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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.15 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.536 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2.15
BRIDGE.SC2 13,104
6e6b45cb sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
aa9a565c sent 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO to
982507ac issue 13,104 BRIDGE.SC2 to
ebaab67c sent 0.0533 BRIDGE.BTC to
6cb3759c sent 445 BRIDGE.SC2 to
60df447d issue 445 BRIDGE.SC2 to
5bcc0ca7 sent 396 BRIDGE.SC2 to
39aed957 issue 396 BRIDGE.SC2 to
fe423a96 wants 0.000715 BRIDGE.BTC for 166 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 166 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.000715 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
902a64e5 wants 0.0001417 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.8 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 32.8 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0001417 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ccb19970 wants 0.001113 BRIDGE.BTC for 256.5 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 256.5 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.001113 BRIDGE.BTC
e7b94d1a cancel order
d74cd0d8 sent 10,000 BRIDGE.AZART to
2987ccad wants 0.00242 BRIDGE.BTC for 400 BRIDGE.AZART
a7089f73 wants 2,908 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0176 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001176 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.13 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.01748 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,889 BRIDGE.AZART
b6483934 wants 2,049 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.01125 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00367 BRIDGE.BTC for 670 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.00758 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,380 BRIDGE.AZART
2501f542 wants 2,681 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.01405 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002085 BRIDGE.BTC for 429 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.01196 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,283 BRIDGE.AZART
60eaa064 wants 394 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.00191 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000198 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.9 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.001712 BRIDGE.BTC for 353 BRIDGE.AZART
1f0e70c7 sent 643 BRIDGE.SC2 to
b49b7a13 sent 0.0158 BRIDGE.BTC to
ecf4e05e paid 2,199 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.01583 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
08dafb82 paid 1 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0000072 BRIDGE.BTC
32432ea8 wants 0.01584 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,200 BRIDGE.AZART
4d5579e0 cancel order
6002352a wants 0.01804 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,200 BRIDGE.AZART
0a413ab4 sent 4,204 BRIDGE.AZART to
103ec642 paid 0.00604 BRIDGE.BTC for 863 BRIDGE.AZART
7bbac5fa paid 0.000196 BRIDGE.BTC for 28 BRIDGE.AZART
c5a32082 paid 0.00012 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.16 BRIDGE.AZART
b7568d38 paid 0.0001117 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.96 BRIDGE.AZART
78f38853 paid 0.000104 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.85 BRIDGE.AZART
eeb59a1c paid 0.0001 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.3 BRIDGE.AZART
f9f12e5a wants 954 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.00668 BRIDGE.BTC
26eb63c1 cancel order
44a4326a wants 1,027 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.00668 BRIDGE.BTC
eb32711e wants 3,219 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0248 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001047 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.4 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.000149 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.4 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.000846 BRIDGE.BTC for 110 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.0237 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,076 BRIDGE.AZART
1fdbca1b sent 523 BRIDGE.SC2 to
4460e27c sent 10,000 BRIDGE.AZART to
27ffcb30 sent 10,000 BRIDGE.AZART to
e4de942d wants 30 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0002664 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002664 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.AZART
17ea1777 cancel order
fb70337b wants 1,523 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.01352 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01277 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,438 BRIDGE.AZART
8bd9545e wants 1,000 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.00888 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00888 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.AZART
0fee1407 cancel order
e016a8a1 wants 1,104 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0098 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00802 BRIDGE.BTC for 904 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.000887 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.000887 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.AZART
a6722aef wants 1,566 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.01387 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.001136 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.00189 BRIDGE.BTC for 213.4 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 0.00284 BRIDGE.BTC for 321 BRIDGE.AZART
6042b6e3 wants 1,039 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.00914 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00914 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,039 BRIDGE.AZART
7063b3a1 wants 150.2 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.00132 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00132 BRIDGE.BTC for 150.2 BRIDGE.AZART
81b0d6ec cancel order
ce73e8db paid 0.02523 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,900 BRIDGE.AZART
8bbf9c3e wants 8,240 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0717 BRIDGE.BTC
0d9b62cf cancel order
cbeac953 cancel order
b5a7b725 cancel order
e4d6b893 paid 0.00132 BRIDGE.BTC for 150.2 BRIDGE.AZART
c0de9cd9 wants 11,885 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.1045 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.1032 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,735 BRIDGE.AZART
c5e686cd cancel order
4266f7b4 cancel order
0605317a wants 30,100 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0683 BRIDGE.BTC
465780e4 wants 20,100 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0468 BRIDGE.BTC
143f41e1 wants 10,100 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.02343 BRIDGE.BTC
28324a81 wants 10,060 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.02374 BRIDGE.BTC
f3d42fd8 wants 10,050 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0239 BRIDGE.BTC
d22ca89a sent 759 BRIDGE.SC2 to
2a39d26a sent 1,247 BRIDGE.SNO to
9ee02616 sent 961 BRIDGE.SC2 to