立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight7.08 BTS
Lifetime fees paid63.3 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 3.25 0
DEEX 67.2 12.9
CVN 1 0
MAINCOIN 1.484 0
e35d1b8d sent 10 DEEX to
cc06a615 sent 10 DEEX to
2d82f1bf sent 10 DEEX to
0b208550 sent 100 DEEX to
c8732c88 sent 1 DEEX to
5a5a8af7 sent 1 DEEX to
1e02483b sent 4 DEEX to
a8ee64fe sent 10 DEEX to
84ba19a7 sent 10 DEEX to
ef4cecbb sent 5 DEEX to
75f2968f sent 4 DEEX to
21c16da6 sent 10 DEEX to
c01c49b0 sent 0.00082 DEEX.BTC to
1ff190d5 sent 20 DEEX to
ffdd9740 cancel order
1a22d0e1 cancel order
71ed5c9f wants 1,000 BTS for 1 DEEX
943b2cdc wants 1,000 BTS for 1 DEEX
a5b501df wants 0.00001 BTS for 1 DEEX
virtual paid 1 DEEX for 0.37 BTS
4820d9de sent 5 QIWIRUBLE to
d0c8d5b1 sent 0.155 QIWIRUBLE to
1ba66425 sent 1 DEEX to
a98bbd2f sent 1 QIWIRUBLE to
50dcfc6c sent 100 QIWIRUBLE to
5a8e8873 sent 0.03 QIWIRUBLE to
bc06548d sent 0.031 QIWIRUBLE to
33d04567 sent 55 DEEX to
a57d901e sent 5 QIWIRUBLE to
c3e422cc sent 42.5 DEEX to
747f1a5c sent 42.5 DEEX to
39af192d sent 42.5 DEEX to
9c4ba8fe sent 0.155 QIWIRUBLE to
c011da9e sent 21.27 DEEX to
7afc3e94 sent 0.091 QIWIRUBLE to
364af365 sent 3.1 QIWIRUBLE to
49eb9fb3 sent 4.25 DEEX to
ad4a76f8 sent 4.25 DEEX to
a3530943 sent 4.25 DEEX to
aafa3825 sent 4.25 DEEX to
22e1a793 sent 4.25 DEEX to
e1123b1a sent 4.25 DEEX to
72f901b3 sent 4.25 DEEX to
30f0fc41 sent 42.5 DEEX to
268e562f sent 5 DEEX to
0aae49f2 sent 1 BTS to
c750d205 sent 2 DEEX to
virtual sent 1 DEEX.PRIZM to
virtual sent 10 DEEX.SPARTA to
9740d047 update proposal 1.10.52586
c53783ad update proposal 1.10.52585
virtual sent 1 BTS to
f5594055 sent 1 DEEX to
cf0a7ed9 cancel order
3de2e0da cancel order
c7e5817d cancel order
52e43dde wants 1,739 YANDEX for 145 DEEX
ed1b8f76 cancel order
2d315513 wants 144.4 YANDEX for 145 DEEX
e6707189 cancel orders (2)
cab58257 wants 0.406 DEEX for 0.1 BTS
de3f4107 cancel order
3e107041 wants 0.405 DEEX for 0.1 BTS
8eda85e8 wants 0.404 DEEX for 0.1 BTS
3304013e cancel order
78d49440 wants 0.404 DEEX for 0.1 BTS
101e4cf3 cancel order
3661a4f5 wants 0.404 DEEX for 0.1 BTS
7b48eb96 cancel order
84ae46e3 wants 0.404 DEEX for 0.1 BTS
0d447c11 cancel order
7ecaf779 wants 0.0409 DEEX for 0.01 BTS
39fd86aa cancel order
3a283a47 cancel order
0ecbb001 cancel order
009ab75b cancel order
610dc9ae cancel order
382805a5 cancel order
cc068d63 cancel order
1fc6d7a2 cancel order
a99153a4 wants 0.0409 DEEX for 0.01 BTS
f955c050 wants 4.09 DEEX for 1 BTS
0ab82289 wants 4.09 DEEX for 1 BTS
96cf5631 wants 4.08 DEEX for 1 BTS
d3a43bda wants 4.07 DEEX for 1 BTS
f857f6c0 wants 4.06 DEEX for 1 BTS
43685ef2 wants 4.05 DEEX for 1 BTS
903b7fd5 wants 4.04 DEEX for 1 BTS
510b1e79 cancel order
dfac819f cancel order
d36984df cancel order
d5184a75 cancel order
435d31b6 cancel order
fff701a6 wants 9,999 DEEX for 1 DEEX.PRIZM
7a2675d3 cancel order
17c88887 cancel order
56f41e66 wants 9,999 DEEX for 1 DEEX.PRIZM
6e094b4b wants 9,999 DEEX for 1 DEEX.PRIZM
0dcbc774 sent 0.05 BTS to
c9de8e37 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
fb2d3bd1 sent 0.05 BTS to
b9edee13 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
562858ea sent 0.05 BTS to
b0dfd0d9 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
ea14b6d6 sent 0.05 BTS to
