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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid54.9 BTS
74e94de0 sent 8,104 BTS to
a2d6c442 sent 50 BTS to
8c00ccda wants 1,783 BTS for 845 CNY
virtual paid 734 CNY for 1,551 BTS
virtual paid 110.4 CNY for 233 BTS
2c58c939 cancel order
a6d56b37 wants 4,666 BTS for 2,210 CNY
virtual paid 1,365 CNY for 2,883 BTS
d66e4f38 cancel order
ae12043c wants 5,047 BTS for 2,210 CNY
13b4fe48 cancel order
25cb99ad wants 4,666 BTS for 2,210 CNY
3a44c2ed cancel order
0a77073f wants 4,666 BTS for 2,210 CNY
1cdb13dd cancel order
4e9fb88a wants 7,040 BTS for 3,334 CNY
virtual paid 42.1 CNY for 89 BTS
virtual paid 1,082 CNY for 2,285 BTS
bf8ac401 wants 3,257 CNY for 50,890,927 BTSUCN
virtual paid 49,323,620 BTSUCN for 3,235 CNY
virtual paid 1,567,305 BTSUCN for 102.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
b629723b cancel order
2dc1004b wants 3,359 CNY for 50,890,927 BTSUCN
de0fa6ab cancel order
5fe8cc55 wants 3,359 CNY for 50,890,927 BTSUCN
24d33d50 cancel order
a06073f0 wants 3,359 CNY for 50,890,927 BTSUCN
67c51263 cancel order
b805898e wants 3,359 CNY for 50,890,927 BTSUCN
1c4bc621 cancel order
5682996f wants 3,359 CNY for 50,890,927 BTSUCN
5dd6b75c paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00019 BTS
b9355b06 wants 1,117 BTS for 573 CNY
04ca781a paid 372 CNY for 726 BTS
ab3f8a0d paid 200.5 CNY for 391 BTS
58d2b27d cancel order
bded0866 wants 1,144 BTS for 573 CNY
b8de24eb cancel order
a579ddba wants 1,145 BTS for 573 CNY
08293d32 wants 573 CNY for 7,636,434 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,636,434 BTSUCN for 573 CNY
virtual cancel order
2688e985 cancel order
b8b76990 wants 636 CNY for 5,778,079 BTSUCN
a8289ecc cancel order
f533574e wants 636 CNY for 5,778,079 BTSUCN
f2e7b133 sent 2,080 BTS to
6b166eed paid 61 CNY for 199 BTS
f5d38568 wants 1,385 BTS for 424 CNY
887f8904 paid 363 CNY for 1,186 BTS
c8401152 cancel order
b6180821 wants 1,395 BTS for 424 CNY
8ce1f0cb cancel order
7aeea9c2 paid 200.2 CNY for 659 BTS
d5885ecd wants 2,054 BTS for 624 CNY
3a71ac45 cancel order
eb5deedf wants 2,068 BTS for 624 CNY
f06617c0 cancel order
ad4bb691 wants 2,081 BTS for 616 CNY
1854196e cancel order
39cd2c96 wants 2,360 BTS for 624 CNY
c2f877db cancel order
92e515b7 wants 2,364 BTS for 624 CNY
2506860c wants 623 CNY for 8,534,509 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,737,319 BTSUCN for 200.6 CNY
virtual paid 2,739,726 BTSUCN for 200.6 CNY
virtual paid 2,739,726 BTSUCN for 200.4 CNY
virtual paid 317,738 BTSUCN for 23.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
afc6a4cd cancel order
f3b2fbc0 paid 3,751 BTSUCN for 0.311 CNY
bf9a18ee wants 709 CNY for 8,538,260 BTSUCN
9a2985d5 cancel order
2d7cfed9 wants 768 CNY for 8,538,260 BTSUCN
9717f300 sent 21,400 BTS to
e3f931c2 wants 1,793 BTS for 331 CNY
virtual paid 166 CNY for 900 BTS
cad02252 paid 164.8 CNY for 893 BTS
d2a2d5ec cancel order
40587984 wants 1,839 BTS for 328 CNY
e0619fc4 cancel order
8d040c15 wants 2,334 BTS for 331 CNY
3e916f88 wants 319 CNY for 4,252,525 BTSUCN
virtual paid 507,401 BTSUCN for 40.6 CNY
virtual paid 3,745,124 BTSUCN for 281 CNY
virtual cancel order
d05be5a6 cancel order
1dbb698a wants 359 CNY for 4,372,597 BTSUCN
virtual paid 120,072 BTSUCN for 9.86 CNY
9578c829 paid 245.6 CNY for 1,301 BTS
63b9404f wants 1,301 BTS for 245.6 CNY
3e96c1a0 wants 245.6 CNY for 2,455,937 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,412,001 BTSUCN for 241 CNY
virtual paid 43,936 BTSUCN for 4.39 CNY
virtual cancel order
27da21b8 wants 0.274 CNY for 2,741 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,741 BTSUCN for 0.274 CNY
virtual cancel order
646b5461 wants 2,575 BTS for 411 CNY
virtual paid 411 CNY for 2,588 BTS
fdd867ec wants 407 CNY for 3,362,511 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,285,643 BTSUCN for 281 CNY
