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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00017 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.273 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00017 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BRIDGE.XAP 192,592 120,000
DONGFENG 0.007 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1196 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
838a1c37 wants 0.036 BRIDGE.BTC for 40,000 BRIDGE.XAP
d9617433 wants 0.032 BRIDGE.BTC for 40,000 BRIDGE.XAP
d75af8be wants 0.028 BRIDGE.BTC for 40,000 BRIDGE.XAP
33bba5b0 cancel order
0ea87209 sent 0.04 BRIDGE.BTC to
1f0aba13 cancel order
aac9b43f wants 307,688 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.04 BRIDGE.BTC
42995de5 wants 0.075 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.XAP
51f8e83c cancel order
f030f5d3 cancel order
7cd75ae2 cancel order
9a05674d sent 0.0157 BRIDGE.BTC to
fd09b194 wants 0.034 BRIDGE.BTC for 54,595 BRIDGE.XAP
627b5681 cancel order
58c9bb29 wants 0.0719 BRIDGE.BTC for 60,265 BRIDGE.XAP
a3e45e8c cancel order
cb960333 paid 5,669 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00584 BRIDGE.BTC
ab0ba27c wants 0.0933 BRIDGE.BTC for 77,735 BRIDGE.XAP
e81737f2 wants 0.0663 BRIDGE.BTC for 60,265 BRIDGE.XAP
e640c2f7 wants 0.0621 BRIDGE.BTC for 60,265 BRIDGE.XAP
c09bd0f2 cancel order
5924afe4 wants 0.2042 BRIDGE.BTC for 198,265 BRIDGE.XAP
977f0871 cancel order
8c25c301 cancel order
a4915491 wants 0.42 BRIDGE.BTC for 189,000 BRIDGE.XAP
d22ecc9f cancel order
3dbefa3b cancel order
fcc0a249 paid 11,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0099 BRIDGE.BTC
32a6022e wants 0.141 BRIDGE.BTC for 149,950 BRIDGE.XAP
6b926db5 wants 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.XAP
7a16844a sent 0.0819 BRIDGE.BTC to
c10f24ee paid 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0212 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 735 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.001632 BRIDGE.BTC
2afabef4 paid 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC
9136ce8f paid 4,291 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00781 BRIDGE.BTC
fa2d60d5 paid 350 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.000637 BRIDGE.BTC
47f305fe paid 5,359 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00975 BRIDGE.BTC
009422bc sent 98,995 BRIDGE.XAP to
b2cb2fc0 cancel order
ed7d18a8 cancel order
09c856cd cancel order
9581fa49 cancel order
563e9c7b cancel order
e22f065d paid 6,168 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0111 BRIDGE.BTC
233ec0cd paid 3,653 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00658 BRIDGE.BTC
36e23a1b paid 2,318 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00417 BRIDGE.BTC
48843192 wants 0.02185 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,139 BRIDGE.XAP
f77801a4 paid 0.01818 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,162 BRIDGE.XAP
eacf896d wants 11,162 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.01818 BRIDGE.BTC
015581bc paid 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0175 BRIDGE.BTC
360b3826 wants 0.1475 BRIDGE.BTC for 59,000 BRIDGE.XAP
3c1fbda8 wants 0.023 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP
47627a39 wants 0.0252 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP
94582cee wants 0.0242 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP
7e8f999e wants 0.0232 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP
8610d629 wants 0.0222 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP
08c668ab wants 0.0212 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP
b51b0976 wants 0.0192 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP
23a8ac2f wants 0.0182 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP
f1f3c580 wants 0.0175 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP
0bbbacfd sent 0.0864 BRIDGE.BTC to
8af4d3d2 wants 0.0872 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,799 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 613 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00922 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5,185 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.078 BRIDGE.BTC
08970174 cancel order
584d8411 wants 0.0895 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,799 BRIDGE.XAP
a5a5279f cancel order
9eeea109 wants 0.0942 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,799 BRIDGE.XAP
53f472bf sent 1,700 BRIDGE.XAP to
cb143e9e cancel order
66f288de cancel order
db13712e sent 0.0578 BRIDGE.BTC to
901d1c0a cancel order
f03bd742 wants 4,186 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.058 BRIDGE.BTC
0b6a3ef0 cancel order
b1b66a33 wants 4,057 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.058 BRIDGE.BTC
4371c27b paid 3,457 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0581 BRIDGE.BTC
2de5a230 wants 0.0581 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,457 BRIDGE.XAP
d4ec9efa paid 0.0497 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,464 BRIDGE.XAP
b8d4f1b6 wants 3,464 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0497 BRIDGE.BTC
790b9916 paid 2,500 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0498 BRIDGE.BTC
72bf0786 wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.XAP
1c4c34bf cancel order
456fd910 wants 0.1324 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,000 BRIDGE.XAP
02db9e17 cancel order
61494c37 wants 0.1195 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,000 BRIDGE.XAP
4513f424 wants 0.0498 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.XAP
4243b978 wants 0.02676 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.XAP