancel order
464328bf wants 885 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00355 BRIDGE.BTC
0301ac1f cancel order
ed71dfc4 wants 2,351 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00355 BRIDGE.BTC
6542bbce cancel order
2b670d10 wants 1,360 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00355 BRIDGE.BTC
265bdf36 paid 349 BRIDGE.STM for 0.002774 BRIDGE.BTC
cfadeca2 wants 0.002774 BRIDGE.BTC for 349 BRIDGE.STM
4dc77d3e cancel order
62daf728 wants 0.002673 BRIDGE.BTC for 349 BRIDGE.STM
a4dd91a3 cancel order
764bd54b wants 1,056 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000781 BRIDGE.BTC
dc650519 cancel order
49e74d70 paid 0.00000061 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.09 BRIDGE.STM
ce65140a paid 0.0000241 BRIDGE.BTC for 43 BRIDGE.STM
377f3c88 paid 0.00001176 BRIDGE.BTC for 21 BRIDGE.STM
1f143b34 wants 1,460 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000818 BRIDGE.BTC
39ca1c51 cancel order
f85be153 wants 1,543 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000818 BRIDGE.BTC
ab0be54f cancel order
a70ad29f sent 3,023 BRIDGE.MCT to
487ac0c8 cancel order
117dfa07 wants 1,185 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000818 BRIDGE.BTC
2e70625a paid 301 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000542 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
83e858ab paid 154.5 BRIDGE.STM for 0.000278 BRIDGE.BTC
33995a38 wants 0.00082 BRIDGE.BTC for 455 BRIDGE.STM
ba6b112c wants 0.0937 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,024 BRIDGE.MCT
04d89022 paid 0.0168 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,030 BRIDGE.MCT
bcc60249 wants 3,030 BRIDGE.MCT for 0.0168 BRIDGE.BTC
b0599195 wants 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC for 94 BRIDGE.QNO
69aacbec sent 244 BRIDGE.SOV to
fa677b56 cancel order
acdf9b3b wants 0.01686 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,074 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 5,074 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.01686 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
492f40e1 cancel order
802d8cb2 cancel order
428b77ae wants 0.01766 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,074 BRIDGE.RVN
a4c6af22 cancel order
48af9073 wants 0.0164 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,074 BRIDGE.RVN
c41324c2 cancel order
978416c4 wants 0.0001933 BRIDGE.BTC for 102.3 BRIDGE.STM
e3b00c23 sent 54 BRIDGE.STM to
0eb1ee9c wants 0.01654 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,074 BRIDGE.RVN
0fcc84c3 paid 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,226 BRIDGE.RVN
1e5d93e7 paid 0.00137 BRIDGE.BTC for 556 BRIDGE.RVN
34228430 paid 0.000741 BRIDGE.BTC for 301.3 BRIDGE.RVN
68caa74b wants 5,084 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0125 BRIDGE.BTC
d582a978 paid 179 BRIDGE.QNO for 0.00561 BRIDGE.BTC
95881360 paid 221 BRIDGE.QNO for 0.00692 BRIDGE.BTC
5b1c6adb wants 0.01253 BRIDGE.BTC for 400 BRIDGE.QNO
d626ae32 cancel order
af158582 sent 467 BRIDGE.MCT to
60692037 paid 0.00434 BRIDGE.BTC for 336 BRIDGE.MCT
9607d22c paid 0.000645 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.9 BRIDGE.MCT
585a8cec wants 386 BRIDGE.MCT for 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC
1cf98def wants 83.7 BRIDGE.MCT for 0.001103 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001103 BRIDGE.BTC for 83.7 BRIDGE.MCT
b87cc04b wants 0.00000819 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.334 BRIDGE.AEX
virtual paid 2.333 BRIDGE.AEX for 0.00000819 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
da680e3f wants 0.000765 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.19 BRIDGE.GIN
virtual paid 1.19 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.000765 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3691aa6a wants 0.000333 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.84 BRIDGE.MANO
virtual paid 1.84 BRIDGE.MANO for 0.000333 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b061d43e sent 1,328 BRIDGE.STM to
c2b83fc8 cancel order
e16956a1 wants 0.00509 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,254 BRIDGE.STM
808d786b cancel order
efa699b3 wants 0.00362 BRIDGE.BTC for 244 BRIDGE.SOV
85e7000c cancel order
3e8e0207 wants 0.01012 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,220 BRIDGE.STM
25f03b09 wants 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC for 244 BRIDGE.SOV
b1f1d6f0 paid 0.00319 BRIDGE.BTC for 244.5 BRIDGE.SOV
05b8b07b wants 244.5 BRIDGE.SOV for 0.00319 BRIDGE.BTC
7784e5e1 cancel order
42ec2a26 wants 236.3 BRIDGE.SOV for 0.00319 BRIDGE.BTC
44742b34 cancel order
400adad8 wants 241.7 BRIDGE.SOV for 0.00319 BRIDGE.BTC
06821ed9 cancel order
abb5a03c wants 243.5 BRIDGE.SOV for 0.00319 BRIDGE.BTC
bcbff743 paid 160 BRIDGE.SOV for 0.0032 BRIDGE.BTC
acadcbf6 wants 0.0032 BRIDGE.BTC for 160 BRIDGE.SOV
8d6c1cbf wants 0.0449 BRIDGE.BTC for 299.4 BRIDGE.QNO
445838fe cancel order
e213c729 wants 0.0449 BRIDGE.BTC for 299.4 BRIDGE.QNO
3979f479 cancel order
ca7eb8fe cancel order
db8791fc wants 0.001035 BRIDGE.BTC for 124.4 BRIDGE.STM
c98eb895 wants 0.00871 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,047 BRIDGE.STM
b7bc8bf4 wants 1,002 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00486 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002205 BRIDGE.BTC for 490 BRIDGE.STM
virtual paid 0.002375 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.STM
virtual paid 0.0002796 BRIDGE.BTC for 57.6 BRIDGE.STM
8b8336b0 cancel order
25b43886 wants 4,628 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00486 BRIDGE.BTC
6fea7a15 cancel order
aeae2dde wants 2,382 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00486 BRIDGE.BTC
d8f2f974 cancel order
bfae2236 wants 1,754 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00486 BRIDGE.BTC
5942865f cancel order
7c1a9888 wants 4,500 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00486 BRIDGE.BTC
3b775a44 cancel order
c96084ab wants 3,888 BRIDGE.STM for 0.00486 BRIDGE.BTC
63b5242c cancel order