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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.2106 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.132 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.2106
EPICA.BTC 0.00000968
EPICA.HULI 0.00217
053c58c7 sent 0.00522 EPICA.BTC to
203ba027 wants 0.0002276 EPICA.BTC for 70.7 EPICA.HULI
virtual paid 70.7 EPICA.HULI for 0.0002276 EPICA.BTC
virtual cancel order
1057fd8e cancel order
92fec9ac wants 0.000628 EPICA.BTC for 70.7 EPICA.HULI
1e8322d9 wants 0.000093 EPICA.BTC for 20.66 EPICA.HULI
virtual paid 20.66 EPICA.HULI for 0.000093 EPICA.BTC
virtual cancel order
f0e0f96a wants 0.000236 EPICA.BTC for 52.3 EPICA.HULI
virtual paid 52.3 EPICA.HULI for 0.000236 EPICA.BTC
virtual cancel order
e15f7f80 cancel order
e47f9cc1 paid 0.1 EPICA.HULI for 0.00000095 EPICA.BTC
38f54209 wants 0.001366 EPICA.BTC for 143.8 EPICA.HULI
339985bc cancel order
8698339b wants 0.001912 EPICA.BTC for 143.8 EPICA.HULI
01d411ba cancel order
9b2d201c wants 0.001427 EPICA.BTC for 103.6 EPICA.HULI
f190b220 cancel order
2c2e43cc cancel order
73fb0b88 wants 0.000399 EPICA.BTC for 26.75 EPICA.HULI
8d1ccf4f wants 0.00066 EPICA.BTC for 36.7 EPICA.HULI
cbcced96 cancel order
c3b2fe92 wants 0.000697 EPICA.BTC for 36.7 EPICA.HULI
e7868ed5 cancel order
39499765 wants 0.000325 EPICA.BTC for 16.32 EPICA.HULI
1fa62165 paid 158.6 EPICA.HULI for 0.00317 EPICA.BTC
84070d52 wants 0.00317 EPICA.BTC for 158.6 EPICA.HULI
2d5ba927 cancel order
f319793c cancel order
cf3bff8d cancel order
2fcd9921 wants 0.000677 EPICA.BTC for 28.84 EPICA.HULI
88a109d1 wants 0.00066 EPICA.BTC for 20 EPICA.HULI
ca7158ae cancel order
4a0d1c6d sent 0.001526 EPICA.BTC to
a892423b wants 0.000871 EPICA.BTC for 37.1 EPICA.HULI
8825a39b cancel order
0a30de59 wants 0.000455 EPICA.BTC for 13 EPICA.HULI
c652d0d8 wants 0.000549 EPICA.BTC for 23.06 EPICA.HULI
970f787f paid 65 EPICA.HULI for 0.001547 EPICA.BTC
7aad3993 wants 0.001547 EPICA.BTC for 65 EPICA.HULI
695059c9 cancel orders (2)
5f691cad wants 0.0001428 EPICA.BTC for 3.76 EPICA.HULI
438bc584 wants 0.0002654 EPICA.BTC for 6.65 EPICA.HULI
4324f48d cancel order
83afd050 wants 0.0001273 EPICA.BTC for 3.11 EPICA.HULI