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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid2.1 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
MZCOIN 99.5 0
YONGBANGCOIN 149,250 100,000
SHIHUCOIN 44,497 19,295
SHMTLCOIN 99,499 0
SHPGCOIN 319,251 319,250
LIQUORCOIN 199,000 116,667
SHCNY 1,000,324 964,392
SHELLCOIN 0 61,100
e93ab5ea sent 597,955 SHELLCOIN to
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
55704e8b paid 1,100 SHELLCOIN for 99,999 SHMTLCOIN
00236557 wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
114acdee cancel order
28dfe7fe wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
d23f8c52 cancel order
9735a37d wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
59784218 cancel order
9586acee wants 200,000 SHMTLCOIN for 2,200 SHELLCOIN
7c32477e wants 2,000,000 NEWZEALANDCOIN for 2,000 SHELLCOIN
d1c1d57d cancel order
c47a1631 wants 1,000,000 BRIKCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
86774324 cancel order
be208ce1 cancel order
eba36138 wants 1,000,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
ac50bb98 cancel order
c6500660 wants 1,000,000 AYNRANDCOIN for 1,000 SHELLCOIN
873d3753 cancel order
fc9f9131 wants 1,500,000 SUNCOIN2 for 15,000 SHELLCOIN
3baaaa82 cancel order
726f2561 wants 200,000 BRIKCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
08d5839c cancel order
80749c10 wants 30,000 BRIKCOIN for 3,003 SHELLCOIN
782d7e40 cancel order
f4e7e9ba wants 1,000,000 LIQUORCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
0f911d80 wants 300,000 MZCOIN for 15,000 SHELLCOIN
de9985b0 cancel order
8c8eae8a wants 545,454 SHMTLCOIN for 6,000 SHELLCOIN
7390362c cancel order
6cf71d5f paid 10,000 SHELLCOIN for 25,000 SHCNY
575b88f2 paid 5,000 SHELLCOIN for 11,111 SHCNY
dfe7927f wants 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 66,667 LIQUORCOIN
9c3ec5a9 wants 50,000 SHELLCOIN for 50,000 LIQUORCOIN
b93f8d9b wants 237,750 SHELLCOIN for 79,250 SHPGCOIN
e8178209 wants 600,000 SHELLCOIN for 240,000 SHPGCOIN
a7a122e5 cancel order
9645c793 wants 957,753 SHELLCOIN for 319,251 SHPGCOIN
7b16dcf4 wants 425,250 SHELLCOIN for 212,625 SHCNY
e8f33c1c cancel order
c4b577d9 wants 425,250 SHELLCOIN for 212,625 SHCNY
73f77c9a cancel order
c22db425 wants 425,204 SHELLCOIN for 212,602 SHCNY
7741de3d paid 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHCNY
338704ee sent 95,035 SHPGCOIN to
4886ebb5 sent 100,241 SHPGCOIN to
3c4b8557 sent 98,966 SHPGCOIN to
751a8c8a sent 99,579 SHPGCOIN to
629e3fcc sent 97,871 SHPGCOIN to
04a8824f sent 99,479 SHPGCOIN to
486f04aa sent 2.01 SHPGCOIN to
c441ee59 paid 75,000 SHELLCOIN for 300,000 SHPGCOIN
5cd133ea paid 72,000 SHELLCOIN for 240,000 SHPGCOIN
9b249a97 wants 250,000 SHELLCOIN for 125,000 SHCNY
59e6bb3b wants 240,000 SHPGCOIN for 72,000 SHELLCOIN
fdcf2c32 wants 300,000 SHPGCOIN for 75,000 SHELLCOIN
3fefdcab wants 200,000 SHCNY for 100,000 SHELLCOIN
114004a3 paid 125,000 SHCNY for 250,000 SHELLCOIN
1f44b67e paid 5,000 SHELLCOIN for 20,000 SHPGCOIN
28dbddb2 paid 2,400 SHELLCOIN for 8,000 SHPGCOIN
50585d5e paid 104,135 SHELLCOIN for 347,000 SHPGCOIN
6d94c235 wants 347,000 SHPGCOIN for 104,135 SHELLCOIN
21744883 cancel order
7f6a1b35 cancel order
ef5d4632 paid 5 SHELLCOIN for 100 MZCOIN
c6bfb728 wants 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 YONGBANGCOIN
6da5e3d9 wants 550,000 SHPGCOIN for 55,000 SHELLCOIN
a6ee02ad wants 300,000 SHPGCOIN for 45,000 SHELLCOIN
e1f1116a cancel order
8fd6c807 wants 457,143 SHELLCOIN for 160,000 SHCNY
402a07b2 cancel order
7a0f8965 wants 250,000 SHELLCOIN for 125,000 SHCNY
273566bc cancel order
1afc3243 wants 25,000 SHCNY for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
d8b8f048 wants 11,111 SHCNY for 5,000 SHELLCOIN
2938c138 wants 514,286 SHELLCOIN for 180,000 SHCNY
626d46db wants 500,000 SHELLCOIN for 166,667 SHCNY
11c5766d cancel order
1c547430 cancel order
1a0892c5 wants 1,029,412 SHELLCOIN for 350,000 SHCNY
70b9ccbf paid 200,000 SHELLCOIN for 378,000 SHCNY
f98029ff paid 6,150 SHELLCOIN for 150,000 YONGBANGCOIN
06f61624 paid 20,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 LIQUORCOIN
