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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.0978 BTS
Lifetime fees paid25.77 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0978
PROTON 0.908
LAMBO 5.46
PIXEL 0.403
BEARS 0.43
c0d42815 sent 126 BTS to
50331d1a sent 10 BTS to
7f211d45 wants 135.6 BTS for 2,707 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 2,707 RUDEX.WLS for 135.6 BTS
d418cf7e sent 50.6 BTS to
bdbcdd7c wants 20.28 BTS for 277.4 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 277.4 RUDEX.WLS for 20.28 BTS
43875cec cancel order
b62ddb21 wants 50.7 BTS for 685 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 407 RUDEX.WLS for 30.15 BTS
d1c4ff9a sent 42 BTS to
a2d7f618 wants 41.2 BTS for 564 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 564 RUDEX.WLS for 41.2 BTS
4e23faf5 sent 137 BTS to
9caac36a sent 10 BTS to
973aa4e6 wants 147.3 BTS for 1,083 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 56.1 RUDEX.WLS for 7.63 BTS
virtual paid 1,027 RUDEX.WLS for 139.6 BTS
59a29f50 cancel order
5c65bfa0 wants 160.3 BTS for 1,083 RUDEX.WLS
7935c5fc sent 147 BTS to
1ecb38ab sent 10 BTS to
2220c0bc paid 739 RUDEX.WLS for 107.5 BTS
3fd8850d wants 157.5 BTS for 1,083 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 344 RUDEX.WLS for 50 BTS
79684161 cancel order
ae4472f6 wants 312.4 BTS for 1,083 RUDEX.WLS
ace0013c sent 293 BTS to
b336d5e1 sent 5 BTS to
34d221c2 wants 299 BTS for 1,771 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 1,771 RUDEX.WLS for 299 BTS
13419f03 cancel order
8d548cb6 wants 182.5 BTS for 1,022 RUDEX.WLS
eb4138ce sent 6,877 BEARDOLLARS to
d9c3ba0a sent 500 BEARDOLLARS to
8f432f17 cancel order
f9618ac4 wants 110.6 BTS for 7,379 BEARDOLLARS
6708498c cancel order
20412509 sent 5,055 WEKUCOIN to
90a8f624 sent 100 WEKUCOIN to
3e11e1fd paid 330 BTS for 3,668 WEKUCOIN
fc9519d2 wants 3,668 WEKUCOIN for 330 BTS
f2401a3d cancel order
49862f90 paid 134.5 BTS for 1,494 WEKUCOIN
e3eeeff9 wants 5,164 WEKUCOIN for 465 BTS
d7828859 wants 26.44 BTS for 1,777 BEARDOLLARS
7a5f58c8 wants 222.5 BTS for 989 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 989 RUDEX.WLS for 222.5 BTS
01796fd5 wants 39.9 BTS for 3,981 BEARDOLLARS
virtual paid 3,981 BEARDOLLARS for 39.9 BTS
192afc67 cancel order
65c001ba wants 44.6 BTS for 2,812 BEARDOLLARS
a9e7b56c cancel order
b964f745 wants 26.14 BTS for 1,635 BEARDOLLARS
d8c6d429 sent 307 BTS to
93feb8f2 sent 10 BTS to
6fabaac2 wants 6.18 BTS for 561 BEARDOLLARS
virtual paid 561 BEARDOLLARS for 6.18 BTS
e587c3da wants 35.6 BTS for 3,234 BEARDOLLARS
virtual paid 3,234 BEARDOLLARS for 35.6 BTS
cd95ceaf cancel order
8c9d706e wants 48.4 BTS for 3,234 BEARDOLLARS
a6e44269 cancel order
54937c5f wants 47.8 BTS for 3,234 BEARDOLLARS
38e4a6e9 wants 109.2 BTS for 376 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 376 RUDEX.WLS for 109.2 BTS
b506338a cancel order
b64612c9 wants 176.6 BTS for 608 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 232 RUDEX.WLS for 67.4 BTS
275814ca cancel order
96c39009 wants 6.58 BTS for 599 BEARDOLLARS
virtual paid 599 BEARDOLLARS for 6.58 BTS
49dcfbbb wants 193.2 BTS for 608 RUDEX.WLS
e22411e0 wants 49.7 BTS for 4,521 BEARDOLLARS
virtual paid 4,521 BEARDOLLARS for 49.7 BTS
16537cc5 cancel order
3008fa2c wants 33.5 BTS for 2,576 BEARDOLLARS
0be950af cancel order
2626ab6a wants 12.97 BTS for 998 BEARDOLLARS
84383aad wants 20.2 BTS for 1,346 BEARDOLLARS
virtual paid 1,346 BEARDOLLARS for 20.2 BTS
54d39e69 paid 1,755 BEARDOLLARS for 21.94 BTS
62aff4e5 wants 21.94 BTS for 1,755 BEARDOLLARS
d6fe346b cancel order
f8950f6d sent 315 BTS to
9124acec wants 316 BTS for 904 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 904 RUDEX.WLS for 316 BTS
280dbf37 wants 12.5 BTS for 900 BEARDOLLARS
c7fce6ef sent 87 BTS to
93467ccb wants 38.1 BTS for 3,463 BEARDOLLARS
