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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid31.3 BTS
7a278f56 cancel order
3f351204 sent 2,633 BTS to
51951faa wants 2,631 BTS for 1,274 CNY
virtual paid 1.26 CNY for 2.65 BTS
virtual paid 435 CNY for 900 BTS
72d48d39 paid 838 CNY for 1,731 BTS
7936c113 cancel order
d379803f wants 2,680 BTS for 1,274 CNY
a7c39f6c cancel order
0f1c636a wants 2,680 BTS for 1,274 CNY
dafc3a64 cancel order
5f2c8185 wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.302 BTSUCN
76233f85 paid 923,321 BTSUCN for 61 CNY
virtual cancel order
12bc52d0 paid 2,386,065 BTSUCN for 157.5 CNY
3c03ef86 wants 1,274 CNY for 19,303,587 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,121,213 BTSUCN for 140.3 CNY
virtual paid 3,030,303 BTSUCN for 200.4 CNY
virtual paid 1,060,607 BTSUCN for 70.1 CNY
virtual paid 3,030,303 BTSUCN for 200.4 CNY
virtual paid 10,200 BTSUCN for 0.674 CNY
virtual paid 6,741,574 BTSUCN for 446 CNY
a2d01841 cancel order
9dcfd5f9 paid 149 BTSUCN for 0.0134 CNY
ad1f7671 wants 627 CNY for 6,969,404 BTSUCN
2b7f280e sent 44 BTS to
6cfbe90b sent 250 BTS to
21f23192 sent 20,600 BTS to
fb930459 sent 10,000 BTS to
4cbf0659 sent 2,000 BTS to
5508d9c2 cancel order
b7c965d0 wants 147.3 CNY for 398,214 BTSUCN
e7580997 cancel order
7afaa9c5 wants 195 CNY for 398,214 BTSUCN
2d478cb6 paid 132.6 CNY for 782 BTS
727ebea4 wants 782 BTS for 132.6 CNY
31b16458 wants 132.7 CNY for 530,952 BTSUCN
virtual paid 530,952 BTSUCN for 132.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
d51bae54 cancel order
39489799 wants 142.8 CNY for 530,952 BTSUCN
a68fa80c cancel order
06e6c4ad wants 79.6 CNY for 265,476 BTSUCN
de00e9a0 paid 33.8 CNY for 283 BTS
ea902cf7 wants 283 BTS for 33.8 CNY
2042eb9d wants 33.8 CNY for 132,738 BTSUCN
virtual paid 132,738 BTSUCN for 33.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
5b302738 paid 24.13 CNY for 203 BTS
3d1a371b wants 203 BTS for 24.13 CNY
virtual paid 211 CNY for 1,755 BTS
3eadf8ea paid 147.6 BTSUCN for 0.0428 CNY
virtual cancel order
14a0a3a1 paid 83,138 BTSUCN for 24.1 CNY
62a9b310 wants 1,755 BTS for 211 CNY
22033d9d wants 235.6 CNY for 812,448 BTSUCN
virtual paid 729,162 BTSUCN for 211.5 CNY
ad3c3487 cancel order
dfad1008 wants 276 CNY for 812,448 BTSUCN
28a73d02 cancel order
410a3163 cancel order
ff79064a wants 226 CNY for 480,603 BTSUCN
5a3acf09 cancel order
232271ea wants 31.9 CNY for 66,369 BTSUCN
e21ffbbc wants 245 CNY for 480,603 BTSUCN
21ed997c cancel order
e5cc5519 wants 254.7 CNY for 480,603 BTSUCN
860ac772 cancel order
9549e1fc wants 269 CNY for 480,603 BTSUCN
dc030c21 cancel order
945a62be wants 100.1 CNY for 879 BTS
4af8ae91 sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
eedeb93c paid 40.7 CNY for 349 BTS
5b1f3ecb wants 349 BTS for 40.7 CNY
f0b01a9e cancel order
e3f6e3ff sent 1,200,000 BTSUCN to
3ff3be4e paid 1,772 CNY for 1,238,895 BTSUCN
e104d1ea paid 29.3 CNY for 20,490 BTSUCN
b93adcc3 wants 1,259,385 BTSUCN for 1,801 CNY
a8a96797 cancel order
8be64b60 wants 1,277,248 BTSUCN for 1,801 CNY
9b52c17a wants 1,800 CNY for 15,060 BTS
virtual paid 15,060 BTS for 1,803 CNY
virtual cancel order
d941dc2e sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
2766cdac cancel order
18f49888 wants 80.1 CNY for 42,164 BTSUCN
779be4ff wants 365 BTS for 40.7 CNY
de073fa2 paid 21,082 BTSUCN for 40.7 CNY
598a0f5f wants 40.7 CNY for 21,082 BTSUCN
b9dabdd7 cancel order
28c3e1fa wants 45.5 CNY for 21,082 BTSUCN
1c410b2d sent 21,082 BTSUCN to
eb3679ff sent 63,246 BTSUCN to
virtual paid 123.4 CNY for 960 BTS
9ef95426 wants 960 BTS for 123.4 CNY
3923310c paid 50,843 BTSUCN for 123.5 CNY
8d97676f wants 123.5 CNY for 50,843 BTSUCN
f04d884a cancel order
872a4149 wants 127 CNY for 50,843 BTSUCN
virtual paid 125.3 CNY for 845 BTS
virtual paid 128.5 CNY for 875 BTS
5fe1a988 paid 253 CNY for 1,669 BTS
86b2c67c wants 1,669 BTS for 253 CNY
cd79188a paid 50,753 BTSUCN for 126.4 CNY
virtual paid 50,753 BTSUCN for 127 CNY
2892a763 wants 127 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
f20247a8 paid 341 CNY for 2,247 BTS
91561186 wants 2,247 BTS for 341 CNY
