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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.664 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.92 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.664
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01
6ae54e63 sent 36,890 ACRLL to
c230a638 sent 4 BTS to
b21b4995 issue 10 PIRATE.PIRATE to
acbde997 paid 20,174 CNY for 36,894 ACRLL
efcc59e4 wants 36,894 ACRLL for 20,174 CNY
3e19323b sent 207 CNY to
be8a8d33 paid 35,202 ACRLL for 19,231 CNY
88699885 paid 2,142 ACRLL for 1,170 CNY
4606afd7 wants 20,401 CNY for 37,344 ACRLL
5f8fc15a paid 5,339 CNY for 10,115 ACRLL
eacd2c0b paid 7,487 CNY for 14,185 ACRLL
0e8bb830 paid 6,887 CNY for 13,048 ACRLL
563a046e wants 37,348 ACRLL for 19,712 CNY
c96b03a0 sent 219 CNY to
b42e3757 wants 19,951 CNY for 37,836 ACRLL
virtual paid 37,836 ACRLL for 19,951 CNY
8c108b11 paid 19,223 CNY for 37,840 ACRLL
b1bac788 wants 37,840 ACRLL for 19,223 CNY
e7920fb4 sent 114 CNY to
2b641f41 wants 10,345 CNY for 20,381 ACRLL
virtual paid 20,381 ACRLL for 10,345 CNY
f4b7e4d3 paid 2 CNY for 6.58 BTS
3bc387a5 wants 6.58 BTS for 2 CNY
98dc66a7 sent 1 CNY to
c00e1437 sent 1 BTS to
a9611076 paid 9,967 CNY for 20,383 ACRLL
1b0f3879 wants 20,383 ACRLL for 9,967 CNY
0e4c9232 wants 2.052 CNY for 6 BTS
virtual paid 6 BTS for 2.052 CNY
virtual cancel order
984a196c sent 1 CNY to
4e726af8 wants 6 BTS for 2.056 CNY
virtual paid 2.056 CNY for 6 BTS
41974fe3 wants 3.075 CNY for 9 BTS
virtual paid 9 BTS for 3.075 CNY
virtual cancel order