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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.357 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.95 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.357
CNY 0.05
YOYOW 70.9
BADCOIN 10,000
9e3958e6 sent 0.0001 SWIFTCOIN to
e15a1175 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
9fa8f465 sent 88 GDEX.DHT to
6b384e03 sent 150 GDEX.DHT to
afe804af sent 65 BTS to
c7259e6b wants 65 BTS for 91 CNY
virtual paid 91 CNY for 65 BTS
43b4570f sent 91 CNY to
3fab7875 sent 1 BTS to
53826845 sent 0.1 BTS to
cf82ffa7 sent 184 BTS to
204ab3b4 paid 0.368 CNY for 0.1502 BTS
2d292564 wants 183.7 BTS for 450 CNY
25e6619b paid 400 CNY for 163.4 BTS
76e6a9e6 paid 29.1 CNY for 11.89 BTS
a60c7949 paid 18.2 CNY for 7.42 BTS
740af911 paid 1.905 CNY for 0.777 BTS
925c02b3 cancel order
6e485bc6 wants 185.4 BTS for 450 CNY
6b2539b8 sent 204 BTS to
5ac822cc wants 204.7 BTS for 446 CNY
virtual paid 446 CNY for 204.7 BTS
94713808 sent 213 BTS to
9ceed60d sent 1 BTS to
a99b4771 wants 65 BTS for 141 CNY
virtual paid 141 CNY for 65 BTS
0269493d paid 300 BTS for 585 CNY
5f12fdfb wants 585 CNY for 300 BTS
6f6afa6d paid 116.6 CNY for 58.3 BTS
b99beb16 paid 783 CNY for 392 BTS
73584729 wants 450 BTS for 900 CNY
7a997386 sent 870 BTS to
d51669da sent 800 BTS to
7dad8938 sent 1 BTS to
8fcc6285 paid 6 CNY for 3.44 BTS
92831bef wants 3.44 BTS for 6 CNY
151dcf92 paid 2,470 CNY for 837 BTS
b7ab8a9f wants 837 BTS for 2,470 CNY
83b349a5 wants 321 BTS for 950 CNY
f1417b38 paid 950 CNY for 321 BTS
9b7757e0 paid 970 CNY for 331 BTS
538b1d9f wants 331 BTS for 970 CNY
c9ae8250 wants 30.1 BTS for 93.6 CNY
virtual paid 93.6 CNY for 30.1 BTS
8c200b41 wants 149.4 BTS for 516 CNY
5e954d8b paid 516 CNY for 149.4 BTS
87041b36 sent 23 BTS to
6bae3743 wants 16 BTS for 95.2 CNY
virtual paid 95.2 CNY for 16 BTS
bda63035 cancel order
1ff30b3c wants 16 BTS for 94.7 CNY
0956f78c sent 45 BTS to
dc54eaeb sent 1 BTS to
03019f9b sent 1 YOYOW to
da13b461 paid 5.16 CNY for 2 YOYOW
ce5618ab wants 2 YOYOW for 5.16 CNY
749186f2 wants 25 BTS for 94.5 CNY
virtual paid 94.5 CNY for 25 BTS
4fbd94c0 cancel order
4b54c6ba wants 40 YOYOW for 103.6 CNY
virtual paid 103.6 CNY for 40 YOYOW
daa2d9f8 cancel order
a2d74456 wants 20 YOYOW for 50.4 CNY
7f9c56be wants 40 YOYOW for 98.8 CNY
9a46d3ee paid 24.55 CNY for 10 YOYOW
7b775e81 wants 10 YOYOW for 24.55 CNY
621206a1 wants 10 BTS for 43 CNY
virtual paid 43 CNY for 10 BTS
0fcaa027 cancel order
307397c8 paid 30 CNY for 10 YOYOW
509e799a wants 10 YOYOW for 30 CNY
c0d7b733 wants 10 BTS for 41.8 CNY
eb64e1af wants 20 BTS for 71.6 CNY
virtual paid 71.6 CNY for 20 BTS
cd2222d7 cancel order
dc4113f2 wants 20 BTS for 70 CNY
55f73dcd paid 25.9 CNY for 10 YOYOW
eaf74f3a wants 10 YOYOW for 25.9 CNY
19a05f74 cancel order
781d3bc5 wants 10 YOYOW for 25.4 CNY