c7b8ea29 cancel order
7c6f5743 cancel order
49901ef0 cancel order
7eb6ae9b wants 835 BTS for 126.6 CNY
c1cb2312 wants 126.4 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
53aff99f paid 49,887 BTSUCN for 126.7 CNY
e1a8fb47 wants 845 BTS for 125.3 CNY
27f14e62 paid 50,753 BTSUCN for 125.4 CNY
f5eb238d wants 125.4 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
ab560e43 wants 875 BTS for 128.5 CNY
8e5ada15 paid 49,822 BTSUCN for 124 CNY
virtual cancel order
d0322a37 paid 137.6 BTSUCN for 0.343 CNY
755af0e5 wants 126.4 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
virtual paid 793 BTSUCN for 1.98 CNY
50fa3faf paid 433 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
26c08474 paid 433 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
9788d196 wants 129 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
6fbcdbb8 cancel order
d71186f2 wants 131.4 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
5052adcf wants 879 BTS for 128.8 CNY
afe24f6d paid 50,753 BTSUCN for 129 CNY
68e48549 wants 129 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
cda5ed23 paid 130.8 CNY for 888 BTS
0ff2e61a wants 888 BTS for 130.8 CNY
c46e00ee paid 49,462 BTSUCN for 127.6 CNY
c5868582 paid 1,291 BTSUCN for 3.33 CNY
100e03a7 wants 131 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
35b27377 paid 130 CNY for 880 BTS
6a7835bb wants 880 BTS for 130 CNY
70dbfa0b paid 24,113 BTSUCN for 61.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
761070df paid 434 BTSUCN for 1.112 CNY
8a7c581b paid 8,415 BTSUCN for 21.54 CNY
558b91b7 paid 11,527 BTSUCN for 29.5 CNY
5b14547e wants 114 CNY for 44,489 BTSUCN
5a46b8b6 cancel order
480dcd5d paid 1,694 BTSUCN for 4.39 CNY
1226eb09 paid 2,614 BTSUCN for 6.77 CNY
1c9b1e2c paid 1,956 BTSUCN for 5.06 CNY
635bb981 wants 131.5 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
de3a66be wants 585 BTS for 85.5 CNY
634a3341 cancel order
22eb343a paid 58.6 CNY for 399 BTS
98e45ab4 paid 71.2 CNY for 485 BTS
c1e8ff0d wants 1,465 BTS for 215.3 CNY
0936b689 wants 214.3 CNY for 89,866 BTSUCN
virtual paid 89,866 BTSUCN for 215.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
9e4560a9 cancel order
0db5241f cancel order
b9fe9078 paid 28.67 CNY for 193.4 BTS
fff98c99 wants 193.4 BTS for 28.67 CNY
15bcd31c wants 99.7 CNY for 39,113 BTSUCN
54c2d17d cancel order
f430c109 wants 125.1 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
virtual paid 11,640 BTSUCN for 28.7 CNY
ed71ed78 wants 147.2 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
d3dd5cd7 paid 144.2 CNY for 957 BTS
637c0687 wants 957 BTS for 144.2 CNY
32318080 paid 45,314 BTSUCN for 128.8 CNY
2a0a6f7c paid 5,439 BTSUCN for 15.46 CNY
5ac61809 wants 144.3 CNY for 50,753 BTSUCN
682729d0 paid 269.6 CNY for 1,767 BTS
381dd29b wants 1,767 BTS for 269.6 CNY
8e2cf856 wants 269 CNY for 90,204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 90,204 BTSUCN for 269 CNY
virtual cancel order
b2f3c1dd cancel order
fe267584 paid 370 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
88828ccd wants 135.9 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN
5084e9f2 cancel order
5378d2bb wants 138 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN
04d16cd2 wants 16,805 BTS for 2,567 CNY
virtual paid 2,567 CNY for 16,805 BTS
03046ef1 paid 45,287 BTSUCN for 137.2 CNY
e2f6bb86 wants 137.2 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN
6d736417 paid 45,287 BTSUCN for 137.2 CNY
06c6c16e wants 137.2 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN
e69274ee wants 138.6 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN
virtual paid 45,287 BTSUCN for 138.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
d9c91cc1 paid 45,287 BTSUCN for 136 CNY
f9563f20 wants 136 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN
68b1dac9 cancel order
fe8d35c8 wants 136 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN
4bab368b wants 137.7 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN
virtual paid 45,287 BTSUCN for 137.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
6992f788 cancel order
84d6786e wants 138.2 CNY for 45,287 BTSUCN