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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid14.44 BTS
0d243f35 sent 5,009 BTS to
33448797 sent 100 BTS to
a44d0e2f wants 5,087 BTS for 2,453 CNY
virtual paid 2,453 CNY for 5,087 BTS
d5ec3476 paid 18,277,907 BTSUCN for 1,206 CNY
1fe7ca4a wants 1,206 CNY for 18,277,907 BTSUCN
086d1597 sent 18,277,906 BTSUCN to
1c8b3f83 cancel order
0de04a09 wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.258 BTSUCN
90425277 wants 1,247 CNY for 16,628,278 BTSUCN
virtual paid 16,628,277 BTSUCN for 1,249 CNY
virtual cancel order
2013036f cancel order
a6011a68 wants 1,314 CNY for 16,628,278 BTSUCN
e01fb33c cancel order
dfdc1be4 wants 1,441 CNY for 13,100,372 BTSUCN
98a0459c sent 6,700 BTS to
847a0900 paid 44.3 CNY for 301 BTS
e4e8dd22 paid 36.4 CNY for 247.6 BTS
b536fd56 wants 549 BTS for 80.7 CNY
53fca764 wants 80.8 CNY for 343,964 BTSUCN
virtual paid 343,964 BTSUCN for 80.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
958d1d6c cancel order
15b3ba62 wants 110.5 CNY for 403,189 BTSUCN
e9fe0eaa paid 343 CNY for 2,284 BTS
3193e3bd wants 2,284 BTS for 343 CNY
22a8a7a5 cancel order
fd91d11e wants 2,284 BTS for 343 CNY
0ddcbf36 cancel order
5aa8c3b9 wants 2,471 BTS for 343 CNY
77644033 wants 328 CNY for 1,312,601 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,312,600 BTSUCN for 328 CNY
virtual cancel order
e79df9b8 cancel order
a3ed7571 paid 455 BTSUCN for 0.12 CNY
590133e5 paid 1,845 BTSUCN for 0.487 CNY
790c2c6c paid 600 BTSUCN for 0.1585 CNY
0281ff8c wants 83.3 CNY for 315,501 BTSUCN
bebaf043 cancel order
5fed3c59 wants 83.6 CNY for 315,501 BTSUCN
016ebf36 cancel order
92c2777c wants 86.4 CNY for 315,501 BTSUCN
8ae508ae cancel order
c5f84737 wants 14 CNY for 46,708 BTSUCN
820252fc cancel order
2f2f9aec wants 17.75 CNY for 46,708 BTSUCN
f389be1e cancel order
79136979 wants 29.2 CNY for 77,915 BTSUCN
6801aba8 paid 79.4 CNY for 622 BTS
8389c849 cancel order
df04a4a5 wants 676 CNY for 1,300,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 28,463 BTSUCN for 14.8 CNY
9e3c5952 paid 21.43 CNY for 168 BTS
367655c1 paid 19.24 CNY for 150.7 BTS
a005449b paid 21.43 CNY for 168 BTS
26350995 paid 15.05 CNY for 118 BTS
b73cf4d0 paid 225.7 CNY for 1,768 BTS
7736a752 wants 2,994 BTS for 382 CNY
1f1a2dc8 wants 383 CNY for 956,721 BTSUCN
virtual paid 956,721 BTSUCN for 383 CNY
virtual cancel order
dd87ab2c cancel order
a1d64bc8 wants 2,842 CNY for 1,209,567 BTSUCN
4cfd8061 cancel order
4459aea8 wants 2,903 CNY for 1,209,567 BTSUCN
e47e14ee sent 60,000 BTS to
14e2299e sent 100 BTS to
9e42c7d3 paid 7,925 CNY for 53,191 BTS
4cd4333c wants 53,191 BTS for 7,925 CNY
2c3bab08 cancel order
0f37bf64 paid 0.0402 CNY for 0.2735 BTS
9c91678e paid 1,146 CNY for 7,800 BTS
0e456c11 wants 61,726 BTS for 9,072 CNY
c88cb02d wants 5,772 CNY for 2,419,135 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,419,135 BTSUCN for 5,820 CNY
virtual cancel order
27525872 wants 3,262 CNY for 940,775 BTSUCN
virtual paid 940,775 BTSUCN for 3,262 CNY
virtual cancel order
f470a01c sent 25,300 BTS to
