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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.97 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.1373 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2.97
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00465
2c8e798c wants 0.0000626 BRIDGE.BTC for 184 BRIDGE.CREA
virtual paid 184 BRIDGE.CREA for 0.0000626 BRIDGE.BTC
451109a5 issue 29.3 BRIDGE.CREA to
c478ec18 issue 58 BRIDGE.CREA to
4f3cad7f issue 54.3 BRIDGE.CREA to
ef1dde2b issue 43.3 BRIDGE.CREA to
525b42b5 wants 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,426 BRIDGE.CREA
virtual paid 1,426 BRIDGE.CREA for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
846ec0d3 cancel order
8cb4e255 wants 0.0039 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,360 BRIDGE.CREA
f0c047da wants 0.000954 BRIDGE.BTC for 328 BRIDGE.CREA
virtual paid 328 BRIDGE.CREA for 0.000955 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a975c297 cancel order
58302a8a wants 0.00193 BRIDGE.BTC for 328 BRIDGE.CREA
56014f5c cancel order
e7528ec9 paid 0.0000324 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.925 BTS
f46c7356 wants 0.001955 BRIDGE.BTC for 328 BRIDGE.CREA
78f534ad wants 3 BTS for 0.0000333 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000083 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0749 BTS
3f454f05 cancel order
1751016c wants 0.0002255 BRIDGE.BTC for 63 BRIDGE.CREA
660b12ea wants 0.000337 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
virtual paid 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC for 0.000337 BRIDGE.BTC
68d37af3 cancel order
bc67d59d wants 0.00063 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
c1c97295 cancel order
6ec2eb84 wants 0.000653 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
955344ab cancel order
da4e61b6 wants 0.000654 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
d26183d0 cancel order
404b1254 wants 0.000649 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
bb03e77a cancel order
bb4af79a wants 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
7bedcd45 cancel order
60819103 wants 0.000661 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
3541ae66 cancel order
ef6d8eb0 wants 0.000633 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
e1723807 cancel order
3c22cc96 wants 0.000633 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
c2f9e64a cancel order
a7ec37f9 wants 0.000633 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.9 BRIDGE.BTXC
7f10212e paid 0.000621 BRIDGE.BTC for 15 BRIDGE.BTXC
a05851af wants 15 BRIDGE.BTXC for 0.000621 BRIDGE.BTC
00b47e18 cancel order
d17334d4 wants 20 BRIDGE.BTXC for 0.000698 BRIDGE.BTC
731a75db cancel order
fd9632c6 wants 7 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.000666 BRIDGE.BTC
7758d5b5 cancel order
d87a99ba wants 100 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.000743 BRIDGE.BTC
f048d7be cancel orders (2)
730093f3 wants 50 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.000371 BRIDGE.BTC
dd105324 wants 50 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.000371 BRIDGE.BTC
93dd8021 paid 8.8 BRIDGE.ENCO for 0.000544 BRIDGE.BTC
e68d27d3 wants 0.000544 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.8 BRIDGE.ENCO
c2a092ac paid 0.1 BRIDGE.ENCO for 0.00000531 BRIDGE.BTC
dd217f53 wants 0.00000531 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1 BRIDGE.ENCO
08f2f6b4 wants 0.0000053 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1 BRIDGE.ENCO
virtual paid 0.1 BRIDGE.ENCO for 0.0000053 BRIDGE.BTC
4ce72e59 cancel order
bba253da wants 0.000522 BRIDGE.BTC for 9 BRIDGE.ENCO
61623ae9 cancel order
771e84d1 wants 0.000522 BRIDGE.BTC for 9 BRIDGE.ENCO
f026276b wants 0.000202 BRIDGE.BTC for 121 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 121 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.000202 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
73f4a9ea cancel order
84445ddc wants 0.00023 BRIDGE.BTC for 121 BRIDGE.AZART