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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid12.68 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -
7030e5fc sent 0.5 BTS to
f8561eb2 paid 1,062 BTS for 558 CNY
84ff89d6 paid 10,000 BTS for 5,250 CNY
67821d9d paid 772 BTS for 405 CNY
5f749c68 wants 6,213 CNY for 11,834 BTS
b6c18ae6 sent 285 CNY to
09455118 paid 194.2 BTS for 60.6 CNY
032f80ef paid 720 BTS for 224.5 CNY
b53acc40 paid 1.442 BTS for 0.45 CNY
51e8aed3 paid 67.5 CNY for 301 BTS
17020063 paid 2,589 CNY for 11,535 BTS
ca986f79 wants 11,836 BTS for 2,657 CNY
8160c306 sent 1.193 BTS to
5346a655 wants 285.5 CNY for 915 BTS
a83995a5 paid 206.8 CNY for 915 BTS
af68f157 wants 915 BTS for 206.8 CNY
c510fe61 cancel order
72bba36c wants 907 BTS for 206.8 CNY
2a21bb04 cancel order
6c95b48c wants 915 BTS for 206.8 CNY
9c76a423 paid 510 BTS for 130.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
8a17833e paid 58.8 BTS for 15 CNY
8d0641b5 paid 27.43 BTS for 7 CNY
8af561f6 paid 128.5 BTS for 32.8 CNY
f10c3f71 paid 7.84 BTS for 2 CNY
7b315ad6 paid 78.4 BTS for 20 CNY
d72129ad wants 207 CNY for 811 BTS
88db6bf0 cancel order
00ae5e2d wants 183 CNY for 811 BTS
957a5534 paid 118.6 CNY for 529 BTS
402c6a20 wants 529 BTS for 118.6 CNY
ad25cde8 sent 5,000 CNY to
eb9c5242 sent 50,000 CNY to
7a191939 sent 50,000 CNY to
560dd907 sent 10,000 CNY to
919bdc6d sent 1 BTS to
7daed5ae sent 50,000 CNY to
91140d13 sent 100 CNY to
b2488cca sent 12,163 CNY to
35accb7a sent 15,000 CNY to
ed509d89 sent 27,000 CNY to
78f7fac7 sent 26,650 CNY to
3a5e36d8 sent 10,000 CNY to
70783621 sent 3,508 CNY to
ccf8d54a sent 50,000 CNY to
5f67599d sent 15,588 CNY to
02a43394 sent 1,500 CNY to