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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid5.63 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.BTC 0.0000092
1f3b0a77 sent 16.5 BRIDGE.QST to
bb1a43f4 issue 16.6 BRIDGE.QST to
ba3d9def sent 3.26 BRIDGE.QST to
266974f6 cancel order
91535e9f wants 0.00225 BRIDGE.BTC for 3 BRIDGE.QST
8ab2c8eb cancel order
8c00ac96 paid 0.000805 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.747 BRIDGE.QST
0e69b8e0 paid 0.00000158 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.00343 BRIDGE.QST
79434773 wants 1.75 BRIDGE.QST for 0.000807 BRIDGE.BTC
206596ed cancel order
c6a68dd9 wants 0.00118 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.5 BRIDGE.QST
7a08d71d wants 1.7 BRIDGE.QST for 0.000784 BRIDGE.BTC
c807ae2c cancel order
50161c18 paid 0.000646 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.402 BRIDGE.QST
2b6de928 wants 3.15 BRIDGE.QST for 0.001453 BRIDGE.BTC
598792ea cancel order
6eb9241d wants 3.15 BRIDGE.QST for 0.001452 BRIDGE.BTC
ceb32341 cancel order
3462efd2 paid 0.00007 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1523 BRIDGE.QST
bd7f7252 wants 3.33 BRIDGE.QST for 0.001532 BRIDGE.BTC
aec05af4 cancel order
9d91000f wants 3.73 BRIDGE.QST for 0.001533 BRIDGE.BTC
11ce721f cancel order
de81b2ec wants 3.73 BRIDGE.QST for 0.001533 BRIDGE.BTC
fc3d7c72 sent 30.16 BRIDGE.QST to
a560bc14 cancel order
e631e6b5 sent 29.97 BRIDGE.QST to
d82a537f wants 0.0362 BRIDGE.BTC for 30.2 BRIDGE.QST
2c471882 cancel order
4eb0f9a7 wants 0.0722 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.2 BRIDGE.QST
4d43c6ea cancel order
1d4d4911 wants 0.0783 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.2 BRIDGE.QST
34405c3d cancel order
e8f3bc6b wants 0.0819 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.2 BRIDGE.QST
a4de0838 cancel order
4b13760a wants 0.0823 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.2 BRIDGE.QST
3dc17c26 cancel order
7b67fa9c wants 0.0536 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.2 BRIDGE.QST
a13b9520 cancel order
56233937 paid 0.01643 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.2 BRIDGE.QST
9cf3f05f wants 20.2 BRIDGE.QST for 0.01643 BRIDGE.BTC
58488e5e cancel order
86f54dcd wants 20.2 BRIDGE.QST for 0.01643 BRIDGE.BTC
9b57d5b5 cancel order
8809ff62 wants 20.2 BRIDGE.QST for 0.01643 BRIDGE.BTC
0926eeca cancel order
80f7ff54 wants 26.8 BRIDGE.QST for 0.01643 BRIDGE.BTC
41447c03 cancel order
e8926efe wants 26.8 BRIDGE.QST for 0.01643 BRIDGE.BTC
f7e3351a cancel order
726bb3a8 wants 0.02597 BRIDGE.BTC for 19 BRIDGE.QST
c278e67c wants 26.8 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0164 BRIDGE.BTC
025a1a62 sent 0.0171 BRIDGE.BTC to
9c5fd05e cancel order
196e9625 wants 54.8 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0335 BRIDGE.BTC
730d52b6 cancel order
a97d7341 wants 54.7 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0335 BRIDGE.BTC
4454f711 cancel order
c24d2cfa wants 55 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
9bcba74b cancel order
db3fdeab wants 55 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
4b5c9502 cancel order
d81e2c25 wants 55 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
e85604d2 cancel order
87ab15b1 wants 55 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
db80c025 cancel order
54960b17 wants 55 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC
5ad98526 paid 3.6 BRIDGE.QST for 0.00403 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3abc5fcd paid 26.4 BRIDGE.QST for 0.02956 BRIDGE.BTC
0c6dff89 wants 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.QST
010bcd98 cancel order
0f68228b wants 0.0364 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.QST
46d902b7 cancel order
d0d6269f sent 19.9 BRIDGE.QST to
a5913007 wants 0.0417 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.QST
354becdd cancel order
241287c8 wants 0.0695 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.QST
63d9a6fe sent 51.9 BRIDGE.QST to
