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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.01286 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.455 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.01286
11a8a249 cancel order
2d75143d sent 0.057 BRIDGE.BTC to
f78126ce sent 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC to
b60dd1bf sent 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC to
0823bb18 cancel order
936dc4ac wants 0.01227 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.QDP
efa58071 cancel order
28f7f3c9 wants 0.01664 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,510 BRIDGE.QDP
e7f19e7c cancel order
48f88a0c wants 0.0637 BRIDGE.BTC for 708 BRIDGE.SLC
6ae24951 cancel order
9a0e7550 wants 0.0637 BRIDGE.BTC for 708 BRIDGE.SLC
7cddee75 cancel order
4e082786 wants 0.0644 BRIDGE.BTC for 708 BRIDGE.SLC
8d6bd9f2 cancel order
9021cd20 wants 0.0644 BRIDGE.BTC for 708 BRIDGE.SLC
abea4f26 cancel order
f2b0d7b8 wants 0.0644 BRIDGE.BTC for 708 BRIDGE.SLC
9edffcb0 cancel order
4d3b6c04 wants 0.01274 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,510 BRIDGE.QDP
107a3823 cancel order
56119a09 wants 0.01274 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,510 BRIDGE.QDP
3f7f7de9 cancel order
6d609fbf wants 0.0644 BRIDGE.BTC for 708 BRIDGE.SLC
e0e1797f paid 2,204 BRIDGE.SLC for 0.1873 BRIDGE.BTC
721d520c wants 0.1873 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,204 BRIDGE.SLC
d7349d4a cancel order
5f952e4f wants 0.2005 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,204 BRIDGE.SLC
c10d7744 cancel order
dcb7e59f wants 0.1873 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,204 BRIDGE.SLC
52f6ed82 cancel order
c92cd862 wants 0.01288 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,510 BRIDGE.QDP
eb5dca6d cancel order
d618383d wants 0.1873 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,204 BRIDGE.SLC
1b9a17bf cancel order
ec47b426 paid 2,536 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.00943 BRIDGE.BTC
584563c7 paid 962 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.00358 BRIDGE.BTC
e9ef762a paid 20 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.0000744 BRIDGE.BTC
5098c1e3 paid 585 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.002135 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,225 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.00456 BRIDGE.BTC
e9554e52 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4,615 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.01685 BRIDGE.BTC
75b43aad wants 0.2005 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,204 BRIDGE.SLC
f5ccfb78 wants 0.0307 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,253 BRIDGE.QDP
2f9f5cac wants 0.01898 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,200 BRIDGE.QDP
8356f4da wants 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.QDP
12dda05f cancel order
d65ab613 wants 0.0528 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,454 BRIDGE.QDP
5124c4d6 cancel order
74ae16a7 wants 0.0468 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,454 BRIDGE.QDP
42d491b0 cancel order
d8d0a73d cancel order
0d829823 wants 0.0463 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,120 BRIDGE.QDP
f23abf4b wants 0.00109 BRIDGE.BTC for 334 BRIDGE.QDP
8ebaf4a0 cancel order
bbb4d0a5 wants 0.0309 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,000 BRIDGE.QDP
4a4e5f7c cancel order
1e4b1feb wants 0.0087 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,834 BRIDGE.QDP
9fd0e4c8 cancel order
7c19f190 wants 0.00734 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,834 BRIDGE.QDP
cb10524f cancel order
6b9dbe18 wants 0.00752 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,834 BRIDGE.QDP
252bff0d paid 5,500 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.022 BRIDGE.BTC
153ba5ee wants 0.022 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,500 BRIDGE.QDP
db736b55 paid 1,013 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.00405 BRIDGE.BTC
f99da2c2 wants 0.00405 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,013 BRIDGE.QDP
7481aaaf cancel order
1e74e612 wants 0.00385 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,013 BRIDGE.QDP
bbc202df cancel order
a5128b5d wants 0.00414 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,013 BRIDGE.QDP
63aab554 cancel order
ab538a19 cancel order
a9005e9b paid 1.033 BRIDGE.SLC for 0.0002994 BRIDGE.BTC
c1eecf1b wants 0.058 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SLC
c86a7dbf wants 0.06 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SLC
3ba446cc wants 28.8 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.000144 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000047 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1 BRIDGE.QDP
virtual paid 0.0000048 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.QDP
virtual paid 0.0001387 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.73 BRIDGE.QDP
9c771d02 wants 100 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.QDP
8ed6eb24 wants 180.5 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.000917 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000917 BRIDGE.BTC for 180.5 BRIDGE.QDP
48bf53d1 wants 203 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.001045 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001045 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.QDP
659e7a92 wants 502 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.002556 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002556 BRIDGE.BTC for 502 BRIDGE.QDP
de79da35 paid 301 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.001527 BRIDGE.BTC
a6db7d2b wants 0.001527 BRIDGE.BTC for 301 BRIDGE.QDP
73053588 paid 305 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.001495 BRIDGE.BTC
5f9adf72 wants 0.001495 BRIDGE.BTC for 305 BRIDGE.QDP
a7ec0367 paid 0.001066 BRIDGE.BTC for 174.8 BRIDGE.QDP
baab214f paid 0.002163 BRIDGE.BTC for 333 BRIDGE.QDP
aa485855 wants 333 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.002163 BRIDGE.BTC
83b047af paid 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.QDP
9e57aa85 wants 100 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC
50ea1919 wants 174.8 BRIDGE.QDP for 0.001066 BRIDGE.BTC
dd7f9351 wants 0.001076 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.CROP
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.001076 BRIDGE.BTC
ac9d30ed wants 0.00326 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.CROP
virtual paid 30 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.00326 BRIDGE.BTC
00891c60 wants 0.00538 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.CROP
virtual paid 50 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.00538 BRIDGE.BTC