立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid111.6 BTS
Cashback/vesting0.0318 BTS


Asset Balance
CNY 0.329
RIPLE 0.12
d1cea016 sent 228 CNY to
f2a7fdfb sent 947 BTS to
042fc22e cancel order
c5fa9821 paid 143.2 CNY for 100 BTS
fbfd7310 wants 100 BTS for 143.2 CNY
ed250ccd cancel order
4ed03b76 sent 0.001 SWIFTCOIN to
2d12e317 wants 23.53 IPFS for 847 BTS
f498e390 wants 413 BTS for 372 CNY
9f0518b9 sent 186 CNY to
cd036272 wants 62.4 BTS for 93.3 CNY
virtual paid 93.3 CNY for 62.4 BTS
d56fb4b7 wants 61.3 BTS for 91.4 CNY
virtual paid 4.47 CNY for 3 BTS
virtual paid 80 CNY for 53.7 BTS
c9f625c1 paid 6.9 CNY for 4.63 BTS
90445807 paid 90.9 CNY for 69.5 BTS
0421351b wants 69.5 BTS for 90.9 CNY
77c7c124 wants 98.4 BTS for 132 CNY
virtual paid 132 CNY for 98.4 BTS
be229d51 upgrade account
ea31d32e wants 129 BTS for 466 CNY
virtual paid 466 CNY for 129 BTS
2172cdb3 cancel order
6a89323a wants 139 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 139 BTS
ef6cf707 wants 2.807 IPFS for 466 CNY
06ab84af paid 449 CNY for 86.7 BTS
e9e57df7 wants 86.7 BTS for 449 CNY
adfe9204 adjust collateral by -30 BTS, debt by -50 CNY
virtual paid 50 CNY for 8.24 BTS
virtual paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00001 BTS
2b396862 settle 50 CNY
3c7231b5 adjust collateral by 30 BTS, debt by 50 CNY
937d6636 wants 84.9 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 85 BTS
9032a1f8 wants 108.4 BTS for 553 CNY
26724be4 paid 553 CNY for 108.4 BTS
eb99f6c8 cancel order
af55aba3 wants 565 CNY for 110.7 BTS
935b03d5 wants 553 CNY for 4.44 IPFS
virtual paid 4.44 IPFS for 553 CNY
76817b9f cancel order
e48a8dca wants 553 CNY for 4.44 IPFS
497434b1 cancel order
260cbd56 wants 564 CNY for 4.44 IPFS
3a5fb78f wants 8.37 IPFS for 997 CNY
virtual paid 997 CNY for 8.45 IPFS
91e042c4 cancel order
d0677959 wants 8.45 IPFS for 997 CNY
231c20b9 paid 450 CNY for 99.9 BTS
dbe8055d wants 99.9 BTS for 450 CNY
55ff345a wants 10.86 BTS for 49 CNY
virtual paid 49 CNY for 10.86 BTS