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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid2.215 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.WSP 0.000976
BRIDGE.DNR 0.000116
BRIDGE.IQ 0.0000035
d47f856f sent 1,760 BRIDGE.XDOGE to
ed8d787b wants 1,846 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.000478 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000478 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,846 BRIDGE.XDOGE
ec6de66b cancel order
8371d022 wants 1,855 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.000477 BRIDGE.BTC
d2a40c57 paid 50 BRIDGE.CSPN for 0.000457 BRIDGE.BTC
8e12a964 wants 0.000457 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.CSPN
da85d131 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
a7fa568a sent 78.7 BRIDGE.BWK to
972fff23 paid 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC for 79 BRIDGE.BWK
06c7d714 wants 79 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
9f56f497 cancel order
131fbd8d wants 600 BRIDGE.XZX for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
fe36f544 cancel order
1d0e4d3d wants 600 BRIDGE.XZX for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
2f4e49f1 paid 7.98 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.0000669 BRIDGE.BTC
88dcfb0d cancel order
9d5ed11f wants 113 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00468 BRIDGE.BTC
6f52db55 wants 0.0000669 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.98 BRIDGE.SHARD
aa8ca70d cancel order
88d38302 wants 566 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.00473 BRIDGE.BTC
941617f2 cancel order
4195b865 wants 567 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.00473 BRIDGE.BTC
527f1cf0 cancel order
f371bb58 wants 569 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.00473 BRIDGE.BTC
691e03d2 cancel order
f126c3ee wants 570 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.00473 BRIDGE.BTC
626d07e4 cancel order
b375d060 wants 573 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.00473 BRIDGE.BTC
bbdd4cce cancel order
7a314425 paid 0.0000675 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.18 BRIDGE.SHARD
58df33ad wants 581 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC
6007a60e cancel order
32dd138e wants 582 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
a6bd636a cancel order
3f932818 wants 584 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
093e557f cancel order
bde37682 wants 585 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
2901c9d8 cancel order
c2326a5a wants 586 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
22cf2675 cancel order
2f288d86 wants 588 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
74195fea cancel order
bd7c6f89 wants 588 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
d3b24547 cancel order
c2fedb44 wants 103 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
7dfe8c18 cancel order
806bc0bc wants 103 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
40e98b14 cancel order
c2ffdb9a wants 103 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
95f70d52 cancel order
bce55ea1 wants 103 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
4a7964d8 cancel order
775c3ec3 wants 103 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
a2c14187 cancel order
e012a10f wants 103 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
5e7963e5 cancel order
e60ecc34 wants 104 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC
bc10b375 cancel order
23f4f166 wants 108 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
cdfeeba0 cancel order
45aec91d wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC
577b1949 cancel order
dcb8b0da wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
79805a05 cancel order
ae8fa151 wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
2bde7bfd cancel order
96a35a2e wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00477 BRIDGE.BTC
892925b1 cancel order
50b383d3 wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00477 BRIDGE.BTC
f80c56e0 cancel order
1384a523 wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00477 BRIDGE.BTC
8a5f66be cancel order
e2e30846 wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
0f8abad9 cancel order
efa8fb68 wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
0926c349 cancel order
0f8fe9fb wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
42c2a06a cancel order
c954c0c5 wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
f7dbddad cancel order
bf50d76f wants 109 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
8c8c29e7 cancel order
3c5f3270 wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC
c77a4462 cancel order
a63aba93 wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
64cd1836 cancel order
12a978ec wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
6ceeee4f cancel order
e2c990e8 wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
cb4b4b50 cancel order
b3952e48 wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00477 BRIDGE.BTC
2c34eae5 cancel order
897d94bb wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00477 BRIDGE.BTC
c8116baa cancel order
36563a3e wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00477 BRIDGE.BTC
b834eef7 cancel order
