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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.074 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.799 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.074
CNY 0.0031
USD 0.0163
OBITS 0.513
IOU.ABC 0.71
QORA 32.5
RMB 8.53
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
973c21e4 sent 0.513 OBITS.VOTE to
f2e260f7 sent 0.0003 USD to
b9a423b8 sent 0.0002 USD to
67c88881 sent 0.1 DEEX to
f1da676d sent 0.0002 USD to
36c3ff3b sent 0.0005 USD to
1046229d sent 0.0002 USD to
d40cc716 sent 0.0007 USD to
f7e6fd1e sent 4,442 BTS to
8833a753 wants 834 BTS for 1,280 CNY
virtual paid 1,280 CNY for 834 BTS
67bc67c8 paid 357 OBITS for 3,010 BTS
618f9c16 paid 1.807 OBITS for 15.23 BTS
196960c6 paid 28.9 OBITS for 243.6 BTS
95c8ad3c paid 1.606 OBITS for 13.54 BTS
715300fd paid 14.45 OBITS for 121.8 BTS
c6d07254 paid 1.807 OBITS for 15.23 BTS
d5425658 paid 5.29 OBITS for 44.6 BTS
11d1f3d8 paid 17.13 OBITS for 144.4 BTS
8a0a6e5f wants 3,608 BTS for 428 OBITS
5c269893 cancel order
b7993072 sent 2,747 BTS to
875d0ec6 sent 2 BTS to
e5357c85 wants 6,120 CNY for 428 OBITS
013d634a paid 4,739 IOU.ABC for 1,280 CNY
4470b7be wants 1,280 CNY for 4,739 IOU.ABC
6bdca4f3 wants 2,437 IOU.ABC for 560 CNY
virtual paid 560 CNY for 2,437 IOU.ABC
41179aeb wants 727 IOU.ABC for 167.3 CNY
virtual paid 167.3 CNY for 727 IOU.ABC
6d4e52ef wants 2,750 BTS for 6,243 CNY
virtual paid 6,243 CNY for 2,750 BTS
c98be118 wants 134.8 OBITS for 2,143 CNY
virtual paid 2,143 CNY for 134.8 OBITS
059fcd6c wants 1,580 IOU.ABC for 363 CNY
virtual paid 363 CNY for 1,580 IOU.ABC
ffd0283c wants 295 OBITS for 4,522 CNY
virtual paid 4,522 CNY for 295 OBITS