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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00004 BTS
Lifetime fees paid41.5 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.142 0
OPEN.BTC 0.0000254 0
virtual cancel order
40bd20a2 sent 0.0222 OPEN.BTC to
9d252afa paid 2,602 BTS for 0.01743 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
f4b6264c paid 30.65 BTS for 0.0002054 OPEN.BTC
a6db9a02 paid 30.65 BTS for 0.0002054 OPEN.BTC
231587ab paid 176.6 BTS for 0.001183 OPEN.BTC
80dd5b26 wants 0.02226 OPEN.BTC for 3,323 BTS
3f63333a paid 72.3 BTS for 0.000485 OPEN.BTC
b6ce9ab8 paid 294 BTS for 0.001968 OPEN.BTC
5a941d15 paid 116.8 BTS for 0.000783 OPEN.BTC
17769f2f wants 2,378 BTS for 158.5 RISKER
virtual paid 158.5 RISKER for 2,378 BTS
cad4f590 wants 905 BTS for 45.2 RISKER
virtual paid 45.2 RISKER for 905 BTS
bd525b5b wants 40 BTS for 2 RISKER
virtual paid 2 RISKER for 40 BTS
3defb5ac cancel order
78eb7bfc cancel order
38bb7f1d cancel order
8adc63f5 cancel order
bec9a45f cancel order
64adb904 cancel order
1a2e3069 cancel order
12829807 cancel order
f01d5734 sent 0.1088 OPEN.BTC to
4d52956f sent 0.174 OPEN.BTC to
f894bafa wants 0.0347 OPEN.BTC for 4,661 BTS
virtual paid 1,148 BTS for 0.0086 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 3,513 BTS for 0.02614 OPEN.BTC
eab7a71b wants 3,561 BTS for 178 RISKER
virtual paid 178 RISKER for 3,561 BTS
307976ed wants 1,081 BTS for 54 RISKER
virtual paid 54 RISKER for 1,081 BTS
1aae007b wants 0.0022 OPEN.BTC for 22 RISKER
virtual paid 22 RISKER for 0.0022 OPEN.BTC
de718a35 cancel order
f10bc0eb wants 0.001 OPEN.BTC for 1 RISKER
5c370eed wants 20 BTS for 1 RISKER
virtual paid 1 RISKER for 20 BTS
30ba7e1e wants 0.0001718 OPEN.BTC for 0.344 RISKER
virtual paid 0.344 RISKER for 0.0001718 OPEN.BTC
a924a222 cancel order
aa4a2a33 cancel order
cf801c7b cancel order
0eb458be wants 0.015 OPEN.BTC for 30 RISKER
virtual paid 0.0001 RISKER for 0.00000006 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 10.34 RISKER for 0.00517 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 19.66 RISKER for 0.00983 OPEN.BTC
a633acfe wants 0.0275 OPEN.BTC for 55 RISKER
virtual paid 0.0001 RISKER for 0.00000006 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 55 RISKER for 0.0275 OPEN.BTC
666cee20 wants 0.2036 OPEN.BTC for 407 RISKER
virtual paid 407 RISKER for 0.2036 OPEN.BTC
eb8c241a sent 0.103 OPEN.BTC to
dce3bdcb sent 0.101 OPEN.BTC to
d36f73b0 paid 3,759 BTS for 0.031 OPEN.BTC
23a86bae paid 381 BTS for 0.003146 OPEN.BTC
ef3edfb6 paid 2.097 BTS for 0.0000173 OPEN.BTC
60a3a49b wants 0.0342 OPEN.BTC for 4,143 BTS
8526a483 wants 1,000 BTS for 12.5 RISKER
