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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight49.3 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.723 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 49.3
DEEX 0.1
CISCOCOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
dab73b57 sent 1,729,520 OPEN.W3C to
130cca9c sent 49.4 OPEN.W3C to
d3d1d02c sent 0.02 SPARKDEX.ETH to
341b50ac cancel order
c7c95180 cancel order
1b82f25a cancel order
45e1b69b sent 0.1 DEEX to
5f5f4893 sent 1 DECENTRALIZED to
d6381339 wants 212.5 USD for 303,629 OPEN.W3C
02110dd0 paid 10.7 BTS for 9,064 OPEN.W3C
c6ddee66 paid 348 BTS for 295,173 OPEN.W3C
4336e0ce wants 304,237 OPEN.W3C for 359 BTS
447868c1 paid 384 OPEN.W3C for 0.649 BTS
70d3c62d paid 2,117 OPEN.W3C for 3.58 BTS
0b3be2cc paid 15,570 OPEN.W3C for 26.3 BTS
6315af7e paid 76,163 OPEN.W3C for 128.7 BTS
4ba5106a paid 65,949 OPEN.W3C for 111.5 BTS
7e59dc5f paid 37,124 OPEN.W3C for 62.7 BTS
b3f8db2e paid 14,370 OPEN.W3C for 24.3 BTS
8d829b16 wants 358 BTS for 211,678 OPEN.W3C
3b7393bc cancel order
444f1843 wants 370 BTS for 211,678 OPEN.W3C
a8001d11 cancel order
de359780 wants 377 BTS for 211,678 OPEN.W3C
63045f02 cancel order
287b204c wants 0.3154 OPEN.BTC for 211,678 OPEN.W3C
330d8853 cancel order
b2bd8a5b wants 0.318 OPEN.BTC for 211,678 OPEN.W3C
990fe477 wants 212,102 OPEN.W3C for 333 BTS
virtual paid 333 BTS for 212,102 OPEN.W3C
8dec163f cancel order
baabecfd wants 222,000 OPEN.W3C for 333 BTS
virtual paid 0.00051 BTS for 0.342 OPEN.W3C
3029181a cancel order
2b586874 wants 334,000 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
667d19f8 cancel order
6164073d wants 337,374 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
42fc97d0 cancel order
656d5335 wants 351,209 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
8351d2d4 cancel order
fe422a21 wants 351,579 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
81f4b0c7 cancel order
a1217f12 wants 359,140 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
752c7be1 cancel order
c880b313 wants 457,515 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
a7c91a83 cancel order
a6df02fb wants 457,528 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
7919f4e0 cancel order
5e1b2f89 wants 490,448 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
5fee63d2 cancel order
d8518627 wants 547,532 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
8b2e71d2 cancel order
7085dab8 wants 530,150 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
0ea4a618 paid 451,101 OPEN.W3C for 334 BTS
16d1067d wants 334 BTS for 451,101 OPEN.W3C
ff4a0e43 cancel order
3ea3b9a0 wants 0.672 OPEN.BTC for 451,101 OPEN.W3C
a95b91f0 cancel order
