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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid13.53 BTS
6c2e34eb cancel order
b75b6375 wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.52 BTSUCN
a90d203d sent 57 BTS to
b59a887f wants 27 BTS for 12.97 CNY
virtual paid 12.97 CNY for 27.2 BTS
3c99e3d2 wants 12.64 CNY for 194,433 BTSUCN
virtual paid 194,431 BTSUCN for 12.75 CNY
virtual cancel order
014d27bf cancel order
9c9c7135 wants 12.83 CNY for 194,433 BTSUCN
5f5e64a5 wants 0.232 CNY for 3,541 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,540 BTSUCN for 0.232 CNY
virtual cancel order
38715d55 cancel order
ba922075 wants 13.07 CNY for 197,972 BTSUCN
3a40fe5f cancel order
d27f6f34 wants 13.07 CNY for 197,972 BTSUCN
b3fb8b6c cancel order
073f47ed wants 13.07 CNY for 197,972 BTSUCN
994d9a39 cancel order
e16e018b wants 17.62 CNY for 197,972 BTSUCN
3caa452a cancel order
f0708e11 wants 19.8 CNY for 197,972 BTSUCN
fea7ea21 cancel order
292439e4 wants 23.36 CNY for 197,972 BTSUCN
e08dcdf1 cancel order
34d97d23 paid 11.21 CNY for 24.04 BTS
f3e56fb4 wants 24.04 BTS for 11.21 CNY
3476d420 wants 313 CNY for 197,972 BTSUCN
5b4927b7 cancel order
56cb328d wants 314.6 CNY for 197,972 BTSUCN
9818438f sent 800 BTS to
3fce6452 wants 11.2 CNY for 152,544 BTSUCN
virtual paid 152,543 BTSUCN for 11.23 CNY
virtual cancel order
3b0055a0 cancel order
b0fd9761 cancel order
9418c350 cancel order
2f09a237 cancel order
2a5568f5 cancel order
f874b8ec cancel order
25977542 cancel order
2bce7d74 cancel order
052635e0 cancel order
c7dd3332 cancel order
03bd9e83 cancel order
7e7f2fc9 cancel order
b94391bf cancel order
d21cb562 paid 0.2484 CNY for 3,403 BTSUCN
bd4e39a6 wants 5.53 CNY for 36,890 BTSUCN
b7000609 paid 245.7 CNY for 802 BTS
f21ca32c wants 802 BTS for 245.7 CNY
c73c6019 paid 0.745 CNY for 10,205 BTSUCN
0d414b7b cancel order
e899bfe0 cancel order
4c45c6b2 wants 1.007 BTS for 0.438 CNY
6f6a783c cancel order
323e4f21 paid 0.918 BTS for 0.438 CNY
48539425 wants 0.438 CNY for 0.918 BTS
141a03c3 wants 0.0212 CNY for 176.3 BTSUCN
4d85606f cancel order
7468a4a9 wants 0.994 CNY for 6,627 BTSUCN
6ab021f7 cancel order
e31b19dd wants 3,403 BTSUCN for 0.2484 CNY
9988d48e wants 10,205 BTSUCN for 0.745 CNY
693fa147 wants 2.445 CNY for 9,940 BTSUCN
65471f84 paid 8,284 BTSUCN for 0.994 CNY
62561e42 cancel order
026e1b28 wants 858 BTS for 245.3 CNY
b4b7786c wants 3.13 CNY for 14,911 BTSUCN
39e0ec4d paid 0.518 CNY for 1.956 BTS
72c7cdcd paid 117.4 BTS for 33.8 CNY
fc734f7d paid 734 BTS for 211.6 CNY
056c5b86 wants 245.5 CNY for 852 BTS
e0dd52f3 wants 1.956 BTS for 0.518 CNY
68139584 paid 6,353 BTSUCN for 0.508 CNY
96ea8b60 wants 0.508 CNY for 6,353 BTSUCN
fe13721d cancel order
0e015e2f wants 0.648 CNY for 6,353 BTSUCN
258f7df9 cancel order
cdd03d19 wants 0.994 CNY for 8,284 BTSUCN
8826ca56 wants 2.725 CNY for 11,597 BTSUCN
c6f7ff40 wants 2.386 CNY for 9,940 BTSUCN
790bfcc3 paid 0.0313 CNY for 0.1697 BTS
01cda6f4 paid 1.005 CNY for 5.32 BTS
ce5f2f26 wants 0.1697 BTS for 0.0313 CNY
9e2e5e23 wants 5.32 BTS for 1.005 CNY
6ed4240b paid 9,527 BTSUCN for 1.048 CNY
ce3e29ac wants 1.048 CNY for 9,527 BTSUCN
c3731fa5 cancel order
8d284da0 cancel order
a32878f8 wants 0.994 CNY for 8,284 BTSUCN
ee3a74bf wants 0.261 CNY for 1,243 BTSUCN
8c67e478 wants 0.783 CNY for 3,728 BTSUCN
47e01edf cancel order
ee1ea237 wants 0.795 CNY for 4,970 BTSUCN
d0098e38 cancel order
a2ef526e wants 0.795 CNY for 4,970 BTSUCN
e11ad6c3 wants 0.693 CNY for 4,617 BTSUCN
961ac850 wants 0.0265 CNY for 176.3 BTSUCN
2d5966a4 wants 0.0265 CNY for 176.3 BTSUCN
32eb0c80 cancel order
3a35f9e6 wants 1.044 CNY for 4,970 BTSUCN
8e5ecce8 wants 1.138 CNY for 4,970 BTSUCN
