立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight7.31 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.87 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 7.31
DEEX 0.1
e5bb858d sent 0.1 DEEX to
8e5e1446 update proposal 1.10.9875
31f7c547 update proposal 1.10.9876
e7d1efc8 update proposal 1.10.9208
1e278d4c update account/votes
76810a8b update account/votes
3a8b3c40 sent 0.00001 APPLECOM to
ca377071 sent 0.00001 CISCOCOM to
b5a35c36 sent 0.00001 NETFLIXCOM to
476edfc8 sent 0.00001 TESLACOM to
06e8a7a1 sent 0.06 TRONTRX to
fd4bdd0b sent 0.00001 BAIDUCOM to
a2f342d1 sent 0.00001 AMAZONCOM to
8011d344 sent 0.00004 NICKEL to
058b19b3 sent 0.1 TURION to
31553177 sent 1 ELECTRON to
c4e4fc58 sent 0.1 PROTON to
10da7bd4 sent 880 STATER to
acf708d5 sent 7.5 BTS to
d3ebb2d4 sent 26,540 BTS to
ed43129a sent 86,060 BTS to
04d765fd sent 69,295 BTS to
be6f5aa4 wants 69,294 BTS for 75,758 CNY
virtual paid 75,758 CNY for 69,294 BTS
b5600d36 sent 1 BTS to
4247cbc3 wants 1 BTS for 1.093 CNY
virtual paid 1.093 CNY for 1 BTS
79d07008 sent 0.006 FRESHCOIN to
f49b0969 cancel order
0904fef1 wants 60,141 BTS for 75,759 CNY
31e73796 paid 488 BTS for 615 CNY
4019768b paid 0.869 BTS for 1.095 CNY
cbba2ba4 paid 0.856 BTS for 1.079 CNY
467c7c1b paid 61.6 BTS for 77.6 CNY
c251c717 paid 895 BTS for 1,128 CNY
f43a1942 paid 811 BTS for 1,022 CNY
97cc1e2a paid 0.855 BTS for 1.078 CNY
1cc54e8e paid 748 BTS for 943 CNY
79d39edb paid 366 BTS for 461 CNY
2f7a8258 paid 304 BTS for 383 CNY
1d9a90bc paid 524 BTS for 660 CNY
75072d14 paid 8,193 BTS for 10,323 CNY
6b93f067 wants 15,615 CNY for 12,393 BTS
4cf4b3ac cancel order
ca97a7e2 wants 15,617 CNY for 12,394 BTS
d5de4645 cancel order
1b71e18f paid 5,223 BTS for 6,560 CNY
b85d91ea wants 22,126 CNY for 17,616 BTS
fdf135ee cancel order
ffcaa55e wants 29,324 CNY for 23,381 BTS
virtual paid 814 BTS for 1,021 CNY
virtual paid 4,949 BTS for 6,207 CNY
db3cb2fc paid 9,466 BTS for 11,880 CNY
bef6a132 wants 20,859 CNY for 16,621 BTS
virtual paid 7,155 BTS for 8,979 CNY
d1738eaf cancel order
c5d27059 wants 50,800 CNY for 40,000 BTS
1808fadd paid 20,548 BTS for 25,496 CNY
02d9fb81 wants 25,496 CNY for 20,548 BTS
e08c1d27 sent 1 BTS to
3e8d2b08 sent 1 BTS to
97f28199 sent 27,277 BTS to
a209faaf sent 51,887 BTS to