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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid5.46 BTS
61a4cd98 sent 2 BTS to
2bfedb1b sent 155.3 CNY to
29c40bfe wants 155 CNY for 23.97 USD
virtual paid 23.97 USD for 155 CNY
ed8f4281 cancel order
4448adb8 cancel order
bd91476f wants 3.85 BTS for 2.21 CNY
virtual paid 2.21 CNY for 3.85 BTS
f1f50a19 sent 1 BTS to
bdc062d2 wants 159 CNY for 22.1 USD
9f5ba8fa wants 14.6 CNY for 2.23 USD
virtual paid 0.34 USD for 2.23 CNY
41840541 paid 159.7 CNY for 24.4 USD
92c6420a wants 24.4 USD for 159.7 CNY
70d7b5c7 wants 159.7 CNY for 285.4 BTS
virtual paid 285.4 BTS for 159.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
f48a3be5 paid 1.203 BTSUCN for 0.0001 CNY
ae14ac89 paid 140.5 CNY for 285.4 BTS
20dc0bfb wants 285.4 BTS for 140.5 CNY
498b1146 wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.203 BTSUCN
c2af4faf wants 135 CNY for 2,047,225 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,047,224 BTSUCN for 135.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
681aed1c paid 0.0435 BTS for 0.439 BTSUCN
f67a5b9d cancel order
7b09ad4c wants 81.7 CNY for 337,479 BTSUCN
7060e025 paid 0.01827 BTS for 0.1846 BTSUCN
78f4ee1a wants 34.3 BTSUCN for 3.4 BTS
d9d9712f paid 3.34 BTS for 33.7 BTSUCN
ba414d21 paid 627 BTSUCN for 2 CNY
virtual paid 627 BTSUCN for 2 CNY
b75a79db sent 569,000 BTSUCN to
e752c645 wants 2 CNY for 645 BTSUCN
virtual paid 645 BTSUCN for 2.058 CNY
virtual cancel order
fe3a388e wants 2 CNY for 627 BTSUCN
37588179 wants 2 CNY for 627 BTSUCN
468b5e05 wants 79,276 BTSUCN for 253 CNY
virtual paid 1.315 CNY for 412 BTSUCN
virtual paid 252 CNY for 78,911 BTSUCN
2a8ebc8b cancel order
22b12df6 paid 37.4 CNY for 11,807 BTSUCN
0883b23a paid 139 CNY for 43,849 BTSUCN
902306ba paid 1,084 CNY for 341,999 BTSUCN
e6ee3e2a paid 198 CNY for 62,464 BTSUCN
1a235028 paid 99 CNY for 31,232 BTSUCN
e57a3a0a wants 571,589 BTSUCN for 1,813 CNY
virtual paid 1.307 CNY for 412 BTSUCN
50702a50 cancel order
5a703631 wants 571,769 BTSUCN for 1,813 CNY
a8af9251 wants 5 BTS for 1.127 CNY
virtual paid 1.127 CNY for 5 BTS
39d2c757 wants 1,815 CNY for 8,083 BTS
virtual paid 1,033 BTS for 232 CNY
virtual paid 2,683 BTS for 603 CNY
virtual paid 4,367 BTS for 980 CNY
virtual cancel order