00ad2ed0 wants 378,000 SHCNY for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
47849ea7 cancel order
9f2f12fd paid 5.13 SHELLCOIN for 51.3 SUNCOIN2
6a2d3178 wants 500,000 SHELLCOIN for 166,667 SHCNY
c8429a14 wants 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 34,000 SHCNY
8cf7cea2 cancel order
399fe575 wants 378,000 SHCNY for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
bc2d73aa cancel order
62b280d0 wants 378,000 SHCNY for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
3b14294c cancel order
beaaf261 wants 378,000 SHCNY for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
6f85ff52 cancel order
1c33ac66 wants 20,000,000 YONGBANGCOIN for 2,000 SHELLCOIN
3b53a14d wants 150,000 YONGBANGCOIN for 6,150 SHELLCOIN
bc7ad242 cancel order
e70893fa wants 1,000,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,100 SHCNY
f6246ac0 wants 600,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHCNY
358f03a1 cancel order
2f3da6c1 wants 300,000 BRIKCOIN for 15,000 SHELLCOIN
8031e523 wants 300,000 BRIKCOIN for 30,030 SHELLCOIN
7baca607 cancel order
e519ae82 wants 390,000 SHCNY for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
ff4e4b60 cancel order
409830d2 wants 20,000 SHPGCOIN for 5,000 SHELLCOIN
2a9823b6 wants 8,000 SHPGCOIN for 2,400 SHELLCOIN
305340ca wants 200,000 SUNCOIN2 for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
cfdb4ade cancel order
51d7e2d5 wants 390,000 SHCNY for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
b368d673 cancel order
3a4add30 wants 499,500 BRIKCOIN for 50,000 SHELLCOIN
20283529 cancel order
775e0151 wants 390,000 SHCNY for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
f21d5bd2 cancel order
991ed994 wants 800,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 40,000 SHELLCOIN
03022d15 cancel order
703762e0 wants 487,805 YONGBANGCOIN for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
1ef6accf cancel order
c0028376 wants 999,970 SHPGCOIN for 99,998 SHELLCOIN
ef283ed7 cancel order
450c9db4 wants 818,170 NEWZEALANDCOIN for 9,000 SHELLCOIN
e43c5469 wants 500,000 BRIKCOIN for 50,000 SHELLCOIN
d72ee77b wants 200,000 LIQUORCOIN for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
3cd44992 wants 600,000 SHMTLCOIN for 6,000 SHELLCOIN
97fd29d5 wants 300,000 SUNCOIN2 for 30,000 SHELLCOIN
ed746468 wants 500,000 MZCOIN for 25,000 SHELLCOIN
f93ef0f8 wants 500,000 YONGBANGCOIN for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
a2845855 wants 1,000,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 40,000 SHELLCOIN
901c3889 wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 100,000 SHELLCOIN
e555ea8c wants 390,000 SHCNY for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
b176dc04 wants 600,000 SHELLCOIN for 186,000 SHCNY
dc57c234 cancel order
6ef94c9c wants 200,000 SHELLCOIN for 5,000 SHIHUCOIN
6a72ce8e wants 150,000 SHELLCOIN for 45,000 SHCNY
6337fa7f wants 1,000,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHCNY
e4a60f13 cancel order
2b0e35c6 wants 339,500 SHELLCOIN for 5,000 SHIHUCOIN
22d50f33 wants 340,000 SHELLCOIN for 5,000 SHIHUCOIN
36da252f cancel order
44691f50 wants 340,000 SHELLCOIN for 5,000 SHIHUCOIN
5c8b6574 wants 1,000,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,100 SHCNY
19172727 cancel order
d8727ba7 cancel order
0be15882 wants 1,000,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,100 SHCNY
b51b8572 wants 1,000,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,100 SHCNY
5758716b sent 33,263 SHIHUCOIN to
ece9bc98 sent 20,534 SHIHUCOIN to
9822b4b7 sent 1.005 SHIHUCOIN to
edb728c0 wants 292,060 SHELLCOIN for 4,295 SHIHUCOIN
75389a7a wants 21,866 SHIHUCOIN for 56,853 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 56,853 SHELLCOIN for 21,866 SHIHUCOIN
6a2ee0c3 wants 76,923 SHIHUCOIN for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 200,000 SHELLCOIN for 76,923 SHIHUCOIN
virtual cancel order
cf281d40 cancel order
6f3dfa76 paid 258,447 SHELLCOIN for 516,868 SHCNY
db4fa8da wants 500,000 SHCNY for 200,000 SHELLCOIN
c20f9935 wants 516,868 SHCNY for 258,447 SHELLCOIN