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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid31.16 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BRIDGE.YCE 0.0275 0
BRIDGE.KYD 0.00492 0
BRIDGE.BIR 0.01534 0
XBTSX.COF 0.13 0
BRIDGE.MIDAS 0.00000727 0
BRIDGE.ABET 0.2 1,405
BRIDGE.HMN 0.0000014 0
BRIDGE.SCN 0.2013 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.0001 0
BRIDGE.REA 0.00234 0
CALLCNY05MARCH19 0.00031 0
BRIDGE.ROCO 0.00423 152
BRIDGE.XCOM 0.001545 0
BRIDGE.USERX 12,462 12,421
BRIDGE.ALCUP 0.02213 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0 0.02402
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
18cbf705 sent 57,410 BRIDGE.XDOGE to
559313a1 paid 0.00837 BRIDGE.BTC for 27,360 BRIDGE.XDOGE
2a1508d2 paid 0.00064 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,092 BRIDGE.XDOGE
843c8380 paid 0.00543 BRIDGE.BTC for 17,746 BRIDGE.XDOGE
9e1a2c85 paid 0.00106 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,465 BRIDGE.XDOGE
3945501a paid 0.00213 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,955 BRIDGE.XDOGE
749846e6 wants 57,617 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.01763 BRIDGE.BTC
2695ec08 wants 0.000049 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.927 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 0.927 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000049 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
5542ba4b wants 0.00000403 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.22 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 13.21 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.00000403 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
5028aa56 wants 0.000322 BRIDGE.BTC for 315 BRIDGE.ROCO
virtual paid 315 BRIDGE.ROCO for 0.000322 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
68b47eab sent 49 BRIDGE.MIDAS to
3692c52a cancel order
d00a3462 cancel order
405abcbe cancel order
19879be1 cancel order
a792a69a cancel order
eb288ef9 cancel order
c16b1aa4 cancel order
11370891 sent 5,919 BRIDGE.ABET to
2dbe1b66 wants 600 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00021 BRIDGE.BTC
1fe6c735 wants 0.0001407 BRIDGE.BTC for 109 BRIDGE.KYD
virtual paid 109 BRIDGE.KYD for 0.0001407 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
6265f25b cancel order
43358b20 wants 10,500 BRIDGE.ESBC for 0.00788 BRIDGE.BTC
e4f8095c cancel order
d431526e wants 0.000134 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.2 BRIDGE.KYD
virtual paid 99.2 BRIDGE.KYD for 0.000134 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
fd923376 sent 1,001 BRIDGE.SCN to
7b8d9a7d cancel order
adb2eeeb cancel order
ee8e6062 wants 0.002393 BRIDGE.BTC for 319 BRIDGE.ROCO
22c6d4be cancel order
98a2ffe3 paid 81.6 BRIDGE.SCN for 0.0001305 BRIDGE.BTC
117649a2 wants 1,170 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00316 BRIDGE.BTC
f674ce0b cancel order
2d74c7a2 wants 3,800 BRIDGE.SCN for 0.000494 BRIDGE.BTC
a533c794 cancel order
e1d49162 wants 0.001732 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,083 BRIDGE.SCN
5951f37b wants 0.001458 BRIDGE.BTC for 319 BRIDGE.ROCO
a6879a40 cancel order
595fe4a4 paid 0.000131 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,092 BRIDGE.SCN
118c9ecb wants 3,200 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00112 BRIDGE.BTC
2222d95d cancel order
80f72767 wants 0.000138 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.2 BRIDGE.KYD
virtual paid 99.2 BRIDGE.KYD for 0.000138 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ba41c864 wants 2,800 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00098 BRIDGE.BTC
f3ba7767 wants 1,020 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00316 BRIDGE.BTC
