立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid6.43 BTS


Asset Balance
66c6e801 sent 118,878 BTS to
f01cc9ad wants 834 BTS for 22.8 PPY
virtual paid 22.8 PPY for 834 BTS
565cc741 wants 11,132 BTS for 301 PPY
virtual paid 1 PPY for 37 BTS
virtual paid 300 PPY for 11,095 BTS
384fa72d cancel order
94bafe47 wants 13,719 BTS for 324 PPY
f6cf704a paid 200 PPY for 7,628 BTS
virtual paid 200 PPY for 7,638 BTS
8efbccfd wants 7,628 BTS for 200 PPY
dee3666f wants 7,638 BTS for 200 PPY
146686ce paid 200 PPY for 7,436 BTS
c70f64f3 wants 45,518 BTS for 1,379 PPY
virtual paid 79.3 PPY for 2,689 BTS
virtual paid 300 PPY for 9,903 BTS
virtual paid 200 PPY for 6,600 BTS
virtual paid 300 PPY for 9,900 BTS
virtual paid 500 PPY for 16,500 BTS
bd6dbcf5 cancel order
910a0081 cancel order
54a6259d wants 7,436 BTS for 200 PPY
a5bcd65e wants 38,502 BTS for 1,129 PPY
virtual paid 27.8 PPY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 9.4 PPY for 333 BTS
virtual paid 30 PPY for 1,050 BTS
virtual paid 27 PPY for 945 BTS
virtual paid 34.9 PPY for 1,190 BTS
virtual paid 1,000 PPY for 34,100 BTS
27824b9a cancel order
efa94c07 wants 7,600 BTS for 200 PPY
24dbd66d wants 8,120 BTS for 200 PPY
5693ca1c cancel order
51a09287 sent 69,790 BTS to
40bb9686 paid 1.94 PPY for 79.2 BTS
b659cd82 paid 28.5 PPY for 1,164 BTS
80e16cc2 wants 40,800 BTS for 1,000 PPY
393fa967 cancel order
daa07b2d wants 13,407 BTS for 351 PPY
virtual paid 1 PPY for 38.2 BTS
virtual paid 350 PPY for 13,369 BTS
42eaca44 wants 54,501 BTS for 1,509 PPY
virtual paid 0.11 PPY for 4.48 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 39.6 BTS
virtual paid 0.959 PPY for 38 BTS
virtual paid 18.7 PPY for 700 BTS
virtual paid 31.16 PPY for 1,167 BTS
virtual paid 100 PPY for 3,745 BTS
virtual paid 24.3 PPY for 909 BTS
virtual paid 245 PPY for 8,954 BTS
virtual paid 34.7 PPY for 1,267 BTS
virtual paid 548 PPY for 19,946 BTS
virtual paid 500 PPY for 18,170 BTS
virtual paid 5.55 PPY for 200.3 BTS
d6c347fa sent 190,659 BTS to
54d12818 wants 42,450 BTS for 1,000 PPY
ac8587b0 cancel order
fea5352a wants 33,485 BTS for 859 PPY
virtual paid 0.905 PPY for 37.5 BTS
virtual paid 25.03 PPY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 89.4 PPY for 3,574 BTS
virtual paid 100 PPY for 3,991 BTS
virtual paid 10 PPY for 399 BTS
virtual paid 300 PPY for 11,912 BTS
virtual paid 42.3 PPY for 1,679 BTS
virtual paid 291 PPY for 11,348 BTS
0974a699 wants 44,050 BTS for 1,000 PPY
6ba14c17 wants 12,593 BTS for 312 PPY
virtual paid 1 PPY for 41.7 BTS
virtual paid 300 PPY for 12,500 BTS
virtual paid 0.918 PPY for 38 BTS
virtual paid 10 PPY for 404 BTS
23484d3b cancel order
fecca0dc wants 4,564 BTS for 114 PPY
virtual paid 0.927 PPY for 38.3 BTS
virtual paid 63.2 PPY for 2,579 BTS
virtual paid 50 PPY for 2,000 BTS
ba5657d9 wants 45,600 BTS for 1,000 PPY
6d426aa7 cancel order
f208680f wants 16,081 BTS for 377 PPY
virtual paid 0.42 PPY for 17.96 BTS
virtual paid 50 PPY for 2,137 BTS
virtual paid 211.6 PPY for 9,042 BTS
virtual paid 77.3 PPY for 3,298 BTS
virtual paid 37.4 PPY for 1,599 BTS
d9103d7b wants 45,660 BTS for 1,000 PPY
05e37a22 wants 56,342 BTS for 1,405 PPY
virtual paid 1 PPY for 40.1 BTS
virtual paid 100 PPY for 4,010 BTS
virtual paid 1,304 PPY for 52,292 BTS
4535217b wants 42,578 BTS for 1,064 PPY
virtual paid 1,064 PPY for 42,578 BTS
6d14d208 wants 24,078 BTS for 597 PPY
virtual paid 1 PPY for 40.5 BTS
virtual paid 24.7 PPY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 250 PPY for 10,101 BTS
virtual paid 300 PPY for 12,099 BTS
virtual paid 21.47 PPY for 866 BTS
01c4d567 sent 329,051 BTS to
4c426e6d wants 15,641 BTS for 372 PPY
virtual paid 1 PPY for 43.2 BTS
virtual paid 19.1 PPY for 825 BTS
virtual paid 0.32 PPY for 13.62 BTS
virtual paid 352 PPY for 14,784 BTS
1ef59545 wants 61,475 BTS for 1,612 PPY
virtual paid 1 PPY for 41.1 BTS
virtual paid 29.2 PPY for 1,199 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 39.6 BTS
virtual paid 28.6 PPY for 1,108 BTS
virtual paid 19.97 PPY for 773 BTS
virtual paid 582 PPY for 22,477 BTS
virtual paid 517 PPY for 19,943 BTS
virtual paid 400 PPY for 15,373 BTS
virtual paid 33 PPY for 1,259 BTS
