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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid40.3 BTS
67a041d5 sent 7,741 BTS to
464bcb8f paid 3,396 CNY for 7,403 BTS
e5b73455 wants 7,403 BTS for 3,396 CNY
9130d1c7 cancel order
782f543c wants 7,401 BTS for 3,396 CNY
e39689bf cancel order
934d2457 wants 7,710 BTS for 3,531 CNY
virtual paid 134.9 CNY for 294.4 BTS
a17004f5 wants 743 CNY for 10,040,371 BTSUCN
virtual paid 10,040,370 BTSUCN for 744 CNY
virtual cancel order
06ed2347 cancel order
de60910e wants 2,155 CNY for 29,083,592 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,621,056 BTSUCN for 268.4 CNY
virtual paid 15,422,165 BTSUCN for 1,143 CNY
2e2bfffd wants 1,380 CNY for 18,372,008 BTSUCN
virtual paid 18,372,007 BTSUCN for 1,380 CNY
virtual cancel order
d1a0c9ad sent 7,350 BTS to
a78d3a6d paid 0.1905 CNY for 1.2 BTS
73a507ee paid 102.5 CNY for 646 BTS
5323016d sent 1,000 BTSUCN to
565fb62a wants 647 BTS for 102.7 CNY
055c7e15 sent 374,884 BTSUCN to
a987f596 sent 100 BTSUCN to
da9fa8cb wants 44.1 CNY for 187,492 BTSUCN
virtual paid 187,492 BTSUCN for 44.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
19b2874a wants 57.5 CNY for 249,967 BTSUCN
virtual paid 249,967 BTSUCN for 58.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
42d936fd cancel order
37943e68 wants 140.7 CNY for 562,475 BTSUCN
3acb6c8a wants 1,186 BTS for 187.3 CNY
virtual paid 187.3 CNY for 1,186 BTS
e608f42f wants 186.7 CNY for 746,672 BTSUCN
virtual paid 746,672 BTSUCN for 186.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
585094d1 cancel order
27e1d6cd paid 3,296 BTSUCN for 0.89 CNY
c0b2e278 wants 152 CNY for 562,476 BTSUCN
bf7e9e67 paid 250 CNY for 1,616 BTS
e1b02c17 wants 1,616 BTS for 250 CNY
cb2b9b01 wants 250 CNY for 1,000,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,000,000 BTSUCN for 250 CNY
virtual cancel order
be8decf3 wants 2,712 BTS for 463 CNY
virtual paid 463 CNY for 2,725 BTS
8f3c14f9 cancel order
9133586c wants 2,804 BTS for 463 CNY
8c722ef9 cancel order
139494c1 wants 3,392 BTS for 546 CNY
61a7f2c2 paid 82.9 CNY for 515 BTS
195aec0b cancel order
ba84f044 wants 3,522 BTS for 546 CNY
44d0cb77 cancel order
cef87aad wants 3,623 BTS for 546 CNY
fa92bc21 cancel order
3b700d60 wants 3,655 BTS for 546 CNY
21f602c3 cancel order
dedbdc03 wants 3,854 BTS for 546 CNY
26e6f088 cancel order
7f132703 wants 3,962 BTS for 546 CNY
98e1fb35 cancel order
7825cde4 wants 4,207 BTS for 546 CNY
1788eeb9 wants 500 CNY for 2,000,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,000,000 BTSUCN for 500 CNY
virtual cancel order
ccaba5cc wants 46.9 CNY for 187,428 BTSUCN
virtual paid 187,428 BTSUCN for 46.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
fa05d266 cancel order
534df601 wants 26.5 CNY for 99,936 BTSUCN
11fa6c00 cancel order
4d251af5 wants 26.5 CNY for 99,936 BTSUCN
459b9fab cancel order
b8bb4a3c wants 27.4 CNY for 99,936 BTSUCN
d4cf6030 cancel order
0122cba9 wants 90.6 CNY for 312,444 BTSUCN
012ca99d cancel order
d63bf1a6 wants 118.7 CNY for 312,444 BTSUCN
96a5bd50 cancel order
19ab1258 wants 46.2 CNY for 124,952 BTSUCN
eb135b76 cancel order
a861f290 wants 166.2 CNY for 437,460 BTSUCN
ce188208 cancel order
5bc2522f wants 19 CNY for 49,968 BTSUCN
6e3ebe99 cancel order
d45f228e wants 21.87 CNY for 62,476 BTSUCN
ca3d84af cancel order
afc24b78 wants 27 CNY for 74,984 BTSUCN
87b4757f cancel order
3f162c51 sent 15,150 BTS to
3f1f25b3 wants 32.4 CNY for 87,492 BTSUCN
3c628851 paid 22.47 CNY for 177 BTS
2bd109bf wants 177 BTS for 22.47 CNY
63979d5f wants 22.5 CNY for 62,476 BTSUCN