8b4c43b8 cancel order
33f459c1 wants 5,100 BRIDGE.SCN for 0.000612 BRIDGE.BTC
c32603bd cancel order
167b089d wants 7,200 BRIDGE.ESBC for 0.0072 BRIDGE.BTC
177b6903 cancel order
b42a4575 wants 1,020 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00415 BRIDGE.BTC
819b7359 cancel order
f5651bd5 wants 5,000 BRIDGE.SCN for 0.0006 BRIDGE.BTC
1e4f63f3 cancel order
56e4bd4f wants 20,000 BRIDGE.SCN for 0.0006 BRIDGE.BTC
91eb548d cancel order
af3228e2 wants 7,800 BRIDGE.ESBC for 0.0078 BRIDGE.BTC
62db6ed2 cancel order
484b6cd3 wants 10,050 BRIDGE.SCN for 0.000603 BRIDGE.BTC
b5ba17f4 cancel order
b8fc4878 wants 0.000499 BRIDGE.BTC for 359 BRIDGE.KYD
virtual paid 359 BRIDGE.KYD for 0.000499 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
6364931c sent 1,100 BRIDGE.ONEX to
ca611d52 cancel order
c0c9c6bd wants 0.00839 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,865 BRIDGE.ONEX
f0b6e8b3 cancel order
2cb6804b wants 0.0328 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,915 BRIDGE.ABET
e24cba55 wants 0.00259 BRIDGE.BTC for 319 BRIDGE.ROCO
6640198b cancel order
38c54c06 cancel order
35114a64 wants 0.000305 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.9 BRIDGE.ROCO
b6833ab7 cancel order
fe261f76 cancel order
7d1506a7 wants 0.00173 BRIDGE.BTC for 266 BRIDGE.ROCO
c280661b cancel order
e4ecf2a4 wants 8,400 BRIDGE.SCN for 0.000504 BRIDGE.BTC
76bff563 cancel order
d3ce0851 wants 3,700 BRIDGE.ESBC for 0.0074 BRIDGE.BTC
a61be1a7 cancel order
673d57e0 wants 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,292 BRIDGE.ONEX
de137be0 cancel order
4411cb10 cancel order
c1611811 wants 610 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.0000427 BRIDGE.BTC
252c0611 wants 3,000 BRIDGE.ESBC for 0.0075 BRIDGE.BTC
7277030f wants 1,020 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.0049 BRIDGE.BTC
d3732eb0 cancel order
130d9ed2 cancel order
a246b482 wants 74,500 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.00522 BRIDGE.BTC
ac651f75 cancel order
7bed7dc0 wants 87,000 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.00522 BRIDGE.BTC
d5cd3193 cancel order
58724e58 wants 0.002136 BRIDGE.BTC for 668 BRIDGE.ONEX
566b52b7 wants 5,191 BRIDGE.SCN for 0.000363 BRIDGE.BTC
23d1b515 paid 184.2 BRIDGE.KYD for 0.000359 BRIDGE.BTC
eee25ab8 wants 0.000359 BRIDGE.BTC for 184.2 BRIDGE.KYD
dad1026f wants 65,500 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.00524 BRIDGE.BTC
05707bfa cancel order
85a42792 wants 0.00604 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,108 BRIDGE.ONEX
23255e02 cancel order
c91013ae wants 58,000 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.00522 BRIDGE.BTC
60ced857 wants 0.0121 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,285 BRIDGE.ABET
a5ebcb72 cancel order
e30a4d58 wants 0.00318 BRIDGE.BTC for 585 BRIDGE.ONEX
063e067a cancel order
b0957e67 wants 0.00288 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,285 BRIDGE.ABET
eb9804f2 paid 0.001397 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,290 BRIDGE.ABET
69355d54 wants 0.0038 BRIDGE.BTC for 585 BRIDGE.ONEX
e8e88103 wants 0.00482 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.MIDAS
dfa4f629 paid 441 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.001345 BRIDGE.BTC
093c42a3 wants 0.001345 BRIDGE.BTC for 441 BRIDGE.ONEX
7e5be9fe wants 0.01926 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,634 BRIDGE.ABET
6fa8fd75 cancel order
708827a0 cancel order
4af56254 wants 0.000509 BRIDGE.BTC for 394 BRIDGE.KYD
virtual paid 394 BRIDGE.KYD for 0.000509 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4fd50bfa wants 1,500 BRIDGE.FLN for 0.0072 BRIDGE.BTC
dc633b10 cancel order
850dc3c2 wants 12,000 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.00276 BRIDGE.BTC
