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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid68.8 BTS
4ab3561b sent 579 BTS to
8f5a6a72 cancel order
178ee09c wants 580 BTS for 273 CNY
virtual paid 0.471 CNY for 1 BTS
54627114 paid 272.4 CNY for 579 BTS
798800a4 wants 273 CNY for 3,691,415 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,691,415 BTSUCN for 273 CNY
virtual cancel order
627a29c4 sent 3,691,414 BTSUCN to
fc556a4d sent 300 BTS to
5429932f wants 303 BTS for 169.5 CNY
virtual paid 169.5 CNY for 303 BTS
eddedff1 cancel order
c7cf9843 wants 325 BTS for 169.5 CNY
a4ece5a1 wants 11.19 CNY for 148,981 BTSUCN
virtual paid 148,980 BTSUCN for 11.19 CNY
virtual cancel order
b40953fc cancel order
7adc320c wants 11.19 CNY for 148,981 BTSUCN
0b20f93c paid 289,687 BTSUCN for 21.8 CNY
2ff56d7a wants 21.8 CNY for 289,687 BTSUCN
33f32739 wants 100.5 CNY for 1,365,667 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,365,667 BTSUCN for 100.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
6e013910 wants 36.3 CNY for 496,606 BTSUCN
virtual paid 496,605 BTSUCN for 36.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
a8ec78f4 sent 666 BTS to
0dd81909 paid 14.37 CNY for 79.8 BTS
de23fb70 wants 79.8 BTS for 14.37 CNY
038b600b wants 6.29 CNY for 88,605 BTSUCN
virtual paid 88,604 BTSUCN for 6.38 CNY
virtual cancel order
fbd3f3b5 cancel order
2593bda3 paid 11,111 BTSUCN for 1 CNY
913dda6a paid 11,111 BTSUCN for 1 CNY
42e2004f paid 11,111 BTSUCN for 1 CNY
1e80535f wants 3.53 CNY for 39,171 BTSUCN
2f38780f cancel order
3199244f wants 3.17 CNY for 39,171 BTSUCN
bc7facc6 cancel order
13d42025 paid 55,556 BTSUCN for 5 CNY
e88b5f5d wants 554 BTS for 105 CNY
virtual paid 105 CNY for 567 BTS
ad79121f paid 236,344 BTSUCN for 21.27 CNY
d998feb4 wants 29.8 CNY for 331,071 BTSUCN
32d5f20f cancel order
6af15589 wants 578 BTS for 83.7 CNY
5907ba4c cancel order
6908108d wants 534 BTS for 83.7 CNY
ec3f2aae wants 82.8 CNY for 1,034,595 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,034,595 BTSUCN for 83.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
066d2829 sent 5.3 BTS to
d41f6f23 sent 6.3 BTS to
416d48f5 sent 7.9 BTS to
013b1dce sent 9.9 BTS to
47ce6e3f sent 12 BTS to
067f1bef sent 15 BTS to
f7a6a17e sent 18 BTS to
13d81f04 sent 22 BTS to
86a7621f sent 27 BTS to
b62654eb sent 34 BTS to
cd6d62ca sent 41 BTS to
76fff36d sent 51 BTS to
edd687b9 sent 63 BTS to
ce303474 sent 78 BTS to
400ce6f7 sent 96 BTS to
713ac2f8 sent 118 BTS to
933cd62f sent 144 BTS to
cd1c6885 sent 177 BTS to
0134313c sent 217 BTS to
7f4203fd sent 267 BTS to
5f98e26c sent 326 BTS to
9c95ffea sent 401 BTS to
20f7590c sent 491 BTS to
f170e5c5 sent 601 BTS to
0334f7a5 sent 725 BTS to
480623e6 sent 887 BTS to
7cbee90c sent 1,083 BTS to
589bcb9a sent 1,324 BTS to
c51159be sent 1,618 BTS to
c1a4ace0 sent 1,977 BTS to
3ebd06c2 sent 2,416 BTS to
4e31255c sent 2,952 BTS to
2f8d4114 sent 3,607 BTS to
17a88d9d sent 4,408 BTS to
99c3798b sent 5,386 BTS to
a5411e2c sent 6,581 BTS to
26af0a86 sent 4,376 BTS to
df723565 sent 100 BTS to
abb27471 wants 1,326 BTS for 244.5 CNY
88bd81da paid 244.5 CNY for 1,326 BTS
ec21bd46 wants 147.3 CNY for 1,339,129 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,339,129 BTSUCN for 147.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
dbf6f3bb cancel order
5d44373d wants 258 CNY for 2,151,859 BTSUCN
virtual paid 812,729 BTSUCN for 97.5 CNY
1597bc58 wants 0.0117 CNY for 97.5 BTSUCN
virtual paid 97.5 BTSUCN for 0.0117 CNY
