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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.304 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.67 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.304
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
LIQPAY 0.002
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
aa78c1b5 sent 72 BTS to
6602736c sent 1,281 CNY to
1f20afe0 wants 586 CNY for 400 BTS
virtual paid 400 BTS for 586 CNY
d90e20af cancel order
102de89c cancel order
3d1325fa cancel order
959c8a7d wants 180 CNY for 100 BTS
29802f79 wants 170 CNY for 100 BTS
42a256e5 wants 160 CNY for 100 BTS
5869e583 cancel order
381420c4 cancel order
90a72683 wants 515 BTS for 695 CNY
509eae9b cancel order
18b37563 wants 500 BTS for 695 CNY
3b2dedd8 wants 696 CNY for 474 BTS
virtual paid 393 BTS for 578 CNY
virtual paid 80.6 BTS for 118.4 CNY
48b58f59 wants 711 CNY for 474 BTS
ce820653 cancel order
40b712be paid 696 CNY for 480 BTS
18fb97a5 wants 748 CNY for 467 BTS
27c34b73 wants 480 BTS for 696 CNY
f1177172 cancel order
0186c97f wants 497 BTS for 696 CNY
87129c2f cancel order
6c26be01 wants 720 CNY for 467 BTS
ca6a5726 cancel order
53927a48 wants 725 CNY for 467 BTS
d853ce3b wants 467 BTS for 696 CNY
virtual paid 696 CNY for 467 BTS
63397dfb cancel order
837dcaf9 wants 471 BTS for 696 CNY
a3248726 paid 139.6 BTS for 185 CNY
7f00dd4a paid 912 BTS for 1,209 CNY
19559ad3 wants 1,394 CNY for 1,051 BTS
3e1a4a56 cancel order
ef96e283 wants 1,472 CNY for 1,051 BTS
95c2e24b wants 1,036 BTS for 1,362 CNY
virtual paid 1,362 CNY for 1,038 BTS
a13afda1 cancel order
68bb1f6a wants 1,040 BTS for 1,362 CNY
2f4c8ad9 wants 1,162 CNY for 1,010 BTS
virtual paid 115.3 BTS for 133 CNY
virtual paid 200 BTS for 231 CNY
virtual paid 50 BTS for 57.7 CNY
virtual paid 521 BTS for 599 CNY
virtual paid 89.7 BTS for 103.2 CNY
virtual paid 34.7 BTS for 39.9 CNY
22bdd001 cancel order
6a610ad7 wants 1,162 CNY for 1,002 BTS
44fd8e1e paid 86.2 BTS for 100 CNY
6d86a10f paid 86.2 BTS for 100 CNY
cd410b7f cancel order
9065bc92 wants 1,162 CNY for 1,000 BTS
ecec31e5 cancel order
d8742642 wants 1,400 CNY for 1,000 BTS
259c9738 paid 1,372 CNY for 1,055 BTS
ba1a624b wants 1,055 BTS for 1,372 CNY
d4f1c095 wants 1,371 CNY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 276.7 BTS for 381 CNY
virtual paid 254.5 BTS for 349 CNY
virtual paid 351 BTS for 481 CNY
virtual paid 118 BTS for 162 CNY
04197a29 cancel order
df5f016d wants 1,376 CNY for 1,000 BTS
a4ffa0a7 cancel order
d797091b wants 1,430 CNY for 1,000 BTS
bbd0176f cancel order
0efae37f sent 927 CNY to
15f24c5f wants 945 CNY for 700 BTS
7cf306da paid 90.8 CNY for 77.6 BTS
c8af1066 wants 77.6 BTS for 90.8 CNY
b014cbbd paid 1,310 CNY for 1,000 BTS
ee78c673 wants 1,000 BTS for 1,310 CNY
2777a4d9 cancel order
74098f27 wants 1,000 BTS for 1,290 CNY
dbec830f cancel order
440dc5cd wants 1,000 BTS for 1,310 CNY
5fa78953 paid 207 BTS for 286 CNY
95ff8e97 paid 343 BTS for 474 CNY
d2633d77 paid 50.8 BTS for 70.1 CNY
abfdec4a paid 398 BTS for 550 CNY
6d6a06f1 wants 1,380 CNY for 1,000 BTS
b9d6c5af cancel order
612bcbd4 wants 1,183 CNY for 700 BTS
7ea685b8 cancel order
71f55bef wants 1,225 CNY for 700 BTS
a08aa385 paid 1,148 CNY for 700 BTS
5fca9ff0 sent 100 CNY to
54905c18 wants 700 BTS for 1,148 CNY
59a1f716 cancel order
68cdcaaf cancel order
22aaa377 wants 700 BTS for 1,134 CNY
3dcebf32 cancel order
