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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight5,176 BTS
Lifetime fees paid15 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.351
BTSUCN 0.748
92431aa3 sent 3,079 BTS to
aa5aac96 sent 20 BTS to
dc74bcef wants 285 BTS for 144.7 CNY
virtual paid 144.7 CNY for 285 BTS
5e499812 wants 144.7 CNY for 2,175,857 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,589 BTSUCN for 0.507 CNY
virtual paid 757,576 BTSUCN for 50.5 CNY
virtual paid 757,576 BTSUCN for 50.5 CNY
virtual paid 653,116 BTSUCN for 43.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
a72d5c39 wants 42.2 BTS for 12.25 CNY
virtual paid 8.37 CNY for 28.86 BTS
virtual paid 3.88 CNY for 13.37 BTS
5c28b5ba cancel order
a131a80f cancel order
45e247fe cancel order
3f8d97fe cancel order
6c4c46e2 wants 3.16 BTS for 0.932 CNY
virtual paid 0.932 CNY for 3.21 BTS
b9c7a3c0 wants 0.93 CNY for 13,275 BTSUCN
virtual paid 13,275 BTSUCN for 0.933 CNY
virtual cancel order
d7427b6b sent 1 BTS to
bfa9be25 paid 9.07 CNY for 35.9 BTS
878debe8 wants 35.9 BTS for 9.07 CNY
7fba713e wants 2.81 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,822 BTSUCN for 2.81 CNY
virtual cancel order
f60f8614 paid 69,646 BTSUCN for 6.27 CNY
virtual cancel order
7e212ccc wants 6.12 BTS for 0.899 CNY
9086438e wants 7.17 CNY for 79,646 BTSUCN
virtual paid 10,000 BTSUCN for 0.9 CNY
cc7ce9d8 wants 20.6 BTS for 3.26 CNY
d2c72b70 wants 3.27 CNY for 39,823 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,823 BTSUCN for 3.27 CNY
virtual cancel order
409cc472 wants 20.86 BTS for 3.26 CNY
8e2bcc92 wants 3.27 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,822 BTSUCN for 3.27 CNY
virtual cancel order
b4537df2 paid 10.87 CNY for 62.4 BTS
5fdb6f31 paid 1.326 CNY for 6.96 BTS
f6458c7a wants 6.96 BTS for 1.326 CNY
5b07cbde wants 1.327 CNY for 13,274 BTSUCN
virtual paid 13,274 BTSUCN for 1.327 CNY
virtual cancel order
940bdf89 wants 62.4 BTS for 10.87 CNY
7741ad6f wants 7.96 CNY for 79,645 BTSUCN
virtual paid 79,645 BTSUCN for 7.96 CNY
virtual cancel order
b09d55b4 wants 2.923 CNY for 26,548 BTSUCN
virtual paid 26,548 BTSUCN for 2.923 CNY
virtual cancel order
9f9adb26 wants 37.5 BTS for 4.82 CNY
46cd3900 wants 4.83 CNY for 39,822 BTSUCN
virtual paid 39,822 BTSUCN for 4.83 CNY
virtual cancel order
2f094a73 wants 2,635 BTS for 428 CNY
virtual paid 54.8 CNY for 344 BTS
virtual paid 321 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 52.8 CNY for 329 BTS
5d8bc4c5 wants 42.2 CNY for 383,681 BTSUCN
virtual paid 383,681 BTSUCN for 47.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
4e98d50b cancel order
418d6553 wants 2,886 BTS for 381 CNY
953ece1f paid 1,272 BTSUCN for 0.274 CNY
5fb39a78 wants 343 CNY for 2,498 BTS
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 301 CNY
virtual paid 498 BTS for 75 CNY
virtual cancel order
f7b09c83 wants 0.274 CNY for 1,272 BTSUCN
8bd081dc paid 0.747 CNY for 5.25 BTS
f3cea5e3 paid 13,274 BTSUCN for 3.33 CNY
d58dca93 paid 4,918 BTSUCN for 1.23 CNY
157da88b paid 4,518 BTSUCN for 1.13 CNY
035174d8 paid 846 BTSUCN for 0.2114 CNY
051d982d wants 5.25 BTS for 0.747 CNY
8587eedb wants 3.32 CNY for 13,274 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,668 BTSUCN for 0.667 CNY
virtual paid 324 BTSUCN for 0.0809 CNY
0a207d24 paid 26.53 CNY for 173 BTS
e6523ea6 wants 3.33 CNY for 13,274 BTSUCN
3eda82a0 wants 173 BTS for 26.53 CNY
781eb72b paid 106,194 BTSUCN for 26.55 CNY
c8c109cd wants 26.55 CNY for 106,194 BTSUCN
b8df9950 wants 1,711 BTS for 253.3 CNY