d2128686 wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
814f555c cancel order
63fb5193 wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
67cea72d cancel order
83dd1535 wants 110 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
e7bfb994 cancel order
61012188 wants 111 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC
e75212b8 cancel order
4a5d57c3 wants 111 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC
0f803b03 cancel order
4e163704 wants 111 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC
52c3edda cancel order
68b05dbc wants 111 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
e1db4037 cancel order
463466e9 wants 111 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
b9262e76 cancel order
1196bb57 wants 111 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
cd752d9c paid 10.67 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.000426 BRIDGE.BTC
891f3731 wants 0.000426 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.67 BRIDGE.DEV
bed31c0e cancel order
0599fb6e wants 0.000427 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.67 BRIDGE.DEV
8956929a cancel order
92e8d54f paid 0.000415 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.7 BRIDGE.DEV
09adc225 wants 123 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
e45b8bd9 cancel order
608e822e wants 123 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00477 BRIDGE.BTC
8aa4f9c3 cancel order
983e12f1 wants 123 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
14fefc61 cancel order
a6a7bccb wants 49 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
34116fef cancel order
06a3797b wants 49 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.00476 BRIDGE.BTC
4e5c91f6 cancel order
28db745a wants 49 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
66a98109 cancel order
e5ac49cb wants 382 BRIDGE.INN for 0.00478 BRIDGE.BTC
6966b638 cancel order
c0936860 wants 383 BRIDGE.INN for 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC
0ae377fe wants 0.00402 BRIDGE.BTC for 83.2 BRIDGE.DNR
virtual paid 82.5 BRIDGE.DNR for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.686 BRIDGE.DNR for 0.0000331 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
447323c1 wants 0.000764 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.5 BRIDGE.DNR
virtual paid 15.5 BRIDGE.DNR for 0.000764 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0a977a4a paid 0.00413 BRIDGE.BTC for 187 BRIDGE.XDNA
9b9fce08 paid 0.0002207 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.XDNA
7ea807a1 wants 197 BRIDGE.XDNA for 0.00435 BRIDGE.BTC
5d8e55fe cancel order
721522cb wants 197 BRIDGE.XDNA for 0.00435 BRIDGE.BTC
59a79a0c cancel order
f6a8c6fb wants 197 BRIDGE.XDNA for 0.00434 BRIDGE.BTC
1eac1aae cancel order
a72d89be wants 198 BRIDGE.XDNA for 0.00436 BRIDGE.BTC
752d0ce1 cancel order
a88ecf41 paid 0.0000398 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.807 BRIDGE.XDNA
313defc9 wants 200 BRIDGE.XDNA for 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC
3370e3d9 cancel order
a95f5f77 wants 12 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00409 BRIDGE.BTC
6827ebd0 cancel order
1e5e80f3 wants 12 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
e58de20c cancel order
36ee2f8d wants 12 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
9f57a2e4 cancel order
6c921901 wants 12 BRIDGE.GIN for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
047d61ed paid 300.4 BRIDGE.VIVO for 0.00208 BRIDGE.BTC
1f822508 paid 65 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00224 BRIDGE.BTC
644e63a3 wants 0.00224 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
8d3c10ce cancel order
3732b244 wants 0.00224 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
b7c771b8 cancel order
b6bf0388 wants 0.00224 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
c054424f cancel order
1b4cdc4d wants 0.002243 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
2086def9 cancel order
bb11fad0 wants 0.00208 BRIDGE.BTC for 300.4 BRIDGE.VIVO
6f5599e9 cancel order
7d5ff83b wants 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
9f8ace74 cancel order
f711b2d0 wants 0.00231 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
a7ea2ef3 cancel order
8bdef9c6 wants 0.002314 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
6c5aa034 cancel order
d8862a9f wants 0.002088 BRIDGE.BTC for 300.4 BRIDGE.VIVO
c7155c9a cancel order
a405ac04 wants 0.002317 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
71dd2773 cancel order
2cbd404f wants 0.00232 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
da512c47 cancel order
b97e3b7c wants 0.002323 BRIDGE.BTC for 65 BRIDGE.DEV
4879f5b1 wants 0.002097 BRIDGE.BTC for 300.4 BRIDGE.VIVO
b943bb5e cancel order
2cc2d8bd wants 0.002334 BRIDGE.BTC for 300.4 BRIDGE.VIVO
e671aa7a sent 40.8 BRIDGE.PRJ to
d2ccff0e paid 0.0037 BRIDGE.BTC for 41 BRIDGE.PRJ
c56267fb wants 41 BRIDGE.PRJ for 0.0037 BRIDGE.BTC
ddd41e39 paid 4.04 BRIDGE.XDNA for 0.0000737 BRIDGE.BTC
dd383f92 cancel order
5df8e990 wants 465 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
bead3959 cancel order
58323c4b wants 496 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
68b33212 cancel order
a43f3180 wants 531 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC