立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight3.88 BTS
Lifetime fees paid18.4 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 8.7 0
BIKERCOIN 2,500 2,500
ARISTO 0.01 0
QVANTUM 0.12 0
TURION 0.1 0
DNXTO 0 2,470
virtual cancel order
541a799c paid 2,470 DNXTO for 4.82 BTS
01e2ce02 paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 1.99 BTS
61b49c90 wants 1.99 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
1d555a24 sent 496 BTS to
1d7978a2 sent 29,500 BTS to
c7002ff0 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
a29a971d sent 0.001 SWIFTCOIN to
adc6fa50 sent 17,500 BTS to
f605ecfc sent 5,000 BTS to
c031ccaa wants 8.18 BTS for 0.000377 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000377 OPEN.BTC for 8.18 BTS
4644121c sent 3,000 BTS to
516f63c2 sent 2,000 BTS to
6e8238d5 sent 1,999 BTS to
4b5bdf69 sent 1,458 BTS to
0a1f8e9d paid 9 BTS for 0.000378 OPEN.BTC
848b5a58 wants 0.000378 OPEN.BTC for 9 BTS
c1de60c5 sent 7,980 BTS to
2e2c7ebf sent 2,499 BTS to
b3adf898 sent 1,100 BTS to
92fd5fe9 sent 400 BTS to
4b3b56f6 sent 1,000 BTS to
919e0594 sent 999 BTS to
3f569717 sent 1,000 BTS to
eea89294 sent 2,000 BTS to
d29e4311 sent 2,000 BTS to
fb06db9d paid 30 DNXTO for 0.0585 BTS
58ea192e sent 999 BTS to
dbbab517 sent 1,000 BTS to
2b5d5c2e sent 1,000 BTS to
8aafdfd3 wants 4.88 BTS for 2,500 DNXTO
335dbad6 wants 476 BTS for 2,500 BIKERCOIN
1c9dd686 sent 1,000 BTS to
7a45e25f sent 299 BTS to
5258a1f9 sent 693 BTS to
58da4a5c sent 990 BTS to
36cb1466 sent 618 BTS to
0117cf75 sent 15,000 BTS to
85eb6d24 sent 11,000 BTS to
a755b15e sent 16,000 BTS to
1009277f sent 7,790 BTS to
4aa6551a sent 10,000 BTS to
3eedcef6 sent 9,000 BTS to
12cb62fd sent 12,000 BTS to
c3c3fecf sent 10,000 BTS to
0f26c48d sent 3,500 BTS to
b694956c sent 3,000 BTS to
d3176e65 sent 910 BTS to
4b009b14 sent 587 BTS to
eeb5501b update account/votes
7e64e455 sent 4,972 BTS to
18710f1d sent 9,130 BTS to
a7916681 sent 5,470 BTS to
30867ff5 sent 5,482 BTS to
b854390c wants 3.134 BTS for 0.0847 OPEN.LISK
virtual paid 0.0847 OPEN.LISK for 3.134 BTS