e0e06c06 wants 2.445 CNY for 9,940 BTSUCN
28556261 paid 45.7 CNY for 286 BTS
e07dcee5 wants 286 BTS for 45.7 CNY
b25fc8b1 wants 1.63 CNY for 6,627 BTSUCN
3dc91123 wants 7.63 CNY for 31,015 BTSUCN
9d42ff9a cancel order
dd4daf65 cancel order
7896ce32 wants 131.7 CNY for 11,597 BTSUCN
a9f5611c paid 463 BTSUCN for 0.236 CNY
3266c625 paid 8,284 BTSUCN for 2.9 CNY
virtual paid 6,627 BTSUCN for 2.485 CNY
709dda10 paid 6,627 BTSUCN for 1.98 CNY
2be10332 wants 1.98 CNY for 6,627 BTSUCN
efe0481f wants 2.9 CNY for 8,284 BTSUCN
c521101a wants 2.485 CNY for 6,627 BTSUCN
d5210725 wants 2.535 CNY for 4,970 BTSUCN
45aaf1e4 wants 10.53 CNY for 8,103 BTSUCN
0fefc70b wants 18.57 CNY for 6,627 BTSUCN
f6daee92 cancel order
49998587 wants 16.53 CNY for 6,353 BTSUCN
42a3a83e cancel order
c9bbb264 wants 19.1 CNY for 6,627 BTSUCN
ad372d27 wants 17.02 CNY for 6,353 BTSUCN
3286008e cancel order
219669ec wants 12.17 CNY for 5,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,244 BTSUCN for 12.37 CNY
virtual cancel order
e9b72582 wants 3.73 CNY for 1,383 BTSUCN
80395d9a cancel order
c6326478 wants 17.6 CNY for 6,627 BTSUCN
ebf3e833 paid 9,940 BTSUCN for 25.75 CNY
c196d4e2 wants 25.75 CNY for 9,940 BTSUCN
d5cf9af5 paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00066 BTS
cfa74847 wants 106.3 BTS for 15.9 CNY
dbfa9581 paid 15.9 CNY for 106.3 BTS
1c900807 wants 15.93 CNY for 6,626 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,626 BTSUCN for 15.93 CNY
virtual cancel order
a2f6fb67 wants 462 BTS for 69.1 CNY
virtual paid 69.1 CNY for 462 BTS
e5484639 cancel order
0bca14ea wants 475 BTS for 69.1 CNY
750d4ca1 wants 66.1 CNY for 22,113 BTSUCN
virtual paid 22,113 BTSUCN for 66.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
f5b38e7f sent 400 BTS to
766fa045 cancel order
98639532 wants 22.9 BTS for 3.36 CNY
803cd328 wants 3.36 CNY for 1,081 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,081 BTSUCN for 3.36 CNY
virtual cancel order
8f960f6d wants 154.3 BTS for 34.4 CNY
virtual paid 0.38 CNY for 1.73 BTS
virtual paid 34 CNY for 154.7 BTS
5cb77e90 wants 34.4 CNY for 9,939 BTSUCN
virtual paid 9,939 BTSUCN for 34.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
21eb6ddd cancel order
158e028f wants 24.3 CNY for 6,626 BTSUCN
6d9a4293 wants 48.9 BTS for 11.05 CNY
virtual paid 11.05 CNY for 49.2 BTS
78e0ae34 wants 11.07 CNY for 3,313 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,313 BTSUCN for 11.07 CNY
virtual cancel order
78733cda wants 163 BTS for 36.9 CNY
virtual paid 36.9 CNY for 164.2 BTS
da07b725 wants 36.9 CNY for 11,596 BTSUCN
virtual paid 11,596 BTSUCN for 36.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
e15e5c1d cancel order
f7625822 wants 36.7 CNY for 11,596 BTSUCN
7e2c460e wants 26.4 BTS for 10.21 CNY
virtual paid 0.581 CNY for 1.527 BTS
virtual paid 9.63 CNY for 25.3 BTS
e783229c wants 10.22 CNY for 3,313 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,313 BTSUCN for 10.22 CNY
virtual cancel order
2840c726 sent 1,770 BTS to
ca16f770 sent 100 BTS to
9d07cb63 wants 27.47 BTS for 10.26 CNY
virtual paid 10.26 CNY for 28.1 BTS
8812f7fa wants 10.27 CNY for 3,313 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,313 BTSUCN for 10.27 CNY
virtual cancel order
4dea9e61 wants 51.5 BTS for 20.4 CNY
virtual paid 20.4 CNY for 52.3 BTS
3d27fc2b wants 20.4 CNY for 6,626 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,626 BTSUCN for 20.42 CNY
virtual cancel order
51bc560e cancel order
dc5d8ef4 wants 10.44 CNY for 3,313 BTSUCN
9d962b1d wants 28.2 BTS for 10.14 CNY
virtual paid 10.14 CNY for 28.5 BTS
c35b2f38 paid 227.3 BTSUCN for 0.697 CNY
b2a7abc9 paid 3,086 BTSUCN for 9.46 CNY
7afdfa3e wants 10.15 CNY for 3,313 BTSUCN