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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid94.4 BTS
092e80e9 sent 4,125 BTS to
67c70728 wants 4,128 BTS for 1,436 CNY
virtual paid 237 CNY for 680 BTS
virtual paid 391 CNY for 1,125 BTS
virtual paid 808 CNY for 2,323 BTS
cc9d47d6 wants 74.1 CNY for 195,011 BTSUCN
virtual paid 195,011 BTSUCN for 75.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
34d09556 cancel order
b367251d wants 75.9 CNY for 195,011 BTSUCN
3e1fa0cd wants 75.8 CNY for 195,011 BTSUCN
virtual paid 195,011 BTSUCN for 75.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
ff9b95ff wants 148.2 CNY for 390,023 BTSUCN
virtual paid 390,022 BTSUCN for 151.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
c568d8ea wants 296.4 CNY for 780,045 BTSUCN
virtual paid 780,045 BTSUCN for 303 CNY
virtual cancel order
4c7feecf cancel order
a8077b66 wants 303 CNY for 780,045 BTSUCN
e5c0fc1c wants 202 CNY for 520,030 BTSUCN
virtual paid 323,026 BTSUCN for 125.7 CNY
virtual paid 197,004 BTSUCN for 76.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
edddd950 cancel order
18957ba4 wants 809 CNY for 2,080,120 BTSUCN
9d1157b2 wants 269.7 CNY for 693,373 BTSUCN
virtual paid 693,373 BTSUCN for 269.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
b1de3197 wants 351 CNY for 924,498 BTSUCN
virtual paid 924,498 BTSUCN for 360 CNY
virtual cancel order
c759287b cancel order
f7fc9575 wants 1,439 CNY for 3,697,990 BTSUCN
6f4f49d6 cancel order
a7cd4915 wants 1,439 CNY for 3,697,990 BTSUCN
f32a1905 cancel order
0c3594a8 wants 73,960 CNY for 3,697,990 BTSUCN
0e093772 paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00013 BTS
9be8a5a5 sent 935 BTS to
ca3547c0 wants 930 BTS for 687 CNY
1f727654 paid 687 CNY for 930 BTS
2afad610 cancel order
be384f2a wants 2,130 CNY for 5,462,696 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,764,706 BTSUCN for 688 CNY
3239379f sent 280 BTS to
30b8e218 wants 286.6 BTS for 212 CNY
virtual paid 212 CNY for 286.6 BTS
09e9f16d cancel order
af89618f wants 2,370 CNY for 6,000,001 BTSUCN
virtual paid 537,304 BTSUCN for 212.2 CNY
591678be sent 800,000 BTSUCN to
9199f6b6 sent 8,092 BTSUCN to
d5b92cae cancel order
65889fba wants 4,085 CNY for 6,808,093 BTSUCN
9199db78 cancel order
e2eaf1d1 sent 326 BTS to
321274e2 wants 45.4 BTS for 34.4 CNY
c8f816f7 paid 34.4 CNY for 45.4 BTS
8f4c3957 cancel order
5665ce2a wants 326 BTS for 245.7 CNY
virtual paid 0.0753 CNY for 0.1 BTS
54bd0e43 paid 211.3 CNY for 280.6 BTS
bd848514 wants 10,825 CNY for 6,808,093 BTSUCN
e6aa5208 cancel order
16cea5b1 wants 742 CNY for 1,854,509 BTSUCN
virtual paid 405,725 BTSUCN for 164.3 CNY
virtual paid 204,220 BTSUCN for 81.7 CNY
233067ce cancel order
93668aea wants 751 CNY for 1,854,509 BTSUCN
cb585ec4 cancel order
35b2ca80 wants 11,795 CNY for 7,418,037 BTSUCN
72c9b69f cancel order
42ca2069 wants 4,451 CNY for 7,418,037 BTSUCN
2440318b cancel order
cfc05d73 wants 751 CNY for 1,854,509 BTSUCN
b31ee686 sent 3,075 BTS to
720c6c20 wants 3,081 BTS for 2,334 CNY
virtual paid 398 CNY for 525 BTS
virtual paid 756 CNY for 999 BTS
a9395109 paid 905 CNY for 1,195 BTS
06b4283d paid 59.6 CNY for 78.7 BTS
453fcc74 paid 94.1 CNY for 124.2 BTS
e5e66aad paid 31.6 CNY for 41.7 BTS
de04d61a paid 89.5 CNY for 118 BTS
4bfee633 cancel order
82467a8c wants 3,306 BTS for 2,334 CNY
df226856 cancel order
7b7de8ac wants 751 CNY for 1,854,509 BTSUCN
8d1e8c6b wants 990 CNY for 2,472,679 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,472,679 BTSUCN for 1,001 CNY
virtual cancel order
43ad0f7d cancel order
5c6cf357 cancel order
d64be12a wants 1,001 CNY for 2,472,679 BTSUCN
