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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight12,082 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.599 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 12,082
BTSUCN 128,120
e282c721 sent 0.00001 BTS to
3ff02655 sent 64,000 BTSUCN to
586f973f paid 182.8 CNY for 3,654 BTSUCN
a52382a4 paid 492 CNY for 9,837 BTSUCN
56c3567d paid 444 CNY for 8,873 BTSUCN
47ea653c paid 198.2 CNY for 3,963 BTSUCN
fdc831ca paid 89.9 CNY for 1,797 BTSUCN
7df810af paid 199 CNY for 3,977 BTSUCN
fb36735f paid 104 CNY for 2,081 BTSUCN
1f2be2fd paid 4.86 CNY for 97.3 BTSUCN
1b2c8ddf wants 34,280 BTSUCN for 1,714 CNY
eb0582bd cancel order
4026a89c paid 50.2 CNY for 115 BTS
virtual paid 3,233 CNY for 7,413 BTS
53e5b462 wants 7,528 BTS for 3,283 CNY
0b4ce19f wants 57,127 BTSUCN for 1,714 CNY
a9d963a6 wants 3,949 BTSUCN for 197.4 CNY
virtual paid 197.4 CNY for 3,949 BTSUCN
3b0e40da sent 5 BTS to
5e00f4ad cancel order
e1f3b8ea wants 29,839 BTSUCN for 1,492 CNY
virtual paid 995 CNY for 19,892 BTSUCN
virtual paid 300 CNY for 5,999 BTSUCN
e2e0d6c6 cancel order
92d5c236 cancel order
5fd52572 wants 4,553 BTS for 1,999 CNY
virtual paid 1,999 CNY for 4,558 BTS
b1efe0ca cancel order
2640552c wants 2,311 BTS for 1,000 CNY
3ca421a1 cancel order
a39241eb wants 4,645 BTS for 1,999 CNY
cce8eabd wants 20,097 BTSUCN for 995 CNY
fbb72eab cancel order
7b461008 wants 28,428 BTSUCN for 995 CNY
1a631763 wants 14,207 BTSUCN for 497 CNY