virtual paid 70.5 CNY for 476 BTS
virtual paid 182.8 CNY for 1,235 BTS
94f841c3 wants 212.6 CNY for 849,544 BTSUCN
virtual paid 849,544 BTSUCN for 212.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
90982c1a paid 1,875 BTSUCN for 5.78 CNY
cbe82b66 paid 11,400 BTSUCN for 35.2 CNY
933145c6 wants 41 CNY for 13,274 BTSUCN
f0895d66 cancel order
794b0380 wants 212 CNY for 611 BTS
d2e5b7ee paid 180 CNY for 610 BTS
d9a97c47 wants 610 BTS for 180 CNY
4579be49 wants 40 CNY for 13,274 BTSUCN
virtual paid 13,274 BTSUCN for 40.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
56a51fbc wants 135.8 CNY for 44,807 BTSUCN
virtual paid 44,807 BTSUCN for 139 CNY
virtual cancel order
749449ab sent 600,000 BTSUCN to
70244368 paid 1,894 CNY for 614,358 BTSUCN
a962318e wants 614,358 BTSUCN for 1,894 CNY
ed56b9b7 cancel order
d4bf945c paid 25,764 BTSUCN for 81.2 CNY
3696a3a1 wants 81.2 CNY for 25,764 BTSUCN
e70108e1 wants 38.3 CNY for 13,551 BTSUCN
virtual paid 13,551 BTSUCN for 41.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
f7890c41 paid 3,625 BTSUCN for 11.11 CNY
8a51b75a wants 11.11 CNY for 3,625 BTSUCN
7612493c wants 619,293 BTSUCN for 1,760 CNY
9c04b6e3 wants 24.4 CNY for 8,588 BTSUCN
virtual paid 8,588 BTSUCN for 26.26 CNY
virtual cancel order
d851425c wants 970 CNY for 317,774 BTSUCN
virtual paid 317,774 BTSUCN for 970 CNY
virtual cancel order
aae7406f cancel order
323d8938 wants 265.4 CNY for 85,884 BTSUCN
e42d9079 cancel order
5c993452 wants 265.4 CNY for 85,884 BTSUCN
3f4e4dc0 cancel order
a9a04e9c wants 265.4 CNY for 85,884 BTSUCN
d1c01b67 cancel order
c1a283cb wants 265.4 CNY for 85,884 BTSUCN
ae18a728 cancel order
426f6875 wants 265.4 CNY for 85,884 BTSUCN
9ae8a681 cancel order
35c312bb wants 265.4 CNY for 85,884 BTSUCN
eefb5cf2 cancel order
45d8dfbc wants 265.4 CNY for 85,884 BTSUCN
5079d8c4 cancel order
6e4861ad wants 265.4 CNY for 85,884 BTSUCN
26049301 paid 243.5 BTS for 54.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
712696e5 paid 30.37 BTS for 6.84 CNY
dbd55c63 paid 1,731 BTS for 390 CNY
b4f35a07 paid 103,058 BTSUCN for 314.3 CNY
c9011e7d wants 451 CNY for 2,004 BTS
0ee4cfb4 wants 314.3 CNY for 103,058 BTSUCN
d27e8ea6 wants 221 BTS for 49.6 CNY
virtual paid 49.6 CNY for 221 BTS
b53af5a2 wants 49.3 CNY for 17,177 BTSUCN
virtual paid 17,177 BTSUCN for 49.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
6d2e639b wants 220.7 BTS for 49.6 CNY
virtual paid 49.6 CNY for 220.7 BTS
4b8dc38c wants 49 CNY for 17,176 BTSUCN
virtual paid 17,176 BTSUCN for 49.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
172d3893 cancel order
c9f6c573 wants 353 CNY for 1,562 BTS
aa100c2f wants 110.6 BTS for 24.96 CNY
virtual paid 16 CNY for 71 BTS
virtual paid 8.96 CNY for 39.7 BTS
7ef6ee94 wants 24.83 CNY for 8,588 BTSUCN
virtual paid 8,588 BTSUCN for 25 CNY
virtual cancel order
4bf9f4f9 wants 103.4 BTS for 23.27 CNY
virtual paid 23.27 CNY for 103.4 BTS
07d985d1 wants 23.1 CNY for 8,588 BTSUCN
virtual paid 8,588 BTSUCN for 23.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
037a98af wants 1,346 BTS for 302.6 CNY
virtual paid 302.6 CNY for 1,347 BTS
96a670d6 wants 300 CNY for 111,762 BTSUCN
virtual paid 111,762 BTSUCN for 303 CNY
virtual cancel order
cdd73715 sent 1,100,000 BTSUCN to
df2fa9ae wants 697,645 BTSUCN for 1,682 CNY
virtual paid 1,257 CNY for 521,995 BTSUCN
virtual paid 425 CNY for 176,178 BTSUCN
1bf5e2f1 wants 1,684 CNY for 7,503 BTS
virtual paid 5,376 BTS for 1,206 CNY
virtual paid 2,127 BTS for 477 CNY
virtual cancel order