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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.01202 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.1052 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.01202
TELETON 0.0002
NAKED 0.0009
ROYAL 0.036
cefbff1a sent 0.0002 FRESHCOIN to
0724d91e sent 8,862 BRIDGE.XP to
d3b98e4d cancel order
86088108 wants 0.000804 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,935 BRIDGE.XP
976150b2 wants 8,308 BRIDGE.XP for 0.000582 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000582 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,953 BRIDGE.XP
c9c88738 wants 0.000583 BRIDGE.BTC for 25.6 BRIDGE.CMOS
virtual paid 25.6 BRIDGE.CMOS for 0.000583 BRIDGE.BTC
805ae102 cancel order
421797b0 paid 0.0002 BRIDGE.CMOS for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
8c4f6951 paid 0.0002 BRIDGE.CMOS for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
72eadb34 paid 0.0002 BRIDGE.CMOS for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
6cc46069 paid 0.0002 BRIDGE.CMOS for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
c547b199 wants 0.00128 BRIDGE.BTC for 25.6 BRIDGE.CMOS
dcd43fb9 cancel order
0dfddcd2 wants 0.001485 BRIDGE.BTC for 25.6 BRIDGE.CMOS
8a74e635 sent 1,845 BRIDGE.OPC to
184747a9 wants 1,866 BRIDGE.OPC for 0.01306 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01306 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,866 BRIDGE.OPC
7502eede cancel order
5c2f5174 cancel order
3a92cd80 cancel order
5d4c2058 cancel order
483198fa cancel order
cf446494 cancel order
12c7a1e4 wants 0.00066 BRIDGE.BTC for 66.3 BRIDGE.OPC
57bfbf47 wants 0.000995 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.OPC
ebffe0e4 wants 0.000996 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.OPC
0ffb6cfb wants 0.000997 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.OPC
950b971b wants 0.000998 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.OPC
66d283e9 wants 0.000999 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.OPC
8e6626ec cancel order
ef36b1d9 cancel order
d61ea4cb wants 0.00999 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.OPC
39a43530 wants 0.00999 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.OPC
2d6f7c3d sent 0.0673 BRIDGE.BTC to
43045055 cancel order
56a8c040 wants 9,611 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0673 BRIDGE.BTC
6957218a paid 6,551 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0674 BRIDGE.BTC
a9fd679f wants 0.0674 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,551 BRIDGE.BEET
b7093cbd cancel order
1ae8517e wants 0.0785 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,551 BRIDGE.BEET
3b647d71 cancel order
9bab9fb3 wants 0.0753 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,551 BRIDGE.BEET
648b6885 cancel order
46d2e851 wants 0.077 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,551 BRIDGE.BEET
a4cedb4d paid 0.0739 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,564 BRIDGE.BEET
ed40bb8f wants 6,564 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0739 BRIDGE.BTC
a909cc07 cancel order
544e374f wants 164 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0739 BRIDGE.BTC
6ee90916 cancel order
c8137614 wants 6,411 BRIDGE.CMOS for 0.0739 BRIDGE.BTC
f0accc51 cancel order
3176ce67 wants 134.3 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0739 BRIDGE.BTC
b3192fa9 cancel order
019b0c05 wants 6,647 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0739 BRIDGE.BTC
e4496312 paid 61 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000762 BRIDGE.BTC
df12d2e6 paid 259 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.00324 BRIDGE.BTC
279dad32 paid 5,600 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.07 BRIDGE.BTC
71fc213c wants 0.074 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,920 BRIDGE.BEET
abbe5dd1 cancel order
9a2aab43 wants 0.087 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,920 BRIDGE.BEET
e78ea2ae paid 0.0682 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,932 BRIDGE.BEET
eaf5ac60 wants 5,932 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0682 BRIDGE.BTC
20b90bc2 cancel order
62011422 wants 6,118 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0682 BRIDGE.BTC
a6f504f9 sent 0.0712 BRIDGE.BTC to
2e2216fa cancel order
8a424494 wants 0.00132 BRIDGE.BTC for 86.7 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 86.7 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.00132 BRIDGE.BTC
e2b56c52 cancel order
4dd6992f wants 0.001474 BRIDGE.BTC for 86.7 BRIDGE.BEET
52903a07 cancel order
e2033883 wants 0.0015 BRIDGE.BTC for 86.7 BRIDGE.BEET
ca470186 wants 6,291 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
c02b0377 cancel order
27b44315 wants 7,871 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
5afc6f62 cancel order
af0f030d wants 6,291 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
9c122d8d cancel order
59451669 wants 8,737 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
7060a98e cancel order
dc132ff5 wants 10,495 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0699 BRIDGE.BTC
1f251738 paid 4,092 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0694 BRIDGE.BTC
fe288424 wants 0.0694 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,092 BRIDGE.BEET
8820fbef paid 0.0456 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,101 BRIDGE.BEET
285a3d95 wants 0.000592 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.1 BRIDGE.MDC
virtual paid 12.1 BRIDGE.MDC for 0.000592 BRIDGE.BTC
2314ae16 wants 4,101 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0456 BRIDGE.BTC
1c0ab044 cancel order
f97c42fa wants 4,145 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0456 BRIDGE.BTC
bbb1b3c7 paid 2,500 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC
4bc280b5 wants 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.BEET
c7ec56f8 cancel order
478c2356 cancel order
d97749e2 wants 0.05 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.BEET
11f928d6 wants 308 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000647 BRIDGE.BTC
4d4dd7ae paid 9.97 BRIDGE.MDC for 0.000648 BRIDGE.BTC
4afcdd8c wants 0.000648 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.97 BRIDGE.MDC