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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid5.18 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -
a721eac5 sent 6.6 BTS to
77673193 sent 65 CNY to
ee8e9bd5 wants 64.6 CNY for 215,377 PENHH
virtual paid 215,377 PENHH for 64.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
cf797741 cancel order
99976b7b sent 1,593 CNY to
125de975 paid 1,595 ADW for 1,595 CNY
ed397fdd wants 1,595 CNY for 1,595 ADW
f7d6987f sent 1,595 ADW to
6dc0b3b0 wants 53,844 CNY for 215,377 PENHH
ef450daa cancel order
717e948a wants 25,845 CNY for 215,377 PENHH
e5aca8bb cancel order
95718961 wants 21,538 CNY for 215,377 PENHH
7db2eea6 cancel order
fc591185 cancel order
399a7694 wants 16,153 CNY for 107,689 PENHH
74715419 wants 21,538 CNY for 107,689 PENHH
bb52e600 wants 215,395 PENHH for 58,867 CNY
virtual paid 21,525 CNY for 78,758 PENHH
virtual paid 37,343 CNY for 136,637 PENHH
78502d20 sent 79 CNY to
465248b3 sent 376 CNY to
36b1bb65 sent 8 BTS to
f3cc2337 wants 59,382 CNY for 217,595 PENHH
virtual paid 173,904 PENHH for 47,458 CNY
virtual paid 43,691 PENHH for 11,923 CNY
virtual cancel order
de2f0691 paid 37,610 CNY for 147,201 PENHH
f364c4dd paid 5,638 CNY for 22,067 PENHH
ca855fd3 paid 12,352 CNY for 48,345 PENHH
330659a0 wants 217,613 PENHH for 55,600 CNY