2032ba1d sent 10,000 BRIDGE.ONEX to
cd850527 wants 15 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.0000522 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000522 BRIDGE.BTC for 15 BRIDGE.ONEX
63fe88f9 wants 0.2113 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.00000032 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000032 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2113 BRIDGE.ONEX
d4a3ae4c cancel order
f992d640 wants 30 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.0000384 BRIDGE.BTC
c02e6a8e wants 1,020 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00357 BRIDGE.BTC
f7d27768 cancel order
0bb36221 paid 0.00396 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,807 BRIDGE.ONEX
0e602726 paid 0.00645 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,203 BRIDGE.ONEX
522a0e4e cancel order
d6224669 wants 0.0156 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,944 BRIDGE.ABET
01535305 cancel order
d60947d6 cancel order
48a01d26 cancel order
6fbb36d1 cancel order
ca9c8b59 wants 0.001588 BRIDGE.BTC for 252 BRIDGE.ROCO
8d96e9c1 cancel order
65cbc14e cancel order
fa355780 wants 0.000615 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ROCO
d6cc72a7 wants 7,100 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.0032 BRIDGE.BTC
1613cd8c cancel order
25e991d6 cancel order
67208481 wants 2,290 BRIDGE.ABET for 0.001397 BRIDGE.BTC
5f07d323 wants 1,010 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00323 BRIDGE.BTC
4f3dd23f cancel order
7d78768f wants 0.002595 BRIDGE.BTC for 504 BRIDGE.ABET
e6d7e293 paid 227.5 BRIDGE.KYD for 0.000291 BRIDGE.BTC
ad3d489f wants 0.000291 BRIDGE.BTC for 227.5 BRIDGE.KYD
676aa56d wants 1,700 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.001615 BRIDGE.BTC
cf3098fc wants 0.002734 BRIDGE.BTC for 531 BRIDGE.ABET
64d2187d paid 49.9 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.001668 BRIDGE.BTC
d370ff8e wants 0.001668 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.9 BRIDGE.MIDAS
6a3e179e wants 1,700 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.001615 BRIDGE.BTC
6cab2937 cancel order
2be0fa52 cancel order
36346af0 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC
8f86e6a8 cancel order
2027af2a wants 5,000 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.00015 BRIDGE.BTC
64deb93c cancel order
dc125140 wants 5,020 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.000552 BRIDGE.BTC
3d9e235a cancel order
13b8d68c wants 0.000935 BRIDGE.BTC for 152 BRIDGE.ROCO
797d861d cancel order
b6810b0f cancel order
79471e84 wants 500 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.000825 BRIDGE.BTC
337f175e wants 5,020 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.000753 BRIDGE.BTC
5cb076ac cancel order
10f1650d wants 0.00271 BRIDGE.BTC for 527 BRIDGE.ABET
f6185df9 wants 0.0001992 BRIDGE.BTC for 51.1 BRIDGE.ROCO
c93fe1b3 wants 950 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.001615 BRIDGE.BTC
1778121e cancel order
0ea98de8 wants 0.0002415 BRIDGE.BTC for 340 BRIDGE.KYD
virtual paid 340 BRIDGE.KYD for 0.0002417 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
986558c8 wants 0.00452 BRIDGE.BTC for 878 BRIDGE.ABET
6ce4b5a4 cancel order
5b6252c9 wants 0.000378 BRIDGE.BTC for 97 BRIDGE.ROCO
cebd76fe wants 1,350 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.001364 BRIDGE.BTC
f9e04d19 cancel order
e245656b paid 278.6 BRIDGE.ROCO for 0.00078 BRIDGE.BTC
ff5356f4 paid 74.8 BRIDGE.ROCO for 0.0002094 BRIDGE.BTC
121b2618 wants 150 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.00033 BRIDGE.BTC
2014a4f6 cancel order
e8ac79da wants 0.00099 BRIDGE.BTC for 353 BRIDGE.ROCO
507c0379 cancel order