virtual cancel order
9a943bcd wants 2,750 BTS for 312 CNY
virtual paid 312 CNY for 2,750 BTS
e3ec3544 paid 728 BTSUCN for 1.434 CNY
virtual cancel order
27fdd9de paid 157,868 BTSUCN for 311 CNY
b4b4bbd5 wants 116.1 BTS for 13.65 CNY
virtual paid 13.65 CNY for 116.2 BTS
4f4ccd50 wants 326 CNY for 165,535 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,939 BTSUCN for 13.67 CNY
44d80315 paid 640 CNY for 4,839 BTS
157ad205 paid 265 CNY for 2,000 BTS
6d332408 wants 8,839 BTS for 1,170 CNY
virtual paid 265 CNY for 2,000 BTS
1b10fc47 paid 2,415 CNY for 18,310 BTS
4dd5f479 paid 0.0438 CNY for 0.332 BTS
c73845d7 paid 496,603 BTSUCN for 1,171 CNY
3b0aff5f wants 1,171 CNY for 496,603 BTSUCN
de803d87 paid 131.6 CNY for 998 BTS
494d1025 wants 20,208 BTS for 2,666 CNY
virtual paid 118.7 CNY for 900 BTS
0df6409c cancel order
f91581d9 paid 130.8 CNY for 996 BTS
c44a770c wants 21,289 BTS for 2,797 CNY
9f97e8f4 cancel order
de2a8cd1 cancel order
8e842a17 paid 41,383 BTSUCN for 99.5 CNY
6eb5d6e6 wants 99.5 CNY for 41,383 BTSUCN
f2d0b491 wants 101 CNY for 41,383 BTSUCN
virtual paid 41,383 BTSUCN for 101 CNY
virtual cancel order
4068760d wants 434 CNY for 157,395 BTSUCN
eef8b362 wants 24.4 CNY for 8,139 BTSUCN
85a98b87 cancel order
04e30953 paid 869,052 BTSUCN for 2,598 CNY
9605ba10 wants 2,598 CNY for 869,052 BTSUCN
908c0974 wants 170.5 CNY for 41,383 BTSUCN
b1945412 wants 610 BTS for 137.3 CNY
virtual paid 137.3 CNY for 610 BTS
dabd147b paid 41,383 BTSUCN for 137.4 CNY
aee77748 wants 137.4 CNY for 41,383 BTSUCN
af60cf83 wants 732 BTS for 164.6 CNY
virtual paid 164.6 CNY for 732 BTS
98615cc4 cancel order
cc0d73c5 wants 763 BTS for 164.6 CNY
3d3651f8 paid 50,847 BTSUCN for 164.8 CNY
9de6f7e1 wants 164.8 CNY for 50,847 BTSUCN
56b67202 cancel order
09e0b0d1 wants 34.7 CNY for 10,713 BTSUCN
3e00f087 wants 455 BTS for 102.4 CNY
virtual paid 102.4 CNY for 455 BTS
b7ff6754 paid 31,919 BTSUCN for 102.5 CNY
7c251995 wants 102.5 CNY for 31,919 BTSUCN
88537546 wants 1,759 BTS for 397 CNY
virtual paid 397 CNY for 1,759 BTS
34bac4b5 wants 397 CNY for 124,149 BTSUCN
virtual paid 124,149 BTSUCN for 397 CNY
virtual cancel order
d6b041df paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00044 BTS
b0f8d73e paid 431 CNY for 1,910 BTS
d751e4c3 wants 2,922 BTS for 660 CNY
16af730b paid 228.4 CNY for 1,012 BTS
4e8ba3df cancel order
ad8d0663 wants 3,057 BTS for 660 CNY
15fd6431 wants 660 CNY for 206,918 BTSUCN
virtual paid 206,918 BTSUCN for 660 CNY
virtual cancel order
c1647851 sent 4 BTS to
ccc8404a sent 7 BTS to
f691c50e sent 12 BTS to
9e0aa9d3 sent 19 BTS to
e9def068 sent 30 BTS to
90613208 sent 48 BTS to
fb88883d sent 78 BTS to
9b714d8d sent 124 BTS to
5c9ff53b sent 197 BTS to
4c9000a7 wants 348 BTS for 128.2 CNY
virtual paid 128.2 CNY for 348 BTS
69e25dd6 cancel order
cdd75d7e wants 357 BTS for 128.2 CNY
6057ed6f wants 128.3 CNY for 41,383 BTSUCN
virtual paid 41,383 BTSUCN for 128.3 CNY
e949ad54 sent 113 BTS to
0112fc5e sent 177 BTS to
ee9e8f58 sent 277 BTS to
860bd070 sent 426 BTS to
35890f63 sent 663 BTS to
52bf3aae paid 527 CNY for 1,476 BTS
3205637a wants 1,476 BTS for 527 CNY
e3ca8047 paid 41,383 BTSUCN for 139.5 CNY
57f50fe1 wants 139.5 CNY for 41,383 BTSUCN
8623c43d sent 255 BTS to
ae7bd744 sent 395 BTS to
49aae3f5 sent 636 BTS to
95eb8661 wants 131.2 CNY for 41,383 BTSUCN
virtual paid 41,383 BTSUCN for 131.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
6bfd7b3a wants 128.3 CNY for 41,383 BTSUCN
virtual paid 41,383 BTSUCN for 128.3 CNY
virtual cancel order