virtual paid 62,476 BTSUCN for 22.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
c8988660 cancel order
3f066ab9 wants 23.74 CNY for 62,476 BTSUCN
101ed6ba cancel order
0c0c9596 sent 55,000 BTS to
8e09a2af sent 9,998 BTS to
afd54b57 sent 2,285 BTS to
f21502ab wants 176.2 CNY for 374,984 BTSUCN
2a5eb7bf sent 100 BTS to
71ebd196 cancel order
451a78ed wants 406 CNY for 687,492 BTSUCN
b73cf4d0 paid 209.7 CNY for 1,643 BTS
9db3842d wants 2,543 BTS for 325 CNY
virtual paid 114.9 CNY for 900 BTS
3deb3fb7 wants 325 CNY for 812,305 BTSUCN
virtual paid 812,305 BTSUCN for 325 CNY
virtual cancel order
74e66f6c cancel order
cae94f8b wants 14.64 CNY for 24,813 BTSUCN
35b383d6 cancel order
27c474c8 wants 14.64 CNY for 24,813 BTSUCN
dcdd3e00 paid 75 BTSUCN for 0.0442 CNY
608e380e wants 0.0442 CNY for 75 BTSUCN
1e382b57 cancel order
cfbc4422 wants 1,322 CNY for 562,476 BTSUCN
03b59e50 cancel order
685063ce wants 900 CNY for 374,984 BTSUCN
a95e8cfd cancel order
0972028b wants 922 CNY for 374,984 BTSUCN
0413bec8 cancel order
18cd856a sent 100 BTS to
571316e9 wants 463 CNY for 187,492 BTSUCN
c2b08c78 cancel order
3da0eabc wants 467 CNY for 187,492 BTSUCN
d3ccaaa3 paid 395 CNY for 2,976 BTS
512b34a8 paid 265.3 CNY for 2,000 BTS
a9ab7942 wants 6,976 BTS for 925 CNY
virtual paid 265.3 CNY for 2,000 BTS
3923310c paid 374,012 BTSUCN for 924 CNY
8f2f8144 wants 924 CNY for 374,012 BTSUCN
0048678e cancel order
4a3523e1 paid 5.95 BTSUCN for 0.0147 CNY
3ed6f178 paid 64.3 BTSUCN for 0.1587 CNY
802fb2b9 paid 453 BTSUCN for 1.12 CNY
3de67162 wants 462 CNY for 187,043 BTSUCN
a7e814b3 cancel order
6206374c paid 449 BTSUCN for 1.122 CNY
19570c5d wants 469 CNY for 187,492 BTSUCN
virtual paid 320 CNY for 2,445 BTS
virtual paid 1,766 CNY for 13,506 BTS
c251e08d wants 15,957 BTS for 2,087 CNY
virtual paid 0.733 CNY for 5.6 BTS
d8533761 paid 187,492 BTSUCN for 465 CNY
64f4c8ec wants 465 CNY for 187,492 BTSUCN
152f3b43 paid 460,450 BTSUCN for 1,151 CNY
68879a80 wants 1,151 CNY for 460,450 BTSUCN
de171b18 paid 185,150 BTSUCN for 472 CNY
1d920c5f wants 472 CNY for 185,150 BTSUCN
9e42c7d3 paid 776 CNY for 5,205 BTS
b04b40d6 wants 5,205 BTS for 776 CNY
89ec267c cancel order
764c96ae wants 5,309 BTS for 776 CNY
dc0add5d wants 408 CNY for 169,533 BTSUCN
virtual paid 169,533 BTSUCN for 408 CNY
virtual cancel order
456263c5 wants 365 CNY for 153,136 BTSUCN
virtual paid 153,136 BTSUCN for 368 CNY
virtual cancel order
98e45ab4 paid 0.511 CNY for 3.44 BTS
57006bed paid 1,404 CNY for 9,439 BTS
7dfcf638 wants 9,442 BTS for 1,405 CNY
ab5fa0af paid 546,956 BTSUCN for 1,406 CNY
30d9547b wants 1,406 CNY for 546,956 BTSUCN
2e5bce9e paid 6,354 CNY for 42,361 BTS
78c2c6b1 wants 42,361 BTS for 6,354 CNY
93c80988 cancel order
5b8e80d4 wants 43,610 BTS for 6,354 CNY
b359abab cancel order
42c73867 wants 42,078 BTS for 6,354 CNY
17a71382 cancel order
487bded6 wants 395 CNY for 136,739 BTSUCN
bf32dcbd wants 409 CNY for 136,739 BTSUCN
virtual paid 133,485 BTSUCN for 399 CNY
virtual paid 3,254 BTSUCN for 9.73 CNY
virtual cancel order
9815384c paid 16,906 BTSUCN for 51.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
d800ce16 wants 826 CNY for 273,478 BTSUCN
virtual paid 256,572 BTSUCN for 775 CNY
9bbf35f9 cancel order
92f5c561 wants 826 CNY for 273,478 BTSUCN
3b3c6635 wants 837 CNY for 273,478 BTSUCN
virtual paid 273,478 BTSUCN for 837 CNY
virtual cancel order
015345ce cancel order
c542658f wants 418 CNY for 136,739 BTSUCN
010b7f94 wants 829 CNY for 273,478 BTSUCN
virtual paid 273,478 BTSUCN for 829 CNY
virtual cancel order
9d75deb3 wants 71.2 CNY for 23,396 BTSUCN
virtual paid 23,396 BTSUCN for 71.2 CNY
virtual cancel order