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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid0.954 BTS
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance
d4cf164e paid 300 BRIKCOIN for 150 SHELLCOIN
949ba9e9 paid 300 SUNCOIN2 for 360 SHELLCOIN
0bea17d2 wants 360 SHELLCOIN for 300 SUNCOIN2
6fffe953 wants 150 SHELLCOIN for 300 BRIKCOIN
08b5e456 sent 300 SUNCOIN2 to
50660a4e sent 300 BRIKCOIN to
b6b745e9 sent 90 SHELLSKY to
63c397fe wants 90 SHELLSKY for 9,000 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 9,000 SHELLCOIN for 90 SHELLSKY
9e6c6e4b sent 9,000 SHELLCOIN to
91651c07 sent 10.05 SHELLCOIN to
1ecfc29a sent 10.05 SHELLCOIN to
d12149b9 paid 1,296 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 622 SHELLCOIN
8bd5c5f0 wants 622 SHELLCOIN for 1,296 AIONIOSLIFECOIN
69692e43 sent 1,282 SHELLCOIN to
cf4fb596 paid 1,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 1,289 SHELLCOIN
f0857703 wants 1,289 SHELLCOIN for 1,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN
b00a7c5d cancel order
74d932d2 wants 3,000 SHELLCOIN for 2,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN
881e526c sent 217.7 SHIHUCOIN to
c3e3c3ca wants 164.2 SHIHUCOIN for 1,642 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 1,642 SHELLCOIN for 164.2 SHIHUCOIN
5696159d paid 300 YONGBANGCOIN for 1,650 SHELLCOIN
eb563d97 wants 1,650 SHELLCOIN for 300 YONGBANGCOIN
2c560092 wants 54.7 SHIHUCOIN for 547 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 547 SHELLCOIN for 54.7 SHIHUCOIN
79cd54e2 paid 100 YONGBANGCOIN for 550 SHELLCOIN
696fae58 wants 550 SHELLCOIN for 100 YONGBANGCOIN
b66ca0c4 sent 2,505 SHIHUCOIN to
79df04f5 wants 2,517 SHIHUCOIN for 25,173 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 25,173 SHELLCOIN for 2,517 SHIHUCOIN
virtual cancel order
491defe3 paid 4,600 YONGBANGCOIN for 25,300 SHELLCOIN
1ba232be wants 25,300 SHELLCOIN for 4,600 YONGBANGCOIN
b36ce6e4 sent 19,816 SHIHUCOIN to
49e6972d paid 1,977 SHELLCOIN for 3,955 SHIHUCOIN
7e63c4ff paid 2,500 SHELLCOIN for 5,000 SHIHUCOIN
e2087d44 wants 19,916 SHIHUCOIN for 9,958 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 5,481 SHELLCOIN for 10,961 SHIHUCOIN
64b33f4d paid 650 YONGBANGCOIN for 3,640 SHELLCOIN
803374d7 wants 3,640 SHELLCOIN for 650 YONGBANGCOIN
c6b8a020 cancel order
d3a24f84 wants 364 BTS for 650 YONGBANGCOIN