3068cdb6 wants 700 BTS for 1,120 CNY
b38cceeb cancel order
22bce2e3 wants 700 BTS for 1,092 CNY
8e3a29c7 paid 700 BTS for 1,176 CNY
a6122a66 wants 1,176 CNY for 700 BTS
283a670e paid 1,099 CNY for 700 BTS
60ff61d8 wants 700 BTS for 1,099 CNY
c28eee89 cancel order
fd2ea4b5 wants 510 CNY for 300 BTS
c98f7ede wants 600 BTS for 945 CNY
9365d269 paid 700 BTS for 1,106 CNY
6faf1c06 wants 1,106 CNY for 700 BTS
74a8576f cancel order
143eef43 wants 1,680 CNY for 1,000 BTS
b6ffdf67 paid 942 CNY for 600 BTS
7f6b777e wants 600 BTS for 942 CNY
8e498f65 paid 286.3 BTS for 461 CNY
4027ab4b paid 313.6 BTS for 505 CNY
881db393 wants 966 CNY for 600 BTS
bbdc9504 cancel order
d27862d6 wants 1,590 CNY for 1,000 BTS
1cf283bd paid 1,550 CNY for 1,000 BTS
840f4d3a wants 1,000 BTS for 1,550 CNY
d3ff4694 paid 1,000 BTS for 1,590 CNY
5f303a0e wants 1,590 CNY for 1,000 BTS
f505ba05 paid 310 CNY for 200.3 BTS
ec7aff44 paid 154.6 CNY for 100 BTS
6fe9746f wants 600 BTS for 928 CNY
virtual paid 154.4 CNY for 100 BTS
virtual paid 154.6 CNY for 100 BTS
virtual paid 154.6 CNY for 100 BTS
a12eb1c6 cancel order
91921abc wants 602 BTS for 900 CNY
01445e15 paid 17.86 BTS for 28.2 CNY
1222184e paid 382 BTS for 604 CNY
81369568 paid 200 BTS for 316 CNY
b7195778 wants 948 CNY for 600 BTS
58cbf23c cancel order
59080017 wants 888 CNY for 600 BTS
2fdfc5dc cancel order
69633f77 wants 942 CNY for 600 BTS
ddaadbc8 wants 600 BTS for 878 CNY
virtual paid 878 CNY for 600 BTS
42b295ae cancel order
abe4e3b0 wants 600 BTS for 852 CNY
a98e86d9 cancel order
cee26f01 wants 598 BTS for 849 CNY
98a10422 cancel order
4af0a9a8 wants 600 BTS for 840 CNY
9a1e65e3 paid 600 BTS for 888 CNY
03f207e5 wants 888 CNY for 600 BTS
53a3486b cancel order
04e9942e wants 894 CNY for 600 BTS
dee2450f sent 115 CNY to
66b0ee7c paid 838 CNY for 602 BTS
40b480d6 wants 602 BTS for 838 CNY
92669a8f wants 895 CNY for 600 BTS
virtual paid 67 BTS for 100 CNY
virtual paid 533 BTS for 795 CNY
e2edd086 paid 948 CNY for 600 BTS
ca1ef150 wants 600 BTS for 948 CNY
1a994cde wants 1,005 CNY for 600 BTS
virtual paid 600 BTS for 1,008 CNY
3a2eeed9 cancel order
2fc8ef53 cancel order
c7d38ed3 wants 840 CNY for 500 BTS
227e24cc wants 840 CNY for 500 BTS
2629d933 cancel order
18f6ce59 wants 2,000 CNY for 1,013 BTS
aa885810 cancel order
693b6898 wants 2,000 CNY for 1,008 BTS
322f50c3 cancel order
88bcfe0a wants 2,091 CNY for 1,010 BTS
b8803c56 cancel order
3e71af75 sent 155 CNY to
45941d88 wants 2,121 CNY for 1,010 BTS
c8c64470 paid 2,000 CNY for 1,015 BTS
c3f07ec6 wants 1,015 BTS for 2,000 CNY
3fe3aac7 cancel order
cb1bdb3e wants 1,026 BTS for 2,000 CNY
8fe41e63 cancel order
198f5479 wants 1,053 BTS for 2,000 CNY
d31e0f90 cancel order
6db35ebe wants 1,081 BTS for 2,000 CNY
ce29ec27 wants 2,150 CNY for 1,097 BTS
virtual paid 1,097 BTS for 2,151 CNY
f82a94e6 cancel order
a597aeed wants 2,150 CNY for 1,097 BTS
15840ec6 cancel order
b2a859f2 wants 2,150 CNY for 1,097 BTS
9891566b paid 2,030 CNY for 1,097 BTS
115b004e wants 1,097 BTS for 2,030 CNY
457267c5 cancel order
1d035e9c wants 1,111 BTS for 2,000 CNY
e7fbfa68 cancel order
7809a658 wants 1,081 BTS for 2,000 CNY
8d033228 cancel order
5b4d6e32 wants 1,101 BTS for 2,036 CNY
654a433a cancel order
271b627b wants 1,111 BTS for 2,000 CNY
160f7a3c wants 2,036 CNY for 1,032 BTS
virtual paid 246 BTS for 486 CNY
virtual paid 183 BTS for 361 CNY
virtual paid 603 BTS for 1,191 CNY
05d94636 cancel order