a374ca9f sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
91358670 sent 0.05 BTS to
83788f2b sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
c9878132 sent 20 DEEX to
11898630 sent 4 BTS to
e0b81755 sent 0.5 MAINCOIN to
ed26f1eb sent 0.05 BTS to
aada463a sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
144962c8 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
a85b63a4 sent 0.05 BTS to
c7460546 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
09f1c366 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
f2bbf1c8 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
2af08535 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
36f7a456 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
005405ed sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
f17f1cca sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
43fcaa95 sent 0.001 MAINCOIN to
43fcaa95 sent 5 BTS to
1a787c60 sent 1 MAINCOIN to
1a787c60 sent 0.5 BTS to
27a95227 sent 0.0001 BTS to
a9370e37 sent 1 BTS to
3f86d4b0 cancel order
6b83afb3 cancel order
eb53f390 wants 90.9 DEEX for 1 BTS
afc64a7b wants 0.001 DEEX for 0.00001 BTS
b1661bcf cancel order
eebe1182 cancel order
1868f296 wants 11 BTS for 1 DEEX
5c7b2f44 cancel order
b3a74442 wants 100 BTS for 1 DEEX
acba4d9e cancel order
fb49494a wants 100 BTS for 1 DEEX
832b5881 cancel order
5909d142 wants 105 USD for 1 DEEX
64dae79a wants 104 USD for 1 DEEX
f5a9f442 wants 103 USD for 1 DEEX
a0585e77 wants 102 USD for 1 DEEX
2fcb0a5b wants 101 USD for 1 DEEX
3826173e wants 100 USD for 1 DEEX
d44f6f0d wants 100 BTS for 1 DEEX
17f246bd paid 9.95 CBEXX for 3.48 DEEX
b01f594a paid 0.2 QIWIRUBLE for 0.3024 DEEX
0bac40d1 cancel order
2f32e546 wants 0.2355 BTS for 1 DEEX
cdc22e84 wants 0.00021 BTS for 0.001 DEEX
virtual paid 0.001 DEEX for 0.00021 BTS
555edb49 cancel order
c2199e4c wants 0.02354 BTS for 0.1 DEEX
ee5ba84d cancel order
eb5c41a8 wants 2 BTS for 2 DEEX
c65a9e9f wants 0.3024 DEEX for 0.2 QIWIRUBLE
a019c6f7 wants 10 YANDEX for 7.91 DEEX
b3e8e1eb wants 3.48 DEEX for 9.95 CBEXX
a01e0096 wants 10 CBEXX for 3.47 DEEX
virtual paid 3.47 DEEX for 10 CBEXX
740ed6ee sent 0.009 DEEX.ETH to
c6057653 withdraw 7.92714 BTS from a blind account
27d8ea81 withdraw 9.6357 DEEX from a blind account
7a71c737 withdraw 9.6357 DEEX from a blind account
b7d6a497 sent 107 DEEX to
93cc9ed4 withdraw 89.6357 DEEX from a blind account
30ece5f8 sent 0.0001 DEEX to
25cbad0c sent 0.0001 DEEX to
088ea5dd wants 24.13 DEEX for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 24.13 DEEX
virtual cancel order
7a898d41 cancel order
f41ebb7e wants 25.64 DEEX for 10 BTS
f1fd38ab custom op (16 bytes)
4f6ca1f4 custom op (16 bytes)
47e294cf sent 1 DEEX to
bf861801 sent 1 DEEX to
f2bb3488 sent 1 DEEX to
c2ed7385 withdraw 5 BTS from a blind account
dde733c7 withdraw 15 BTS from a blind account
fb0c6d21 sent 7.5 DEEX to
f58344f7 cancel order
3ff5331b paid 1 QIWIRUBLE for 1 DEEX
b4e8adb8 wants 10 QIWIRUBLE for 1 DEEX
97036a4a wants 1 DEEX for 1 QIWIRUBLE
c3bb11a0 wants 1 QIWIRUBLE for 1 DEEX
virtual paid 1 DEEX for 1.44 QIWIRUBLE
57f9f7a4 cancel order
f745c1e3 wants 1 USD for 1 DEEX
2f71c7e6 cancel order
0d4adc0a wants 1 USD for 1 DEEX
ea7614f8 sent 50 DEEX.SPARTA to
245cda4c update account/votes
271e87e4 sent 1 DEEX to
2622cfe3 sent 1 DEEX.SPARTA to
35dc0b42 sent 1 DEEX.SPARTA to