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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.638 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.39 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.638
5d549cfa sent 87,617 ACRLL to
038d2694 sent 1 BTS to
66c1c843 sent 82 BTS to
d1f5efc2 sent 5 BTS to
c4b2965a wants 87,626 ACRLL for 48,010 CNY
virtual paid 493 CNY for 900 ACRLL
virtual paid 47,517 CNY for 86,726 ACRLL
44fe0e79 sent 492 CNY to
0ff0fedb sent 10 BTS to
5fd56e80 wants 48,551 CNY for 88,710 ACRLL
virtual paid 88,710 ACRLL for 48,551 CNY
7b88beea wants 88,719 ACRLL for 46,923 CNY
virtual paid 46,923 CNY for 88,719 ACRLL
d6cdfc82 sent 466 CNY to
55217bed wants 42,432 CNY for 80,439 ACRLL
virtual paid 5,432 ACRLL for 2,865 CNY
virtual paid 75,007 ACRLL for 39,566 CNY
virtual cancel order
4ea077c0 wants 80,447 ACRLL for 40,899 CNY
virtual paid 40,899 CNY for 80,447 ACRLL
6b5a5fd6 cancel order
c7edf08c wants 80,479 ACRLL for 40,899 CNY
3649764a sent 484 CNY to
62c6067e wants 41,425 CNY for 81,417 ACRLL
virtual paid 51,262 ACRLL for 26,082 CNY
virtual paid 30,155 ACRLL for 15,343 CNY
virtual cancel order
2fca0e30 paid 12,909 CNY for 26,393 ACRLL
cd033e08 wants 81,425 ACRLL for 39,825 CNY
virtual paid 26,916 CNY for 55,032 ACRLL
a730b038 wants 100 BTS for 34.9 CNY
virtual paid 34.9 CNY for 100 BTS