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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0249 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.812 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0249
CNY 0.0304
6cab2834 paid 1,924 CNY for 545 BTS
69f0ba61 wants 545 BTS for 1,924 CNY
22edae22 sent 1,924 CNY to
c2c4b1ce cancel order
9452f002 wants 764 CNY for 166 BTS
8cb2f6bc cancel order
e0151408 wants 3,660 CNY for 366 BTS
3d0d60fa cancel order
7890b2de wants 2,013 CNY for 366 BTS
9ba57531 wants 1 BTS for 4.5 CNY
virtual paid 4.5 CNY for 1 BTS
840eb582 cancel order
155d3c9a wants 4.5 CNY for 1 BTS
2f029a37 wants 120 BTS for 540 CNY
virtual paid 540 CNY for 120 BTS
b32f325e cancel order
e3d419b1 wants 122 BTS for 545 CNY
dd7f4722 cancel order
b1abf7bf paid 4.47 CNY for 1 BTS
64394940 wants 1 BTS for 4.47 CNY
50de965b wants 124 BTS for 546 CNY
2ba504fc wants 114 BTS for 494 CNY
virtual paid 494 CNY for 114 BTS
599e35a3 cancel order
36f772ba wants 130 BTS for 494 CNY
c497304b cancel order
caecbc2f wants 100 BTS for 430 CNY
8b966b34 cancel order
f73d236a sent 1,508 CNY to
876fde51 wants 144 CNY for 30 BTS
ab4cbf4c cancel order
a0b47e7f wants 270 BTS for 1,215 CNY
b0def0a3 wants 110 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 110.2 BTS
e33b6f01 cancel order
1694be1b cancel order
a7368607 wants 100 BTS for 450 CNY
0441040d wants 2 BTS for 8.6 CNY
008eacf6 wants 10.06 BTS for 45.7 CNY
virtual paid 45.7 CNY for 10.15 BTS
9766fd4d wants 10 BTS for 45.7 CNY
virtual paid 45.7 CNY for 10.13 BTS