aff67b69 sent 0.1163 OPEN.ETH to
32a23a77 cancel order
b7f46160 wants 302 BTS for 0.1163 OPEN.ETH
9c242b9d cancel order
ddbdaa53 wants 302 BTS for 0.1163 OPEN.ETH
20acfd98 cancel order
84c11d45 wants 310 BTS for 0.1163 OPEN.ETH
452d57e2 wants 0.564 OPEN.BTC for 451,101 OPEN.W3C
3a52b2f3 cancel order
c3361528 wants 302 BTS for 451,101 OPEN.W3C
f6c53343 cancel order
e2545b9a cancel order
3ad09641 wants 687,298 OPEN.W3C for 0.1163 OPEN.ETH
8a305de5 cancel order
5a6fb8eb wants 687,298 OPEN.W3C for 0.1163 OPEN.ETH
b97c8a70 paid 216.3 BTS for 0.0886 OPEN.ETH
a4961a11 paid 5.58 BTS for 0.00229 OPEN.ETH
4d00b28a paid 20.2 BTS for 0.00828 OPEN.ETH
3cbff1a8 paid 8.03 BTS for 0.00329 OPEN.ETH
3aa1a6cc paid 6.25 BTS for 0.00256 OPEN.ETH
2f52f195 wants 0.1165 OPEN.ETH for 284.4 BTS
d6e113d9 paid 7.32 BTS for 0.003 OPEN.ETH
c740f92f paid 12.64 BTS for 0.00518 OPEN.ETH
47272939 paid 8.05 BTS for 0.0033 OPEN.ETH
bd87d22b cancel order
790ea088 wants 0.1185 OPEN.ETH for 284.5 BTS
8cdefcc5 cancel order
8362fde3 wants 0.119 OPEN.ETH for 284.5 BTS
4b6125bf cancel order
e01a314a wants 0.1195 OPEN.ETH for 285 BTS
1bb15ec2 cancel order
c1b591a5 wants 0.1195 OPEN.ETH for 284.5 BTS
b4fd512c cancel order
9f9893b6 wants 0.1195 OPEN.ETH for 284.3 BTS
620bd349 cancel order
1a7f396c wants 0.1195 OPEN.ETH for 284.3 BTS
1686b0fd cancel order
8429d337 wants 0.1195 OPEN.ETH for 284.3 BTS
0e38b227 cancel order
c220989e wants 0.1195 OPEN.ETH for 284.3 BTS
virtual paid 0.00237 BTS for 0.000001 OPEN.ETH
b5a56075 wants 307 BTS for 451,101 OPEN.W3C
77e35f9a cancel order
37cac0e2 wants 0.1263 OPEN.ETH for 451,101 OPEN.W3C
2f538a86 cancel order
9f15d829 wants 0.1263 OPEN.ETH for 451,101 OPEN.W3C
53a78080 cancel order
b55bed16 wants 0.1263 OPEN.ETH for 451,101 OPEN.W3C
f8caebcf cancel order
a14f5f02 paid 235,718 OPEN.W3C for 165 BTS
288cd2e0 wants 481 BTS for 686,819 OPEN.W3C
91f97b5f cancel order
74ef7d71 paid 159,344 OPEN.W3C for 119.5 BTS
afef2b20 wants 635 BTS for 846,163 OPEN.W3C
60c6b360 paid 35.3 BTS for 54,374 OPEN.W3C
3a40e5b6 paid 182.3 BTS for 280,413 OPEN.W3C
121f9ce8 paid 42.5 BTS for 65,340 OPEN.W3C
c2b2cf16 paid 0.083 BTS for 127.6 OPEN.W3C
7d545911 wants 400,255 OPEN.W3C for 260 BTS
5b9f5775 cancel order
d03f57c9 paid 52 BTS for 100,000 OPEN.W3C
788156f0 wants 600,181 OPEN.W3C for 312 BTS
ebcd48df cancel order
4efe2b8e wants 611,705 OPEN.W3C for 312 BTS
984c2f06 cancel order
e9d0f6ce wants 650,000 OPEN.W3C for 312 BTS
e39f7842 cancel order
20dbf40c wants 663,830 OPEN.W3C for 312 BTS
3d006921 cancel order
b3f23979 wants 678,187 OPEN.W3C for 312 BTS
90a3c376 cancel order
6d19ddf5 wants 725,581 OPEN.W3C for 312 BTS
9bca2eea cancel order
b95c1305 wants 2,064,838 OPEN.W3C for 312 BTS