3c0e9b2e wants 823,237 BTSUCN for 333 CNY
f16ded90 cancel order
b8037b06 wants 1,001 CNY for 2,472,679 BTSUCN
0eb672c4 wants 1,335 CNY for 3,296,905 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,296,905 BTSUCN for 1,335 CNY
virtual cancel order
0fd0cd78 cancel order
a9192342 wants 5,341 CNY for 13,187,621 BTSUCN
0ca28cf5 sent 1,500 BTS to
958e46a6 cancel order
eb9dc567 wants 1,500 BTS for 1,224 CNY
virtual paid 0.0806 CNY for 0.1 BTS
virtual paid 7.26 CNY for 8.99 BTS
3da6078a paid 1,216 CNY for 1,491 BTS
f8ce4a5b cancel order
99e366f0 wants 1,642 BTS for 1,224 CNY
2683438c cancel order
5bbcdd1e wants 1,546 BTS for 1,224 CNY
18789e40 cancel order
1ad64b6c cancel order
a3e35865 wants 5,275 CNY for 13,187,621 BTSUCN
d84a04b0 wants 1,644 BTS for 1,224 CNY
cfebe31c cancel order
e9b50511 wants 1,537 BTS for 1,224 CNY
virtual paid 0.0796 CNY for 0.1 BTS
b8380c98 cancel order
9f5842d0 wants 1,644 BTS for 1,224 CNY
fd8c2d2a cancel order
08daa5f5 wants 1,644 BTS for 1,224 CNY
a0987b65 cancel order
69c541ab wants 1,546 BTS for 1,224 CNY
db52bf8a cancel order
3a63c820 wants 1,658 CNY for 4,044,012 BTSUCN
virtual paid 545,535 BTSUCN for 223.7 CNY
virtual paid 2,439,024 BTSUCN for 1,000 CNY
virtual paid 3,869 BTSUCN for 1.586 CNY
2ab0820b sent 2,525 BTS to
e31b7e06 wants 2,531 BTS for 2,249 CNY
virtual paid 0.0883 CNY for 0.1 BTS
virtual paid 2,249 CNY for 2,531 BTS
6cf6c7af cancel order
fdbcce28 wants 2,743 BTS for 2,249 CNY
3e0f55ac cancel order
7281a608 wants 2,589 BTS for 2,249 CNY
virtual paid 0.0869 CNY for 0.1 BTS
a843fa35 cancel order
ba1560d1 wants 2,743 BTS for 2,249 CNY
d845a92d paid 598,047 BTSUCN for 239 CNY
52170705 paid 4,793,969 BTSUCN for 1,918 CNY
221ea042 wants 2,157 CNY for 5,392,016 BTSUCN
61b75675 cancel order
caed3548 wants 2,157 CNY for 5,392,016 BTSUCN
b48d9c4a cancel order
c5a56ad8 wants 2,157 CNY for 5,392,016 BTSUCN
7e64ff45 cancel order
831e9257 wants 2,240 CNY for 5,449,476 BTSUCN
virtual paid 229,838 BTSUCN for 94.5 CNY
f806ae7d wants 0.0388 CNY for 94.5 BTSUCN
virtual paid 94.4 BTSUCN for 0.0388 CNY
virtual cancel order
8c3f9bcd cancel order
8f23c374 wants 338,196 CNY for 21,797,999 BTSUCN
9e55f805 cancel order
c7724a62 cancel order
f68eb881 cancel order
6ea7d50f cancel order
b3340142 cancel order
0bfa0fd8 wants 754,075 CNY for 2,043,562 BTSUCN
783039ad wants 226,222 CNY for 6,130,687 BTSUCN
3adb24bd wants 150,815 CNY for 4,087,125 BTSUCN
f9dd4ad5 wants 122,614 CNY for 4,087,125 BTSUCN
d8bff0cd wants 108,990 CNY for 5,449,500 BTSUCN
a1eedb12 cancel order
93b4f976 wants 338,196 CNY for 21,797,999 BTSUCN
c41becfc sent 1,280 BTS to
2e179a7a wants 1,273 BTS for 1,067 CNY
virtual paid 0.189 CNY for 0.2277 BTS
virtual paid 519 CNY for 620 BTS
virtual paid 548 CNY for 653 BTS
07a6805a cancel order
4be25f13 wants 1,326 BTS for 1,067 CNY
38ee3acb wants 1,054 CNY for 7,265,999 BTSUCN
virtual paid 4,922,362 BTSUCN for 724 CNY
virtual paid 2,343,637 BTSUCN for 345 CNY
virtual cancel order
8ee5d80e cancel order
575a83ee wants 1,068 CNY for 7,265,999 BTSUCN
bb80f04d wants 0.2225 CNY for 1,524 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,523 BTSUCN for 0.224 CNY
virtual cancel order
55486eef cancel order
b6c02c69 wants 107,223 CNY for 29,065,520 BTSUCN
97ab56cd cancel order
997dacb2 wants 107,223 CNY for 29,065,520 BTSUCN
dcfc16b2 cancel order
bb477795 wants 106,089 CNY for 29,065,520 BTSUCN
37980980 sent 1,410 BTS to
138d5cae wants 1,415 BTS for 725 CNY
virtual paid 667 CNY for 1,309 BTS
virtual paid 58.1 CNY for 113.5 BTS
aad8e8ef cancel order
b930f01f wants 1,423 BTS for 725 CNY
d0a69420 cancel order
91e05fe1 wants 1,530 BTS for 725 CNY