virtual paid 12.5 RISKER for 1,000 BTS
5ce38f7b wants 11.07 BTS for 0.1107 RISKER
virtual paid 0.1107 RISKER for 11.07 BTS
cb2e37b1 wants 2,020 BTS for 20 RISKER
virtual paid 20 RISKER for 2,020 BTS
f254ec50 wants 1,111 BTS for 11 RISKER
virtual paid 11 RISKER for 1,111 BTS
97986f5f wants 1.5 BTS for 0.01 RISKER
virtual paid 0.01 RISKER for 1.5 BTS
be7d4328 cancel order
f2771f65 wants 0.0014 OPEN.BTC for 1 RISKER
96dd7c8c wants 0.00761 OPEN.BTC for 7.61 RISKER
virtual paid 7.61 RISKER for 0.00761 OPEN.BTC
1dda2ad9 wants 1,951 BTS for 10 RISKER
e0f10478 paid 1,026 BTS for 0.00833 OPEN.BTC
4b4e558a wants 0.00833 OPEN.BTC for 1,026 BTS
f572480c wants 1.6 BTS for 0.01 RISKER
virtual paid 0.01 RISKER for 1.6 BTS
c470489d paid 5,616 BTS for 0.0463 OPEN.BTC
077279de paid 6.21 RISKER for 1,024 BTS
c2a3ce6b paid 99.6 BTS for 0.00082 OPEN.BTC
467c6005 wants 0.0471 OPEN.BTC for 5,716 BTS
d2ef8f97 cancel order
fb380342 wants 0.0474 OPEN.BTC for 5,716 BTS
3398ab27 wants 4,891 BTS for 29.64 RISKER
virtual paid 0.0001 RISKER for 0.0165 BTS
virtual paid 23.44 RISKER for 3,867 BTS
da141d43 wants 1,024 BTS for 6.21 RISKER
virtual paid 6.21 RISKER for 1,024 BTS
90f6f93a wants 825 BTS for 5 RISKER
virtual paid 5 RISKER for 825 BTS
2098b4e5 wants 0.051 BTS for 0.0003 RISKER
virtual paid 0.0003 RISKER for 0.051 BTS
572962a0 paid 8,841 BTS for 0.0734 OPEN.BTC
d0d2015a wants 0.0734 OPEN.BTC for 8,841 BTS
dc4bc521 wants 8,841 BTS for 52 RISKER
virtual paid 0.005 RISKER for 0.85 BTS
virtual paid 2 RISKER for 340 BTS
virtual paid 50 RISKER for 8,500 BTS
01345cad paid 1,747 BTS for 0.0145 OPEN.BTC
57b9ea4d wants 0.0145 OPEN.BTC for 1,747 BTS
e30502f2 wants 1,747 BTS for 9.98 RISKER
virtual paid 9.98 RISKER for 1,747 BTS
63af1eb9 wants 0.00453 OPEN.BTC for 546 BTS
virtual paid 546 BTS for 0.00453 OPEN.BTC
ca2d3c7f wants 526 BTS for 3 RISKER
virtual paid 3 RISKER for 526 BTS
20e91b65 wants 0.00491 OPEN.BTC for 2.89 RISKER
virtual paid 2.89 RISKER for 0.00491 OPEN.BTC
ad3c1947 wants 0.0102 OPEN.BTC for 6 RISKER
virtual paid 6 RISKER for 0.0102 OPEN.BTC
171fcc0b sent 0.0115 OPEN.BTC to
5bc55ab5 wants 1,704 BTS for 5 RISKER
aec70422 wants 0.00956 OPEN.BTC for 4 RISKER
93cb9799 wants 0.01016 OPEN.BTC for 4 RISKER
236a672c paid 5 RISKER for 0.01156 OPEN.BTC
3c955aa9 wants 0.01156 OPEN.BTC for 5 RISKER
d94d06e3 paid 0.0677 RISKER for 24.23 BTS
3f9ae958 wants 1,789 BTS for 5 RISKER
ed17c6bc cancel order
31c32a4a cancel order
81e1da4d paid 0.00258 OPEN.BTC for 1.29 RISKER
1e9ad457 wants 1.29 RISKER for 0.00258 OPEN.BTC
42616678 cancel order
846fc818 wants 1.228 RISKER for 0.00258 OPEN.BTC
0f6dbb86 cancel order