23c5b6e5 paid 0.0502 BRIDGE.BTC for 50.2 BRIDGE.QST
4fbca373 paid 0.001766 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.765 BRIDGE.QST
7a00c4df wants 52 BRIDGE.QST for 0.052 BRIDGE.BTC
e82715ff cancel order
d55fcc69 paid 3.6 BRIDGE.QST for 0.00472 BRIDGE.BTC
ba96f689 wants 42.6 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0473 BRIDGE.BTC
b4ea918e cancel order
18414fa2 wants 0.00472 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.6 BRIDGE.QST
993e3ee6 cancel order
5458b036 wants 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.6 BRIDGE.QST
0e671a16 cancel order
c514b2bd wants 0.01274 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.72 BRIDGE.QST
virtual paid 6.16 BRIDGE.QST for 0.00807 BRIDGE.BTC
1811e34b wants 39.2 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0392 BRIDGE.BTC
57bc5306 cancel order
d0f0fa9d paid 21.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.02816 BRIDGE.BTC
563b6b90 paid 0.0097 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.7 BRIDGE.QST
37af96da wants 0.02816 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.5 BRIDGE.QST
8e39befb cancel order
01110cec wants 20.9 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0209 BRIDGE.BTC
cebe56f4 cancel order
2413b4e0 paid 0.0000571 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0571 BRIDGE.QST
106e7597 wants 0.0288 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.5 BRIDGE.QST
e6bec263 cancel order
2407b177 wants 20.95 BRIDGE.QST for 0.02095 BRIDGE.BTC
54a7a7c9 paid 15.55 BRIDGE.QST for 0.021 BRIDGE.BTC
a87e17e0 wants 0.0499 BRIDGE.BTC for 37 BRIDGE.QST
516a3846 cancel order
abfbb43e wants 0.00548 BRIDGE.BTC for 4 BRIDGE.QST
5216e976 paid 0.0039 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.1 BRIDGE.QST
93f06c6b wants 4.1 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0039 BRIDGE.BTC
924dddd8 cancel order
1026e6c9 wants 4.1 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0039 BRIDGE.BTC
a8637b0f cancel order
2a650fa3 wants 4.31 BRIDGE.QST for 0.00388 BRIDGE.BTC
1a27f301 sent 0.298 BRIDGE.QST to
bbbd21e1 sent 0.0533 BRIDGE.BTC to
326442e2 cancel order
e1d37e72 wants 62 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0529 BRIDGE.BTC
4855e6c4 cancel order
4a2dc430 cancel order
bd4ca710 wants 24.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.02014 BRIDGE.BTC
833bd76e wants 40 BRIDGE.QST for 0.0329 BRIDGE.BTC
0e977505 cancel order
e6fd5bfa wants 64.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC
37cd6ba9 cancel order
1ea53d38 wants 64.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC
fce55e58 cancel order
89c470e4 wants 64.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC
fb447a07 cancel order
70e05c74 wants 64.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC
4bd932e1 cancel order
a356491a wants 64.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC
9cdcffa7 cancel order
940e04d4 wants 64.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC
84501914 cancel order
c99d9ec6 wants 64.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC
1e4f7173 cancel order
fab53c70 wants 64.5 BRIDGE.QST for 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC
92c40f8a sent 2.01 BRIDGE.QST to
e9e06485 paid 0.001965 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.9 BRIDGE.QST
3dd58329 wants 1.9 BRIDGE.QST for 0.001965 BRIDGE.BTC
75f8c773 sent 0.01094 BRIDGE.BTC to
f323d431 wants 0.00987 BRIDGE.BTC for 73 BRIDGE.POLIS
virtual paid 31 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00419 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 36.9 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00498 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5.14 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.000695 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
89c99a6e sent 0.000315 BRIDGE.BTC to
4991f6b9 wants 0.00142 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.POLIS
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00142 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order