42695c49 paid 5,115 CNY for 22,826 BTS
b1dd01fb paid 556 CNY for 2,481 BTS
a7504270 wants 25,307 BTS for 5,671 CNY
86b3a140 cancel order
3997b1be wants 26,294 BTS for 5,671 CNY
fcbef61e wants 5,677 CNY for 1,612,757 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,612,757 BTSUCN for 5,677 CNY
virtual cancel order
681b1146 sent 1,080 BTS to
3371999a paid 414 CNY for 1,068 BTS
6272a264 wants 1,068 BTS for 414 CNY
3369cfc2 cancel order
ef4d1cfb wants 1,110 BTS for 414 CNY
b186fe27 wants 414 CNY for 134,396 BTSUCN
virtual paid 134,396 BTSUCN for 415 CNY
virtual cancel order
067c89f9 sent 25,180 BTS to
7c99783e sent 100 BTS to
a5fbce5b wants 1,010 BTS for 357 CNY
virtual paid 75.5 CNY for 214 BTS
9a081637 paid 281 CNY for 796 BTS
3c382fff paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00028 BTS
50adf5db cancel order
577c8248 wants 1,182 BTS for 414 CNY
virtual paid 57.2 CNY for 163.4 BTS
8dce7558 wants 414 CNY for 134,396 BTSUCN
virtual paid 134,396 BTSUCN for 414 CNY
virtual cancel order
5395a1ba paid 754 CNY for 2,000 BTS
be5926dc paid 1,327 CNY for 3,519 BTS
618893c5 wants 5,519 BTS for 2,081 CNY
adb3fe30 cancel order
2a57bfbc wants 5,832 BTS for 2,081 CNY
80bec32e cancel order
1b77b83c wants 5,832 BTS for 2,081 CNY
f05b6b71 wants 2,071 CNY for 671,982 BTSUCN
virtual paid 671,982 BTSUCN for 2,083 CNY
virtual cancel order
6dba1acd wants 18,589 BTS for 5,984 CNY
virtual paid 4,828 CNY for 15,001 BTS
virtual paid 644 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 512 CNY for 1,589 BTS
10a402be wants 4,501 CNY for 1,470,989 BTSUCN
virtual paid 916,858 BTSUCN for 2,811 CNY
virtual paid 554,131 BTSUCN for 1,698 CNY
virtual cancel order
04213328 cancel order
c44348f9 wants 5,990 CNY for 1,953,910 BTSUCN
virtual paid 482,921 BTSUCN for 1,481 CNY
9d714cff sent 17,200,000 BTSUCN to
64d9e134 wants 17,157,596 BTSUCN for 54,904 CNY
virtual paid 128.8 CNY for 41,561 BTSUCN
virtual paid 144.3 CNY for 46,550 BTSUCN
virtual paid 159 CNY for 50,968 BTSUCN
virtual paid 557 CNY for 176,749 BTSUCN
virtual paid 15 CNY for 4,747 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,994 CNY for 629,148 BTSUCN
virtual paid 15.1 CNY for 4,747 BTSUCN
virtual paid 51,891 CNY for 16,317,891 BTSUCN
62976317 wants 22.13 BTS for 5 CNY
virtual paid 5 CNY for 22.13 BTS
64dcd5c0 paid 16,273 BTS for 3,653 CNY
virtual cancel order
590f11fc paid 2,704 BTS for 607 CNY
b9e2fc91 paid 133,642 BTS for 30,000 CNY
022330ca wants 1,614 CNY for 7,194 BTS
virtual paid 7,194 BTS for 1,615 CNY
virtual cancel order
f67f1670 cancel order
0c747ea3 wants 34,260 CNY for 152,619 BTS
f1671fe0 wants 3,807 CNY for 16,960 BTS
virtual paid 9,800 BTS for 2,200 CNY
aa9cbe3d cancel order
7a7e835b paid 26,726 BTS for 6,000 CNY
50b74b20 paid 1,782 BTS for 400 CNY
dce51fe7 paid 4,900 BTS for 1,100 CNY
7bbef729 paid 23,042 BTS for 5,173 CNY
d8144365 paid 2,000 BTS for 449 CNY
b6141d5f paid 5,000 BTS for 1,123 CNY
ab9287c9 wants 54,960 CNY for 244,809 BTS
virtual paid 1,771 BTS for 400 CNY
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 449 CNY
virtual paid 8,000 BTS for 1,796 CNY