4d87aaa0 wants 1 RISKER for 0.002 OPEN.BTC
2a49eed9 cancel order
60c8c36e wants 1 RISKER for 0.0019 OPEN.BTC
c8418f2c cancel order
9176dec8 wants 1 RISKER for 0.00185 OPEN.BTC
9fbf30d2 cancel order
4baae89d wants 1 RISKER for 0.00181 OPEN.BTC
f6b63c4b cancel order
862dcb02 paid 1.502 RISKER for 0.00382 OPEN.BTC
ed24b597 wants 1,950 BTS for 5 RISKER
d546315e cancel order
fffa4085 wants 488,183 RISKER for 0.0488 OPEN.BTC
b3476f8e cancel order
2a10b1e3 wants 4,052 BTS for 10 RISKER
f88e3aaf cancel order
d0411f2d wants 4,103 BTS for 10 RISKER
799b5591 cancel order
ffdf527e wants 1 RISKER for 0.00211 OPEN.BTC
63de5019 cancel order
ee989de0 wants 1 RISKER for 0.0022 OPEN.BTC
d6b2f601 cancel order
800d3267 wants 1 RISKER for 0.00211 OPEN.BTC
81a14013 cancel order
32da8073 wants 0.00762 OPEN.BTC for 3 RISKER
e8b4962b cancel order
94b8f4a1 wants 1 RISKER for 0.0021 OPEN.BTC
ac60af91 wants 0.00769 OPEN.BTC for 3.32 RISKER
virtual paid 3.32 RISKER for 0.00769 OPEN.BTC
a048c7d7 cancel order
e7f3df02 wants 4,572 BTS for 0.0412 OPEN.BTC
996be6bf cancel order
4a8499f8 wants 4,624 BTS for 0.0412 OPEN.BTC
7a0f0a5f wants 4,050 BTS for 10 RISKER
e5eaee12 wants 2.13 RISKER for 578 BTS
5daed762 paid 578 BTS for 2.13 RISKER
046c5043 wants 10 RISKER for 2,710 BTS
cd17d049 paid 1,546 BTS for 5.7 RISKER
3717411e paid 5.83 BTS for 0.0215 RISKER
306edcfa paid 1,158 BTS for 4.27 RISKER
580e0381 wants 1 RISKER for 271 BTS
c0163c59 paid 5.53 BTS for 0.0204 RISKER
1580980d paid 265.5 BTS for 0.98 RISKER
69765ae1 paid 1.647 RISKER for 0.0039 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 2.36 RISKER for 0.00571 OPEN.BTC
3c9cf189 paid 3.78 RISKER for 1,344 BTS
c7a87278 paid 2.224 RISKER for 0.00526 OPEN.BTC
5b7082a2 paid 6.22 RISKER for 2,215 BTS
90d24715 paid 8.5 RISKER for 0.0201 OPEN.BTC
c2f16828 paid 2.57 RISKER for 0.00608 OPEN.BTC
e0b6ff7f wants 3,559 BTS for 10 RISKER
c9ce8dc3 wants 0.02927 OPEN.BTC for 12.37 RISKER
bb969219 paid 10 RISKER for 0.0231 OPEN.BTC
e407c90b wants 0.0231 OPEN.BTC for 10 RISKER
64d0361f paid 1.93 RISKER for 0.00457 OPEN.BTC
c1e867c6 paid 0.499 RISKER for 0.00118 OPEN.BTC
a510d106 wants 1.05 OPEN.ETH for 7 RISKER
c4486e3c cancel order
ce969fd8 wants 0.0022 OPEN.BTC for 1 RISKER
640b15a8 cancel order
b9cad5fb wants 0.0023 OPEN.BTC for 1 RISKER
7ff69d0a cancel order
2b0ec6bf wants 0.00234 OPEN.BTC for 1 RISKER
5a8b54d2 cancel order
1de10190 wants 0.00235 OPEN.BTC for 1 RISKER
d8fd1ecc wants 0.01182 OPEN.BTC for 5 RISKER
9c7a28fb cancel order
684cadfd wants 0.00473 OPEN.BTC for 2 RISKER
8d6f1b9b cancel order
6d96e137 wants 3 RISKER for 0.00501 OPEN.BTC
6df75383 cancel order
a53cb21e wants 2 RISKER for 0.00332 OPEN.BTC