virtual paid 3,463 BEARDOLLARS for 38.1 BTS
d32d1f85 cancel order
978147e0 wants 47.8 BTS for 3,463 BEARDOLLARS
a0d2dc06 cancel order
928160fb wants 43.3 BTS for 2,568 BEARDOLLARS
b21a1be3 cancel order
11d589b1 paid 2,274 BEARDOLLARS for 40 BTS
14f5e0f2 wants 75.2 BTS for 4,274 BEARDOLLARS
9032cea7 cancel order
5b46990d wants 64.4 BTS for 3,683 BEARDOLLARS
ee977b96 cancel order
491abe0f wants 35.4 BTS for 1,925 BEARDOLLARS
73f4b7de cancel order
f527ab60 wants 35.7 BTS for 1,925 BEARDOLLARS
0ff673ee cancel order
523a6548 cancel order
acc793e1 wants 10.87 BTS for 581 BEARDOLLARS
351669c1 wants 25.1 BTS for 1,343 BEARDOLLARS
d3cb694b cancel order
e718df13 wants 10.17 BTS for 581 BEARDOLLARS
7b93e0d3 paid 839 BEARDOLLARS for 8.39 BTS
cec64e1a sent 359 BTS to
5b6a8cb8 sent 10 BTS to
bb7cdeac wants 27.4 BTS for 2,742 BEARDOLLARS
virtual paid 1,903 BEARDOLLARS for 19.04 BTS
160513d5 cancel order
74ffa83a wants 40.8 BTS for 2,742 BEARDOLLARS
a07beebc cancel order
aa89355c wants 289.7 BTS for 852 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 852 RUDEX.WLS for 289.7 BTS
d5a01d17 cancel order
d2700c2a wants 298 BTS for 852 RUDEX.WLS
ad65b309 wants 55.9 BTS for 2,742 BEARDOLLARS
4d7a4d9a cancel order
14b5751e wants 43.8 BTS for 2,148 BEARDOLLARS
eb53b423 cancel order
85304eb1 wants 30.8 BTS for 1,508 BEARDOLLARS
bb9b2ad3 cancel order
a74a7cd8 wants 30.84 BTS for 1,508 BEARDOLLARS
04b6da88 cancel order
08464f54 wants 30.9 BTS for 1,508 BEARDOLLARS
d2b47c9b cancel order
63dd006a wants 12.7 BTS for 620 BEARDOLLARS
0677f58d paid 867 BEARDOLLARS for 17.77 BTS
a86522da wants 17.77 BTS for 867 BEARDOLLARS
f17c0562 paid 2,553 BEARDOLLARS for 39.8 BTS
0ea05af0 wants 39.8 BTS for 2,553 BEARDOLLARS
b9943bda cancel order
52c10af3 wants 47.2 BTS for 2,553 BEARDOLLARS
74bd73ce cancel order
05585485 wants 31.5 BTS for 1,705 BEARDOLLARS
0bdb1db8 cancel order
59773da4 wants 22.32 BTS for 1,090 BEARDOLLARS
76bfd5b8 cancel order
dcbda2c9 paid 195.2 BEARDOLLARS for 4 BTS
9defb016 wants 14.2 BTS for 692 BEARDOLLARS
a877eb61 sent 413 BTS to
76bc1d7c sent 10 BTS to
eb133961 paid 1,341 BEARDOLLARS for 26.8 BTS
88fdeb60 paid 813 RUDEX.WLS for 346 BTS
41657351 wants 346 BTS for 813 RUDEX.WLS
fed3de3b wants 26.8 BTS for 1,341 BEARDOLLARS
5e7d2513 cancel order
a2988e46 wants 15.62 BTS for 762 BEARDOLLARS
e57d1f7e paid 746 BEARDOLLARS for 15.3 BTS
0ba7f20a wants 15.3 BTS for 746 BEARDOLLARS
bbc6aaa9 wants 23.04 BTS for 1,158 BEARDOLLARS
virtual paid 1,158 BEARDOLLARS for 23.04 BTS
554090cb cancel order
b3fcbaee wants 45 BTS for 1,158 BEARDOLLARS
89440988 cancel order
4d119c1c wants 20.06 BTS for 520 BEARDOLLARS
7001ccf2 paid 605 BEARDOLLARS for 11.62 BTS
036955f5 wants 11.62 BTS for 605 BEARDOLLARS
8faf0a03 cancel order
83f1f478 sent 375 BTS to
955cf934 wants 12.1 BTS for 605 BEARDOLLARS
c9cde728 paid 767 RUDEX.WLS for 314.4 BTS
a54fe60a wants 314.4 BTS for 767 RUDEX.WLS
f89880b0 cancel order
0bc51081 paid 668 BEARDOLLARS for 13.63 BTS
609d45f4 wants 13.63 BTS for 668 BEARDOLLARS
e8f17c5d cancel order
1b611588 wants 13.64 BTS for 668 BEARDOLLARS
b0920b53 paid 2,100 BEARDOLLARS for 42 BTS
281de344 wants 42 BTS for 2,100 BEARDOLLARS
36542cbd cancel order
559f69ff wants 336 BTS for 767 RUDEX.WLS
46917f11 cancel order
f0e383af wants 22 BTS for 1,100 BEARDOLLARS
a386c13b cancel order
c4e489ff wants 383 BTS for 767 RUDEX.WLS
7e80b8b7 wants 33 BTS for 1,100 BEARDOLLARS
abae8b2b cancel order
1743a3af wants 24 BTS for 600 BEARDOLLARS
7910adef sent 498 BTS to
68181181 sent 10 BTS to
7a99f037 paid 726 RUDEX.WLS for 508 BTS
c4807706 wants 508 BTS for 726 RUDEX.WLS
a6b299f2 sent 433 BTS to
c45cded3 sent 10 BTS to
334987b4 paid 682 RUDEX.WLS for 443 BTS
de22271f wants 443 BTS for 682 RUDEX.WLS
6f6406b6 sent 616 BTS to
461786d7 sent 10 BTS to
6d81c5ee paid 640 RUDEX.WLS for 627 BTS
f2abab11 wants 627 BTS for 640 RUDEX.WLS
6a3fbb0d sent 848 BTS to
86db3ca7 sent 5 BTS to