0ae4f510 cancel order
5902f66a cancel order
a862207b wants 106,598 BTS for 4,840 PPY
virtual paid 36.1 PPY for 796 BTS
virtual paid 8.57 PPY for 189 BTS
virtual paid 497 PPY for 10,958 BTS
virtual paid 2,028 PPY for 44,668 BTS
virtual paid 2,270 PPY for 50,000 BTS
3b2a672a wants 17,950 BTS for 500 PPY
18758c7f wants 103,590 BTS for 4,144 PPY
virtual paid 43.5 PPY for 1,146 BTS
virtual paid 0.1 PPY for 2.63 BTS
virtual paid 1,000 PPY for 26,316 BTS
virtual paid 100 PPY for 2,500 BTS
virtual paid 3,000 PPY for 75,000 BTS
a8ef98ad wants 38,608 BTS for 1,407 PPY
virtual paid 6.78 PPY for 200 BTS
virtual paid 400 PPY for 11,800 BTS
virtual paid 500 PPY for 13,878 BTS
virtual paid 500 PPY for 13,722 BTS
ddd49229 wants 18,075 BTS for 500 PPY
7fa1940a cancel order
6b2fb14b wants 74.6 PEERPLAYS for 2.537 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.595 OPEN.BTC for 17.5 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.1845 OPEN.BTC for 5.43 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1.757 OPEN.BTC for 51.7 PEERPLAYS
efdb657f wants 300 PEERPLAYS for 8.7 OPEN.BTC
d16f8008 cancel order
c9af075f wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 10.84 OPEN.BTC
1b198e78 cancel order
1264a6a3 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 5.4 OPEN.BTC
7e30b149 cancel order
00197697 wants 7 PEERPLAYS for 0.212 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.21 OPEN.BTC for 7 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.000327 OPEN.BTC for 0.0108 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.001687 OPEN.BTC for 0.0557 PEERPLAYS
ee253a2d wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 5.2 OPEN.BTC
7892670f cancel order
5cd4d878 wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 10.8 OPEN.BTC
8a34e36f cancel order
b715c593 paid 0.48 OPEN.BTC for 20 PEERPLAYS
10f222d0 paid 1.2 OPEN.BTC for 50 PEERPLAYS
b342562d wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 9.6 OPEN.BTC
8568d293 cancel order
4ddf5588 wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 10.8 OPEN.BTC
bcf8f54a cancel order
8e84ad02 wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 11.6 OPEN.BTC
36546c7d paid 10.17 OPEN.BTC for 339 PEERPLAYS
6b07aef0 paid 0.00377 OPEN.BTC for 0.1256 PEERPLAYS
80b14b5c paid 0.00377 OPEN.BTC for 0.1256 PEERPLAYS
51413c74 paid 0.0775 OPEN.BTC for 2.583 PEERPLAYS
83e35c84 paid 0.00388 OPEN.BTC for 0.1294 PEERPLAYS
09dc4cb0 paid 0.02044 OPEN.BTC for 0.681 PEERPLAYS
3071b6ee paid 0.02056 OPEN.BTC for 0.685 PEERPLAYS
9cd62098 paid 0.0207 OPEN.BTC for 0.69 PEERPLAYS
4d16500c paid 0.002786 OPEN.BTC for 0.0929 PEERPLAYS
304e9b14 paid 0.001664 OPEN.BTC for 0.0555 PEERPLAYS
7e85cb22 paid 0.15 OPEN.BTC for 5 PEERPLAYS
b00625fa paid 0.0264 OPEN.BTC for 0.88 PEERPLAYS
c71667d2 paid 0.001804 OPEN.BTC for 0.0601 PEERPLAYS
05a81cd4 paid 0.00177 OPEN.BTC for 0.059 PEERPLAYS
83c87822 paid 1.49 OPEN.BTC for 49.7 PEERPLAYS
43bb93e2 cancel order
4ed4a0ea wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 12 OPEN.BTC
97bc607f paid 0.0000027 OPEN.BTC for 0.0001 PEERPLAYS
42e94f38 wants 408 PEERPLAYS for 13.46 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 1.42 OPEN.BTC for 43 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 12.04 OPEN.BTC for 365 PEERPLAYS
c3fd8d7b cancel order
adc44c4c wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 10.8 OPEN.BTC
f177b8d6 wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 10.4 OPEN.BTC
98c56d7b cancel order
6550815e paid 0.001673 OPEN.BTC for 0.062 PEERPLAYS
2c51dd84 paid 0.00295 OPEN.BTC for 0.1092 PEERPLAYS
32c7855b paid 0.0414 OPEN.BTC for 1.534 PEERPLAYS
9c7b37bd paid 0.00855 OPEN.BTC for 0.317 PEERPLAYS
400ed86b paid 0.00855 OPEN.BTC for 0.317 PEERPLAYS
13d09a62 paid 0.00855 OPEN.BTC for 0.317 PEERPLAYS
3685fe79 paid 0.00855 OPEN.BTC for 0.317 PEERPLAYS
dc9a6e1b paid 0.00855 OPEN.BTC for 0.317 PEERPLAYS
47f1c058 paid 0.00856 OPEN.BTC for 0.317 PEERPLAYS
8b452050 paid 0.01457 OPEN.BTC for 0.539 PEERPLAYS
794eda7e paid 0.00856 OPEN.BTC for 0.317 PEERPLAYS
bb561dac paid 0.00856 OPEN.BTC for 0.317 PEERPLAYS
c89a2365 paid 0.00856 OPEN.BTC for 0.317 PEERPLAYS