5bf4e3d1 cancel order
3298585c paid 0.0009 BTS for 6 OPEN.W3C
3c158b05 paid 2.32 BTS for 15,416 OPEN.W3C
a9187048 wants 2,093,023 OPEN.W3C for 315 BTS
206ed9be paid 0.000364 OPEN.ETH for 0.858 BTS
ecd3a092 paid 0.1333 OPEN.ETH for 313 BTS
c4707e3c wants 314 BTS for 0.1336 OPEN.ETH
fd2ea26e cancel order
6f90af2a wants 1,100,000 OPEN.W3C for 0.1336 OPEN.ETH
8a30023f cancel order
77ccb580 paid 0.035 OPEN.ETH for 332,181 OPEN.W3C
84ac9d3a wants 1,600,000 OPEN.W3C for 0.1687 OPEN.ETH
96eb45f3 paid 0.0779 BTS for 0.000033 OPEN.ETH
218094ce paid 64.4 BTS for 0.0273 OPEN.ETH
3f3bd9be paid 26.3 BTS for 0.01115 OPEN.ETH
6b71a74c paid 88.8 BTS for 0.0376 OPEN.ETH
77b29799 paid 50.9 BTS for 0.02157 OPEN.ETH
7f5e2e7e paid 168.3 BTS for 0.0713 OPEN.ETH
aebf44ee wants 0.169 OPEN.ETH for 399 BTS
e9241511 cancel order
ea6f72f7 wants 0.2 OPEN.ETH for 400 BTS
78a99910 cancel order
5e551de4 paid 231,302 OPEN.W3C for 129.5 BTS
a876adfa wants 129.5 BTS for 231,302 OPEN.W3C
c3561a1a cancel order
1956dcae paid 0.415 BTS for 1,597 OPEN.W3C
1dfc1f00 paid 1,335 OPEN.W3C for 0.868 BTS
4ae50cdb paid 294,411 OPEN.W3C for 191.4 BTS
3f76e64c paid 94,070 OPEN.W3C for 61.1 BTS
90e9d17a paid 6,621 OPEN.W3C for 4.3 BTS
0775318d paid 1.924 BTS for 7,400 OPEN.W3C
1d51635c wants 402 BTS for 618,760 OPEN.W3C
07f738c3 paid 0.1 OPEN.ETH for 620,000 OPEN.W3C
f3950c2a wants 620,000 OPEN.W3C for 0.1 OPEN.ETH
960208f7 wants 55,000 OPEN.W3C for 14.3 BTS
1ead422a cancel order
7138b4d2 wants 120,000 OPEN.W3C for 14.4 BTS
4c0f09b7 cancel order
ac1c931a wants 60,000 OPEN.W3C for 12.13 BTS
daa016bd cancel order
4c9d6dcc wants 60,000 OPEN.W3C for 12.06 BTS
9dfc054d wants 0.454 OPEN.BTC for 228,340 OPEN.W3C
a5850ad3 cancel order
de562178 wants 2.275 OPEN.BTC for 1,197,600 OPEN.W3C
20ab48ed cancel order
6bee4677 wants 1.796 OPEN.BTC for 1,197,600 OPEN.W3C
26fbceb0 paid 0.0247 OPEN.BTC for 1,200,000 OPEN.W3C
4d419eca wants 1,200,000 OPEN.W3C for 0.0247 OPEN.BTC
b675e449 wants 0.457 OPEN.BTC for 228,340 OPEN.W3C
e219c290 sent 600,000 OPEN.W3C to
ef31e203 wants 15.5 BTS for 0.000434 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000434 OPEN.BTC for 15.5 BTS
a3888827 wants 830,000 OPEN.W3C for 0.0249 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0249 OPEN.BTC for 830,000 OPEN.W3C
6379a024 sent 2,388,068 OPEN.W3C to
7f90c897 wants 16,800 OPEN.W3C for 0.00048 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00048 OPEN.BTC for 17,952 OPEN.W3C
632dc1fe wants 2,222,500 OPEN.W3C for 0.0635 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000358 OPEN.BTC for 13,390 OPEN.W3C
virtual paid 0.0535 OPEN.BTC for 2,000,000 OPEN.W3C
virtual paid 0.00967 OPEN.BTC for 361,511 OPEN.W3C