virtual paid 906,917 BTSUCN for 110 CNY
virtual paid 169,951 BTSUCN for 20.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
02456fb3 cancel order
1ece3ca2 wants 414 CNY for 3,362,511 BTSUCN
9285ab83 wants 2,766 BTS for 459 CNY
virtual paid 459 CNY for 2,785 BTS
14fb38fb paid 2,010,567 BTSUCN for 422 CNY
virtual cancel order
5ba09ba8 wants 459 CNY for 2,186,296 BTSUCN
virtual paid 175,729 BTSUCN for 37.1 CNY
d86b007d wants 414 BTS for 67.1 CNY
virtual paid 67.1 CNY for 414 BTS
36a7c2c5 wants 67.2 CNY for 312,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 312,328 BTSUCN for 67.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
181caa74 wants 4,166 BTS for 576 CNY
virtual paid 193 CNY for 1,397 BTS
virtual paid 276.5 CNY for 2,000 BTS
782e1af8 paid 106.4 CNY for 770 BTS
53cfe731 paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00072 BTS
2d67f87e cancel order
e55819c8 wants 4,712 BTS for 576 CNY
0b97054e paid 2,499,818 BTSUCN for 575 CNY
287c2b31 wants 575 CNY for 2,499,818 BTSUCN
89fe62ea cancel order
0b29524d cancel order
9af9fc1d wants 583 CNY for 2,498,695 BTSUCN
49fba782 wants 0.2623 CNY for 1,123 BTSUCN
6300860a cancel order
2bfb5805 wants 590 CNY for 2,499,818 BTSUCN
7bbd8022 cancel order
706276d5 wants 316 CNY for 1,250,506 BTSUCN
4c4ab543 cancel order
6028e935 wants 245.4 CNY for 943,886 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,707 BTSUCN for 1.484 CNY
624132d4 wants 934 BTS for 156.2 CNY
virtual paid 156.2 CNY for 969 BTS
bb3f123c paid 617,754 BTSUCN for 156.3 CNY
2e146e83 cancel order
cfdc02c3 wants 156.3 CNY for 617,754 BTSUCN
959081be wants 1.725 CNY for 6,902 BTSUCN
1a594767 cancel order
9672d590 wants 168.7 CNY for 624,656 BTSUCN
6b55f2fa cancel order
1cd893b4 wants 175 CNY for 624,656 BTSUCN
55907077 paid 128.3 CNY for 770 BTS
a652420f wants 880 BTS for 146.6 CNY
virtual paid 18.3 CNY for 110 BTS
cb2bdcb1 wants 146.8 CNY for 624,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 19,587 BTSUCN for 4.6 CNY
virtual paid 605,069 BTSUCN for 142.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
4337811e wants 917 BTS for 146.6 CNY
virtual paid 105.2 CNY for 674 BTS
virtual paid 41.4 CNY for 264 BTS
93c56c1b wants 143.7 CNY for 624,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 624,656 BTSUCN for 146.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
c50fbc67 cancel order
0665ccc4 wants 156.2 CNY for 624,656 BTSUCN
a79171d5 cancel order
35e377d8 wants 156.2 CNY for 624,656 BTSUCN
93d489ae cancel order
a062cc5c wants 156.2 CNY for 624,656 BTSUCN
66da7733 wants 960 BTS for 146.6 CNY
virtual paid 146.6 CNY for 960 BTS
4b7a17cf wants 143.7 CNY for 624,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 624,656 BTSUCN for 146.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
351bc7e6 wants 1,367 BTS for 234 CNY
virtual paid 234 CNY for 1,367 BTS
5afa3a6e wants 234.2 CNY for 936,984 BTSUCN
virtual paid 936,984 BTSUCN for 234.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
a3d30ffe cancel order
eb92e28c wants 243.6 CNY for 936,984 BTSUCN
b7c2332e cancel order
bde2f6a6 wants 243.6 CNY for 936,984 BTSUCN
9dd82537 cancel order
4f23b623 wants 256.7 CNY for 936,984 BTSUCN
f40bc962 wants 1,938 BTS for 312 CNY
virtual paid 312 CNY for 1,951 BTS
1ba4bd23 cancel order
1f393a0c wants 2,114 BTS for 312 CNY
f150fd54 cancel order
253cc8d0 wants 2,051 BTS for 312 CNY
7a07acc6 cancel order
13bd46da wants 2,065 BTS for 312 CNY
07b14dcd wants 306 CNY for 1,249,312 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,249,312 BTSUCN for 312.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
3e438065 wants 1,334 BTS for 160.4 CNY
virtual paid 160.4 CNY for 1,334 BTS
edfd7572 paid 291,158 BTSUCN for 74.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
23f8aaad paid 81,843 BTSUCN for 20.87 CNY